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Author Topic: antitrope  (Read 6006 times)
« on: February 19, 2017, 08:32:54 AM »

I guess I'm not very good with words. Is there a better way to describe a like-design? Besides just calling it innovative?

Another thing we could discuss is if game anatomies are important to distinguish like well, biological anatomies. Concepts that are frequent like Physics, stealth, and story are broad categories of game. Minimalism is a pop-media reference that means something less than what we could have in pretty much any medium. Like-games yield various innovation, but it is hard to distinguish which mechanics a Zelda-like (not a clone) references; was it the items, the dungeons, the map?   

The terminology does leave a gap. By now I know other people had a chance to beat me to it because I didn't have the energy to write a book on the subject or research. Was there already a word? I can change the subject title.

new new intro
When someone thinks they have a great idea but in order for it to work they need to clone all of the preexisting functionality of a game they just played and possibly some of the design, they may actually have thought of an antitrope.

Now I suppose calling something anti sounds negative but this is what I'm really thinking of when I say antitrope.

an·ti·trope (an'ti-trōp),
An organ or appendage that forms a symmetrically reversed pair with another of the same type, for example, the right and left legs of a vertebrate.
[anti- + G. tropē, a turn]

What I've been thinking of are [unused narratives that go with] mechanics that open up an option for different gameplay, without rejecting the traditional way of thinking.

other new intro
Although anti is commonly known as parody, it's important to understand opposing sides understand things need to be done differently, and hold different views for a solution. This means both sides understand the original way was close to what they wanted.

"That is why a better game is an improvement of the original, with more special effects!" - The ideas meant to be presented here take a view like this into account. If in fact, more special effects can define a game with the same mechanics, it is worth pointing out and considering.

on the other hand

"A better game is a different game." - Better could simply mean: More time consuming; A continuation of the original, eg more puzzles; A different ending for the original; An assertion that the game was of poor craftsmanship.

Concerning antitropes in the [narrative], it means the same mechanics are applied, with a different use [from a narrative with a single goal, purpose, or choice].

This topic catch phrase: "on the other hand, "

on the other hand, I don't think the game ideas thread could really appreciate these ideas.
ideas taken out of small blurbs that I never published.

[cut and moved to top]
stealth being rewarded for appearing out of nowhere, and scenarios where you can hide like a kid in clothes store.

door The anticipation/fear of not knowing what's on the other side. Gone! Adding spoilers as to what is waiting on the other side of a door by including all information.

clever (humans) imitating things, badly. It'a an old idea. That went wrong. What I meant was humans doing things they saw a few seconds ago, but this is more like a procedural narrative choice, idk if this fits as an antitrope *shrug*.

education aka Memes. Designing learning objectives with appropriate primers, social cues, and explanations. Writing a mnemonic device appropriate for shipping with video game mechanics.

This is a quote parody, but each line could be an antitrope if I'm not mistaken
See the thing about the type of game I want to design is.

It teaches you that with bunny petting comes responsibility.

A few minutes spent each day and you learn to pet a bunny responsibly.

Remember that bunny petting is a great responsibility.

You must pet your bunny, if you have a minute, and you have a bunny.
dominance subject to change

linear RPG storytelling There's a linear story going on somewhere. You had a decision. You lost the money. You lose the car, house, and bunny.
[back in reality]
This affects your character greatly, and decide to re-roll as it curses your (non-)existence. The story continues, and a cursed existence that was once (you) some foolish gambler vanishes into obscurity.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 06:31:40 PM by Pfotegeist » Logged
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 03:37:03 PM »

"My friend told me of a place where atoms attract each other for no apparent reason." - invisible alien bunny from another dimension

Gravity is a well known thing here. Usually it's the easiest mechanic in games to begin fiddling with because it's universal, and it's the first step towards platforming games. This is precisely why I'm using it as an example.

We can't change the way gravity works outside of games. To any observer a game where a human suddenly takes flight is unusual, it ignores gravity. However, to reinforce there was gravity to begin with, it is important to use that rule of an invisible force pulling down. (before rationalizing flight as magic powers)

So take it from the invisible alien's point of view. Gravity is some arbitrary nonsense that makes life more difficult for us. Gravity is an example of how arbitrary rules can define games. Without gravity things like levitation, flight, atmosphere, balloons, aren't meaningless, but there's less inherent appeal.

A definite antitrope of gravity would be any sudden alteration of force without scientifically explaining it away.

This was meant to be an easy example.
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