Hi, i have not been on this forum much but tigsource have been on my "open these webpages when i am bored" list, so i have been checking the front page almost as much as my mail.
Now where to begin the story.
Sadly I'm very sensitive to the seasons so i get depressed and tired in winter and overflow with energy the rest of the year.
I began on this game when winter started. some days later i got sick and after that depressed enough to get medsin and counseling. I have not touched the game since that. Now that my energy is pouring back i want to try to continue. But as i left it for so long i feel that i need something extra to push me forward. So i will try posting it here to see if some community pressure will help.
Download the alpha 0.1 HEREMusic is made specially for this game by Christoffer Almersson aka Zaghurim.
The man on the start menu is also him(only a few years younger).
Almost all graphics in the game is wip
left/right: move
up: fall slower (for debug purposes)
down: use items such as doors/teleporters/signs
z: jump
x: attack
So... what do you think?
main menu
character creation