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Author Topic: More subforums  (Read 3542 times)
Level 0

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« on: January 23, 2017, 02:37:04 PM »

So, excuse me if I suggest something stupid because I'm relatively new and a latecomer to the scene, but I couldn't help but notice that these forums are huge, and particularly the Townhall section I think it could use some air to breathe.

So what I would propose is the following: right now, every release post about anything goes to Townhall. What could be done is splitting this section into multiple subforums depending on the type of release, e.g. Steam, Mobile, Betas, Kickstarters, etc, like so for example:

-- Releases
---- Works In Progress (For presentation of games that are not done and have no releases yet)
---- Alphas & Betas (For games that have a development version out for public, but still in development)
---- Steam Greenlight (For games and devs seeking to get through the Greenlight process looking to present)
---- Steam Store / PC (For final game releases on Steam et al)
---- Mobile Apps (For final mobile apps up on their respective app store)
---- Kickstarter & Crowdfunding (For games in development seeking funds)

This would accomplish several things: new developers joining TIGForums would know very quickly where to post (since the subforums are self-explanatory), existing members would have an easier time finding new releases they like, people looking to fund indie projects would know where to look, press representatives would know where to look depending on what they cover, etc.

Thoughts? Bad idea? Again I'm a newcomer so perhaps what I'm saying doesn't make much sense, just dumping my thoughts.
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