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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsI Am Overburdened - Released [Steam & itch.io]
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Author Topic: I Am Overburdened - Released [Steam & itch.io]  (Read 24893 times)
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« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2019, 03:26:37 PM »

Hello everyone!

This entry will be a bit more personal and full of rambling about game development in real life and how come making a tiny bug-fix update for a game takes a whole month. Stay awhile, because if you can put up with my whining, you are going to read some real advice Wink

The unexpected

Around a month ago severe cartilage damage and bone wear (arthrosis) was diagnosed in my right wrist-bone(s). This is a permanent change. One that quite possibly will heavily affect my future Sad

I always had problems with my hand, we could call it chronic pain I guess, but it never was so frequent or so drastic that I thought something could be really wrong...
In middle school, I thought it must be my hobbies. A lot of Diablo Smiley and other games plus art (both classical and digital).
In university, I thought it must be my studies. My hobbies stayed with me and I started programming multiple hours daily.
As an employed programmer, software became my full-time job and I thought it must be my life-style. I started pouring hours after work into game development and art daily because I really wanted to make games, not just business software.

Probably you are rolling your eyes by now, that I must be crazy for not taking care of myself, but I'm pretty sure if you are reading this you may have a similar history and of course I always did everything I could to heal. I always took sufficient rest, sometimes totally stopping these activities for a few days taking medicinal products to recover, plus in the last few years, I used various supporters to help my hands during work.
I never experienced wild long-lasting pains.

Except for 5 weeks ago.

I heard it called pianist disease by a Doc and it is fairly common amongst musicians, artists, programmers, essentially anyone using their fingers and wrists excessively for work.

I've been doing physiotherapy and taking medication during the last month besides keeping my hand in a splint and barely using it at all. It is better now. I only experience pain if I disobey the "try not to use your right hand!" rule Tongue
Doctors told me that the pain will become manageable, but surgery seems to be necessary if I want to use it again for work...

Yep, you guessed it well. Even though I'm right-handed (was?) and relatively fast at typing (was!) writing this entry took me a while because I used my left hand only. That is how a tiny bug-fix update takes a month Giggle

Now onto the advice part:
Life will throw unexpected things at you. Even if you are at a point where everything seems to click and nothing can stop you, I'm pretty sure there is something that can. Take care of yourself and if you happen to experience similar things consult with a doctor to see if you can prevent bigger problems down the line.

The update

Since players discovered some glaring issues lately and I just managed to repair a few long-standing problems, I decided to put out a build with important fixes in it ASAP as version 1.2.4.

Not saved

Sadly the path was not "ensured" (existence of directories) in all cases when saving the game. I estimate, that this could affect quite a few people, but not many reported it so far on any of the channels for the game. I hope this means it worked for most people and not many run into it :S

If you did lose a save I'm really sorry. Please accept my apology and know that now it is fixed and works as intended.

Hallucinated boss

Some items in the game are totally insane and their combinations, well let just say they can lead to weird outcomes Tongue
One of these is the "Carnival Mask" which can turn monsters into hallucinations. It cannot be triggered on the boss level, as there are no other monsters around the boss itself. Except when you have an item on you which can summon monsters in certain situations. Mix in some chemical X and bang! The boss can easily turn into a hallucination, preventing the player from completing the run. Funny thing is that I already had a configuration coded for items to optionally disable them against certain enemy types (e.g.: the boss), but I probably thought this could not happen.


Due to the underlying technology I used the game could not support left-handed mouse usage (left and right buttons switched in the operating system). I swapped out parts of the tech and fixed this problem. As you can guess I only realized the existence of the issue when I myself started using my mouse in this mode Undecided
To all the left-handed people in the world who would have loved playing I Am Overburdened with a mouse: I'm sorry for not realizing this before!

Focus on what you are doing!

There were some reports about the game occasionally capturing mouse input even if its window is not in focus. I tried fixing this before, but I never had the complete picture about what is going wrong. I'm still not sure if it is fully fixed, but I could reproduce a case when it occurred and with the input tech change, I could correct this problem too.

Special thanks to all the community members who reported and helped in the diagnostics of these issues.

Is this the end?!

This slowed me to a crawl (no pun intended), but there is no way I'm stopping game development Smiley
I just wasn't prepared for it. Neither physically nor mentally. It will take some time getting used to it, but my left-hand dexterity is getting better each day and hopefully, surgery will further improve the state of things later on.
It is uncertain now how long it will take, but I will follow through my plans and deliver the content expansion pack for I Am Overburdened.

Thank you very much for reading my post and for all your support.
Take care!

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« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2019, 02:02:52 PM »

Hi everyone!

Here comes a not so spectacular, but hopefully funny update for I Am Overburdened. As the name suggest version 1.2.5. is way more swift than the previous one, plus it is equipped with a nasty new trick to terrorize artifact hunters Wink

Hallucination 2.0

Please welcome "positive" hallucinations. Previously when you accidentally drank poison or a venomous creature attacked you, monster phantasms (non-existent hallucinated creatures) would be placed randomly on the following dungeon level.

This feature always felt fun, but a bit insignificant. Its impact was quite low because if you played a lot you could figure out in many cases which of the monsters are hallucinated and you never feared extra monsters when in a good shape (health and loot wise).

Now other entities (chests, pickup, etc...) can be hallucinated and their placements are influenced by the level templates and the dungeon generator. The new version is way more effective, a.k.a. confusing Giggle

If you have an existing save-game no worries. The new save files may be a tiny bit bigger (due to the more complex hallucinations), but the game is backward compatible.

Inventory triviality

A tiny ease of use feature. Now when opening your inventory while standing next to an item or opened chest the relevant item slot will be focused. The slot of the last picked up item still has priority though!


I keep saying that I Am Overburdened runs on a toaster, but what does this mean and is it really true? Well, for the most part, it IS true. I have a 10+ years old laptop on which I test the game from time to time (1st gen 1.5Ghz Atom CPU, 1Gb RAM Shocked for real) and the game is able to run at 60 fps (not that it matters a lot with a turn-based game Giggle but still). My work desktop is also quite modest so a performance mistake surfaces easily. The more taxing parts where the real problems lie are switching between screens and launching the game.

Checking loot

Sadly the inventory screen had a blatantly unoptimized implementation. Opening it could cause almost a second long halt on my older machine. It was still my original prototype implementation. Silly me, sorry for the inconvenience. I simplified the layout data of the screen, remade the loading algorithm and voila. Now it can load within the same frame of the press/click even on a simple computer.

A bit slowed down recording of opening the inventory in the old and the new version for comparison.

Parts of these changes got into the previous version so you may have experienced the speedup to an extent already.


So on the before mentioned toaster, it took 5+ seconds to show the title screen after launching the game. This was mainly due to pre-loading almost all the assets and saved data so that handling the content while the game is running can be simple. I postponed tiny parts of this, but the logic largely stayed the same and instead I choose to simplify the majority of the game data to speed-up load times. Still not lightning fast, but I measured a hefty 40-50% win which is really nice Smiley

Tech talk

So doing some optimizations is definitely a nice thing for the game, but the readers probably won't die from excitement after skimming through these paragraphs Giggle
To spice up the entry a little I'm going into some of the details. Warning, technobabble ahead!

Starting out optimizing?

Easy: measure, measure and measure. Don't dive in changing around stuff like a madman since you could easily try to optimize algorithms which don't really take much time or you could introduce massive changes without big wins. Once you have the answer to "what specifically needs to be optimized" and "what can actually be optimized (preferably with the least effort)" questions you are officially ready to make a mess out of those parts of your code-base Wink
After you change something guess what? You measure some more to make sure your experiments do make things faster...

Skeletons in the closet

I mentioned a lot of data and loading related changes. Simply because reading meta-data took the most time (descriptions of items/monsters/pickups/chests/skills/effects + screen layouts and settings). I knew instantly I could easily optimize these with big wins, because I'm a lazy programmer Smiley What that means is I often use simple, generalized tools (usually built-in or third-party and throwaway solutions) for many things to save development time, but these tend to be quite slow (like XML and reflection...).

var monsterDescriptions = xmlSerializer.Deserialize<MonsterDescription[]>(file);
Yes, it really is this simple to load stuff if you are lazy Wink

Before someone attacks me for my choice, I'm not advocating this approach. It does usually work out, but I know that these shortcuts can bite you later on.

Back to optimizing

So switching to a format which is easier to parse and still not hard to work with. My solution: CSV
It eliminates redundant data, tooling support is quite good (excel, google docs, etc...), it is still text-based and super-duper simple to load.

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
The old XML version of a special effect for a skill.

The CSV version of the same effect (the header/meta-info is not repeated for each entry as opposed to XML).

My first tests showed a whopping 75-80% load time decrease with some types so I went full steam ahead with converting the data and the loading routines to CSV.

I know there are actual wars fought over XML versus JSON versus YAML versus INI/TOML etc... with a lot of casualties already Giggle , but before I get some glaring looks for my idiotism for originally using XML over JSON as an example think again! With JSON/YAML/... you still have a ton of redundant data (the property names are duplicated for each object the same way as with XML) and you are probably still using reflection (which is a huge factor in speed) whereas with manual loading and a simple format like CSV you do get 0 redundancy and can easily implement parsing without any runtime type information.

EffectDescription ReadEffectDescription(CSVLineReader lineReader)
// each Read* call jumps to the next cell in the CSV line
var effectDescription = new EffectDescription();
effectDescription.Name = lineReader.ReadString();
effectDescription.EaseInSeconds = lineReader.ReadSingle();
effectDescription.EaseOutSeconds = lineReader.ReadSingle();
effectDescription.Sprite = lineReader.ReadString();
effectDescription.MaxTransparency = lineReader.ReadSingle(effectDescription.MaxTransparency);
effectDescription.AllowFlip = lineReader.ReadBoolean(effectDescription.AllowFlip);
var chained = lineReader.ReadString();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chained))
effectDescription.Chained = chained;
effectDescription.Layer = lineReader.ReadEnum<EffectLayer>(EffectLayer.Spell);
return effectDescription;
Reading the effect shown before using a simple manual (non-reflective) CSV reader construct.

With converting a huge chunk of the data I saved some disk space too. From 62727 (XML) to 11930 (CSV) bytes which is almost an 81% reduction in size Shocked

Tips time!

Spidi, this all sounds nice but what if I have complex composite data (vectors, colors, arrays) or nested data (dictionaries, trees). Most of these problems can be addressed:
  • Vectors/colors turn into multiple columns (position.x, position.y, colortint.r, colortint.g etc...), or you can turn them into single-cell string "scalar" value: 123;456 (x;y ';' character used as separator), 0xFF0000FF (color red as hex RGBA) etc...
  • Arrays/lists are a bit trickier, but if you have relatively small collections (only a few entries) you can use the same approach as with vectors: 0;1;2;3 (';' character used as the entry separator).
  • Dictionaries? No problem! The first column can be a "Key" column if it can be expressed as a scalar. Done.
  • Trees with parent and child relations? No problem! The first column can be the "Id" column to identify elements and the second is the "Parent" which has the id of the parent element. This way you just need to look out for ordering or you build the tree as a "post-load" step.

If all else fails?

Then you either stick to your exiting format if optimizing it is not an absolute must or you look for a different representation (e.g.: binary) if it has to be faster. To give an example for both cases the save-games in I Am Overburdened had a hand-rolled binary format from the get-go, but I "had to" stick to XML for the item database.

In the latter case, I did not want to lose the ease of editing of items (a lot of work goes into tweaking them) plus the skill data structure is super complicated. I did manage to throw out reflection and use a hand-rolled parsing method though...
Oh my goodness, but parsing XML/JSON/YAML/... by hand is utterly disgusting isn't it? Well, there are patterns to make it pretty simple:

// XmlPacker structure, PackUnpack methods implementing read & write for each primitive
string PackUnpack(string name, string value)
if (this.IsReading)
// Checks whether a property read has to be performed
// and if the name matches the node
if (ShouldRead(name))
return this.Reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
else if (this.IsWriting)
return value;

// Item class
void PackUnpackPropertiesXml(ref XmlPacker packer)
this.Name = packer.PackUnpack("Name", this.Name);
this.Type = packer.PackUnpackEnum("Type", this.Type);
this.Sprite = packer.PackUnpack("Sprite", this.Sprite);
this.Sound = packer.PackUnpack("Sound", this.Sound);
this.Level = packer.PackUnpack("Level", this.Level);
// other properties ...

// When reading "PackUnpackPropertiesXml" is run in a loop for all child nodes

This is called the pup or pack-unpack pattern (at least that is how I know it) and it helps immensely. The actual property parsing code becomes really simple and you will get both a reader and a writer method automatically only by making this one method for a type.


Yep, these are relatively major changes for extra performance so besides measuring your results you should definitely evaluate whether the data loaded from the new format matches exactly the old version!

Some tips on how to do this efficiently if you have the old loading methods and the new one is already implemented:
  • Equals: implement an equality check for the given type and evaluate with it whether the data loaded from the old format matches the data loaded from the new format.
  • Write: implement a write (save) method for the given type in an arbitrary expansive format and save both the data loaded from the old format and the data loaded from the new format. Now compare the saved data.
  • Assert: generate a bunch of unit tests from the original data. You can execute these asserts on the data loaded from the old format (to make sure code generation worked as intended) and then on the data loaded from the new format. This is my favorite by the way.

Was it all worth it for faster startup and inventory opening? Yes, absolutely! Besides improving the user experience, I always had plans of porting the game to mobile platforms. In the last few months with all the optimizations I've done I believe it is going run flawlessly without sucking the batteries dry Wink


My hand is only a tiny bit better, but at least it is not killing me nowadays. I'm slowly and carefully working towards finishing the expansion for I Am Overburdened. Sorry for not sharing new details about it with this entry. To make up for it I'm going to post images and gifs showcasing some of the new monsters and items with the following update Wink For next time I'm planning to release another tiny graphical enhancement.

Thanks for reading my post and much love for your support.
Stay tuned!

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« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2019, 04:28:03 AM »

Hello there!

Time for one last small update before I go into full promotion mode regarding the new I Am Overburdened expansion pack Wink


The new 1.2.6. version is more of a refinement over the existing stuff, but it packs a lovely change which I hope receives a warm welcome.

Screen transition

I've been fighting with level change for a long while to make it look good and readable. I always wanted to help the player instantly recognize where Joey is when entering a new dungeon floor. Finally what I have now feels really good Smiley

I should have looked into cartoons for inspiration long ago.


While testing the new content I made for the expansion I've stumbled into a few issues Sad

A huge error found its way into the game code with the previous update. Wearing the "Wizard Hat" item could cause a crash in certain cases upon reaching a dungeon level with a number of hallucinations in it. Now it's fixed!
Please accept my apology if any of your runs came to an unexpected end due to this mistake. I'm really sorry.

As you can see on this gif some item combinations could mess up the boss fight scene. Not a major problem, but it looked pretty weird.

Bad karma (balance)

I constantly tweak difficulty related things with each update and this one is no exception. With luck and a few right choices early on you could become too overpowered and I tried to address this "problem". Now the game tries to push back a little if you are shredding everything in your path with ease. It isn't drastic but affects your luck and the pickup and chest spawn rates a bit.

The second half of the gameplay was affected mostly so the change focuses on later dungeon levels as well.


The time has come to start showing some real footage from the expansion pack!
The first official reveal is one (or two in this case?) of the new enemies: the Ooze.
You can expect the same level of functional diversity. All new beasts are going to have their own special "thing" Wink

The expansion will focus on replay value first and foremost and will NOT extend the story. The new monsters will be introduced as part of the existing dungeons as "variants" at certain sections, randomly selected for each run. That is why the Ooze is encountered in the caves.

I made good progress in the last month and it looks like I'm only going to release one more update before I complete the enhanced edition of the game. This also means I'm going to reveal a lot more details about the new stuff in the next few weeks!


When I posted about the condition of my hand, I got a lot of suggestions for what to upgrade on my desk. My right got a tad bit better lately (I'm able to use it as "support"), so I decided to buy and try out some ergonomics stuff.

The first thing I tried is a vertical mouse and I have to say I'm really impressed so far. It does feel way more comfortable to use than a conventional one and I got the hang of it almost right away. So if you are using your wrists/hands (and a mouse) extensively for work or your hobbies (art, music, design etc...) do yourself a favor and get one.

Since I was shopping I also got a new mug with my favorite comic book characters Smiley

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and thank you very much for your support.
Take care!

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« Reply #63 on: November 23, 2019, 11:40:56 AM »

Hi there!

Been pretty much out of touch with the online world in the last few weeks. So I guess it is time to break the silence with an I Am Overburdened update and some news about the expansion Smiley ?!

The update

Showcasing version 1.2.7. will be short as it is a refinement build. Nothing spectacular, just a bunch of fixes and tunings.

DPI/mouse issue bug-fix

There was a problem limiting the mouse movement which occurred on non-default DPI settings and/or high desktop resolutions. Now it is fixed and there is no need for using the workaround posted on the community forums of the game.

Book of monsters enhancements

To fix the confusion around the monster unlocks I've added progress visualization. You just have to kill a single monster from a given kind and then you can check how much more of it you have to fight to successfully open detailed information about them. As a tiny addition mouse-wheel scrolling is also supported in the book (forgot to add it in the last update).

Treasury and stash upgrades

To make the item selection more streamlined in treasury mode I moved the "Random artifact" option to the first slot and implemented in-game inventory highlights based on the currently focused item. It works the same way as with other pickups (e.g.: in the shop).

Repositioned the random stash item selection too mainly for consistency.

The expansion pack

It's almost at the finish line, but not properly baked yet. Let see what it already brings to the table!

Warning, spoilers ahead...

New boss fights

The original boss fight feels underwhelming to me mechanically. I like how the story, the characters, and the outcomes turned out, but the fight itself is a bit lame. More like a randomized stronger special enemy and less like a boss Undecided
I decided to introduce 3 new completely different scenarios, to keep you on your toes while battling the Buzzard wizard.

As you can imagine the new fights will not only make the conclusion of a run more varied, but new strategies will be possible and the value of many existing items will be altered.

New artifacts

More than a dozen new items will find their way into the expanded version. I haven't settled on the final number yet, but at the moment it is close to 140 artifacts total Shocked ! They will introduce new skills and allow way different strategies especially on the early levels (e.g.: stash choices) and in the end game (e.g.: boss fights).

Another goal with the new set is to introduce more synergies and heavier focus on "neglected" attributes (vitality and defense) too.

New monsters

All the 5 new creatures planed for the update pack are ready to be released. They will work as "variations" of certain enemies. Kind of like mobs in many other dungeon crawlers. In some runs you may encounter the "Leach", in others, you will have to fight the new "Ooze" in the sewers instead. Of course, you'll be able to unlock info about these variants the same way.
This system besides making the existing game more varied will be the foundation for adding even more monsters in the future Wink

New features

These changes are still a bit WIP and subject to change, but they are now in a shape where I can reveal them:
  • Attribute redesign! "Defense" will get a bigger boost and both "Vitality" and "Speed" will receive a little reinforcement.
  • The help menus will get more detailed information on certain topics (attributes & pickups).
  • A new game mode affecting pickups is under development.
  • Enhancements on the unlocks and statistics front.
  • Re-balancing some of the existing items and obviously the boss battle(s).
  • + A big secret I'm keeping to myself until release Tongue

The release?

All that is left is the when and how!
I really wanted to let this package loose this year as a Christmas present latest, but I'm not 100% sure I can do it. Will try my best and in the worst case, it will be an early new year's gift Smiley
I settled on the pricing though. Essentially it will be a free DLC. But! I'm going to charge more for the game once it is out in the wild. Only raising it by a few bucks, since charging 10$ for it would not be reasonable.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post and thanks for your continued support.
Stay tuned!

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« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2019, 05:33:57 PM »

No big updates this time, but I wanted to post an entry to wish everyone happy holidays, a fun-filled winter and most importantly an awesome new year Smiley
Plus I'm sharing some info nuggets about the upcoming update.


Progress is steady on the development of the expansion pack. I've finalized all the new items (+17, totaling at 139) and I'm really proud of the results. Many became pretty extreme Giggle Hopefully, with their inclusion, fresh strategies will emerge.

Flying to safety

Knocking back your enemies

Combusting your surroundings


In the meantime, I Am Overburdened has joined the winter sale Wink

It can be bought at a historically low price with a 60% discount for only $1.99 (may vary based on region, base price is $4.99).

Buy it now at Steam or itch.io:


Thanks for reading my post and for your support.
Take care and again have a wonderful holiday!

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« Reply #65 on: February 14, 2022, 02:31:32 AM »

A trail of broken dreams.

Hello there!

Not much news on my front, but I'm doing game development (at least some, sort-of) and I'm still alive Smiley

Where have you been?

I disappeared for a looong time from the online world and from I Am Overburdened development. I really wanted to continue releasing updates for the game, but I wasn't in a good place and my circumstances did not allow it. I hope you can understand and forgive the prolonged silence.

Where are you going to?

Not a Blue Cafe specifically, but I wish to finish my plans. I wasn't putting in many hours, but progress did happen bit by bit on the I Am Overburdened content update. I'm excited to return to it. I don't know if I'll be releasing it piece by piece or as a big package, but you can come with me if you are still interested in this journey Wink

I want to know what is new!

Hold your horses (and your enthusiasm) just yet. This is a tiny update. Kind of a "first step" for me as well towards the release of the long-awaited expansion.

New dungeon templates

5 new assets were added for allowing the map generator to create even more varied levels. The game launched with 20, now reaching 40 with this update. These new ones were carefully balanced to fit into the difficulty range of the existing game well.

Level balance fixes

Many of the existing levels had balance "bugs". The underlying dungeon templates allowed the generator to create too easy setups, or just the opposite, quite grueling ones with too big of a chance. On a few levels you easily had to fight 3 or 4 enemies to open the way to the stairs, but sometimes 0 were put in your path.

9 dungeons from the existing ones were retouched to make these less frequent and/or less extreme.

An achievement hint

I remembered that the "Van Helsing" achievement left some players confused or puzzled about the last monster. Now a small hint appears if you unlocked all the other monsters and met the one you are supposed to unlock, to "nudge" you in the right direction.

Miles of endless roads

Yep, that is it and indeed it is not much. Regardless for me, it feels like a lot, since it means I still have the drive to release updates for this lovely project and hopefully the expansion pack will materialize.

To keep my momentum up and to not leave you waiting indefinitely again, I'm planning to write another post in about a week or so. Sort of like a follow-up to detail how and when this eluding expansion can happen.
Maybe it will be accompanied by another tiny update too Wink

Thanks for your relentless interest.
I really appreciated all your inquiries and kind words even if and when I had no strength in me to show it to you in any form!
Take care, talk to you soon.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 11:14:00 AM by Spidi » Logged

nathy after dark
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« Reply #66 on: February 17, 2022, 01:13:51 PM »

So cool that you're still working on it!

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« Reply #67 on: February 22, 2022, 07:48:48 AM »

So cool that you're still working on it!
Thank you nathy Smiley
The game dev dream never dies am I right Wink

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« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2022, 12:23:29 PM »

Two steps forward, one step back.

Hi everyone!

As the title suggests progress has been made, but I took a really bumpy road to get here. I'm done with a new update, but even though I mentioned around two weeks multiple times, it took more than a month :/

Big-ish? Or lots of small-ish?

I wanted to release some of the new goodies of the planned expansion pack without spoiling the new content. Just new functionality. For this to happen I had to make a version of the game which is halfway between my current development build and the existing released builds, which took way more time than I originally expected. Silly me. Regardless of not featuring new content, it does bring lots of convenience features and quality of life changes Wink

Teleport to target

There's a new mouse control mode in town: teleport!
If you play the game a lot and dislike waiting for the movement animations this will speed it up to be *instantaneous.

Path-finding is still the default option for mouse controls, but you can change your settings within the "Options" menu under the "Mouse" sub-menu using the "Control" entry.

* Only the tile-to-tile movement is changed to be lightning fast. Picking up stuff, fighting battles, or opening chests still animate the same way for the sake of clarity.


The game has been localized to Polish ( )! I'm hoping I Am Overburdened will be enjoyed by more players in Poland thanks to this. Ahoy from Hungary my dear friends Smiley

Special thanks to Daniel Oskar Moroz (MorDan) for his awesome work!

This build also includes a bunch of localization text fixes. Typos corrected, a few things renamed, some sentences re-worded, and such in multiple languages.

I would love to add even more supported languages, but at the moment the translation of the updated content is still ongoing. New translations will probably not happen in the near future. I did add support for non-Latin characters/languages (e.g.: Cyrillic or CJK) though, so strides have been made in this direction.

Where credit is due

The game officially supports 8 languages already. For this to happen many people contributed and I wanted to honor their work more appropriately. Previously only the translators of the currently selected language were shown in the credits menu, but now there's a menu entry to cycle through the names of everyone who worked on the texts of the game.

Nightmare and Treasury confusion

There was a "discrepancy" between the Main Menu and the Inn area in the way the Treasury game variant and the Nightmare difficulty can be accessed. In the Inn, the Nightmare difficulty (goat-skull statue) worked as a difficulty toggle and the Treasury mode was a special trapdoor.

Personally, I liked the functionality of the Main Menu much better and it made more sense (to me at least). Nightmare being a different more vicious dungeon and Treasury is simply a game alteration toggle (like the Elite variant or the Stash items).

Now the Inn matches the Main Menu. There's a separate trapdoor for Nightmare difficulty and a toggle (golden lock) for the Treasury variant.

Only fools seek their own destruction

From now on Nightmare difficulty can be unlocked and accessed immediately (without completing a dungeon on Normal first). A present for those who are feeling a bit overconfident Tongue

Quality of life

Quite a few menu changes and fixes found their way into the game with this update.

I re-organized the Help menu screens to (better) describe all the inn entities.

For multiple menu entries, "page-turner" widgets were added for enhancing mouse support. These include the "Language" entry of the Options menu, the "Window" and "Scaling" entries within the Graphics menu, and the "Control" entry in the Mouse menu.

Multiple mouse right-click handling and mouse movement focus handling bugs were fixed (Start and Controls screens).

Is it over?

The change list for this update is, but the work on the big content patch is not yet. I know this must be tiring Sad but it is really, really close though. In fact, I'm so close to finishing it, that I don't plan to publish more tiny updates beforehand.

It looks like the next one will be the one and only long-awaited expansion pack which I'm dubbing "The Encumbered Edition" Smiley

I still don't want to pick a date since I'm super bad with deadlines ( as you can see Giggle ), but I want to give some structure to its release. I will start preparing and posting more info (+screenshots and gifs) about it in the following days.

Stay tuned and take care!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 06:51:35 AM by Spidi » Logged

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« Reply #69 on: April 22, 2022, 09:43:43 AM »

Hello there!

Hot-fix time. Sadly version 1.2.9. contained some "glitches" Sad

Bugs everywhere

First and foremost please accept my apology for the bugs that I left in the game. Multiple discussions were started and you reached out to me with detailed descriptions and useful reproduction steps. I'm really thankful for having such an understanding and helping community. You are awesome!

Besides delivering the fixes I will do my best to minimize the occurrence of issues of any caliber in future updates.
That is a promise Wink

Nightmare retry

A glaring issue. I'm really sorry about it. I don't know how I could miss this. Originally (before the 1.2.9. update) when retrying or restarting the game on Nightmare difficulty, the new game would also start on Nightmare difficulty. I messed this up with the Nightmare and Treasury shuffling and changes in the Inn and it always switches back to Normal.

Now it's fixed and I wrote some new automated tests to make sure I never break this feature again!


An achievement (more specifically Nightmare achievements) related problem was described in a community discussion. I could not reproduce any related errors on my local build, but I did make changes to Nightmare and Treasury mode handling for update 1.2.9., so I decided to look into it. I haven't found any blatant mistakes, but I did put in some extra safety code changes.
Hopefully, if there was any bug in Nightmare achievements handling it is squashed now.

Teleport path-NOT-finding

The new movement mode (teleport) seems to be very well received, which makes me super happy Smiley
On the other hand, I did manage to leave a bug in this feature as well Sad

Not a show-stopper, but the path-(NOT-)finding and navigation systems do not handle broken chests correctly (the "Toolbelt" item allows you to break them).

Normally you should be able to plan your movement through the broken chests without a necessary stop.
Now it works as intended.

Next stop

Progress is slower than expected on tying up the loose ends of the expansion pack. Steady, but a bit slow. I may change my mind in the end and release another smaller update beforehand. Will get back to you with the decision soon Wink

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
Until then, take care and stay tuned!

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