« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2017, 02:06:16 AM » |
Another recent Neofeud review: A Diamond Of Storytelling In The Scrap Pile
"When I play a game, I play to be compelled or immersed in some way. The game has to dig its claws in and drag me in. Walking away has to be difficult or that’s exactly what I’ll do. Neofeud grabbed me in just that way through its gripping mastery of storytelling, akin to how last I binged on episodes of Game of Thrones.
Neofeud is a point-and-click game set in a sci-fi dystopia borne of the minds of every prominent science fiction writer from the past century, from H.R. Giger to Ridley Scott. The result is a disturbing yet strangly familiar dystopian society in which social inequality is systemic, the top one percent have their own one percent, and the birth of A.I has resulted in a massive population of unemployed sentient robots. Sound interesting? We're only just dipping our toes.
Beginning by introducing the main character of the story, an ex-cop and currently social worker named Karl Carbon, the story of Neofeud quickly explodes into a story rife with psuedoscience and more twists than an M. Night Shamlyan movie. As a single conspiracy unfolds, others follow, creating a story layered so deep that by the halfway mark of Neofeud’s potential 15-hour game time I found myself questioning characters motives even more than the main character of the game itself.
Past endless conspiracies and a spiraling story, the characters of Neofeud are developed so much more than characters in nearly any other game I’ve recently played. Karl and the cast that he interacts with are human to a tee. Interactions with them are immersive and real, a necessity when a majority of the game is dialogue." Read the full review from Sprites and Dice.
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2017, 10:18:22 PM » |
Neofeud update #1 is here!Hey cyberpunks, humanoids, Neofeudal lords and ladies! Thanks for your support of Neofeud! In response to your feedback, I've fixed and patched up several of Neofeud's important issues. This latest update should smooth out and make for a better overall game experience. To try out this update beta, simply: 1.) Right click on "Neofeud" in your Steam Library. 2.) Click on "Properties". 3.) Click on the "Betas" tab. 4.) Chose to opt in to the beta in the drop-down box. I would greatly appreciate feedback on this update, so that I can ensure it improves the game for all systems and is stable. Help me make Neofeud the best game it can be! Bug Fixes - The Arcade Fight scene is now clearer, and less unnecessarily difficult and confusing. Getting away from the bar is simpler, and there's more time to handle the escape when being shot at by the SWAT behind the Kill Machine arcade game. -Fixed the bug where you would get stuck in the arm screen if you use it during fight with Talos. -Fixed bug where in the elevator (when you are with the security guards), if you click out of the elevator through the exit option, you could get stuck, and have to reload a previous save state to get out of it. -Can no longer save the game from the start menu which would overwrite your progress. -Fixed error message in High City, after 'giant spider area' 'in "room42.asc", line 326 Error:Face Character: characters are in different rooms' -Fixed issue where 'firing your big object' in the High City office at the wrong time caused problems. -Fixed issue where, while following the robot girl, if you get out of range before she appears, the game will crash trying to load two savestates at the same time -Various typos cleaned, bugs squashed, wrinkles ironed. Thanks for all of your support and help! -Silver Spook
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2017, 12:34:29 PM » |
Neofeud is just $9.90 for the next week! If you've been considering picking it up, now would be a great time! Here are some other recent reviews that have just come in on Neofeud: A Diamond Of Storytelling In The Scrap Pile "When I play a game, I play to be compelled or immersed in some way. The game has to dig its claws in and drag me in. Walking away has to be difficult or that’s exactly what I’ll do. Neofeud grabbed me in just that way through its gripping mastery of storytelling, akin to how last I binged on episodes of Game of Thrones. Neofeud is a point-and-click game set in a sci-fi dystopia borne of the minds of every prominent science fiction writer from the past century, from H.R. Giger to Ridley Scott. The result is a disturbing yet strangly familiar dystopian society in which social inequality is systemic, the top one percent have their own one percent, and the birth of A.I has resulted in a massive population of unemployed sentient robots. Sound interesting? We're only just dipping our toes. Beginning by introducing the main character of the story, an ex-cop and currently social worker named Karl Carbon, the story of Neofeud quickly explodes into a story rife with psuedoscience and more twists than an M. Night Shamlyan movie. As a single conspiracy unfolds, others follow, creating a story layered so deep that by the halfway mark of Neofeud’s potential 15-hour game time I found myself questioning characters motives even more than the main character of the game itself. Past endless conspiracies and a spiraling story, the characters of Neofeud are developed so much more than characters in nearly any other game I’ve recently played. Karl and the cast that he interacts with are human to a tee. Interactions with them are immersive and real, a necessity when a majority of the game is dialogue." Sprites And DiceNeofeud is science fiction at it’s most raw and visceral. [...] Neofeud is the debut game of native Hawaiian, Christian Miller. It’s an ambitious project, drawing on personal experience as a STEM teacher for underprivileged kids in Honolulu as well as a wide array of popular sci-fi films and books. The aesthetic is heavily skewed towards Blade Runner or The Fifth Element, while the story is reminiscent of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis and the film version of I, Robot. Players take on the role of Karl Carbon, a police officer turned social worker. I was immediately hooked by this detail. I had expected to play a character akin to Decker in Blade Runner; a sort of rogue-cop with good intentions. There are definitely cop-like qualities about Carbon, but he’s a social worker through and through. And this makes for a compelling story, and some truly heartbreaking gameplay. Drawing from personal experience, Miller has delivered us a story that is so much more than “humans vs. automations.” Carbon has cybernetic enhancements, but they’re obsolete and he can’t afford to replace them. He works with AIs and robotic entities that society has deemed “defective” and “unhireable.” He understands what it’s like to be cast aside and denied resources at every turn. Steam ShovelersNeofeud takes place in a dystopian future where faulty sentient robots and failed human hybrids form the bottom layer of society, while neofeudal lords live carefree in luxurious floating cities. The extensive storyline is very political, but also full of action and really entertaining. This game is an impressive piece of work, since it’s quite excellent on many facets. [...] This spectacular and complex story will take at least 12 hours to play through, and the writing is excellent and enjoyable. The characters are fun, the setting is really interesting so you’ll want to learn more about it, and there’s always so much happening which makes you want to continue playing to see where the story will take you next. 3rd StrikeIn addition, check out this awesome article on Silver Spook Games and Neofeud in Hawaii print publication Ka Wai Ola! This article is actually included in the Honolulu Star Advertiser, the biggest Hawaii newspaper, which is a pretty cool honor! You can see the rest of the article here: to see how I make these games? Come hang out! I livestream every Saturday around 4 PM EDT!
Level 1
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2017, 12:36:47 PM » |
congrats on getting into the paper! That's a big deal.
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2017, 04:35:25 PM » |
Thanks SchriefFighter!
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2017, 12:02:29 PM » |
Neofeud is now 25% off for the Halloween Steam Sale!
And here's another review for Neofeud: "Do Androids Dream Of A Fulfilling Future?" The path for humanity into the future is looking increasingly uncertain in 2017. Numerous events, from the financial crisis, the rise of automation, global warming to the election of a certain so-called President, brought about a strong sense that the world is not heading in a great direction.
Neofeud takes this bad path to one potentially terrifying extreme. It imagines a world where the development of artificial intelligence and increasing automation does not result in a post-scarcity economy and the establishment of fully-automated luxury communism. Instead, AIs, augmented people and robot-human hybrids become a new underclass destined for menial work, exploited to an even greater extent by the richest 1%. The elite have become so unimaginably wealthy they are literally able to construct castles in the sky, lording it over the huddled masses below. Quite pointedly, the world has regressed back to a “neofeudal” system, where indentured citizens work for minimum remuneration in the service of the landed gentry. It is into this fractured world that we are dropped in Neofeud, a new adventure game from Silver Spook Games.…/neofeud-do-androids-dream-of-a-f…/
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2017, 06:14:06 PM » |
Here's another recent review that just came in for Neofeud: Neofeud is a dystopian cyberpunk adventure that needs to be experienced. [...]
When we think of a cyberpunk dystopia we imagine a world controlled by robots or an evil AI, and a place where humans are in the down low, trying to survive day by day in the gutter. What happens when someone turns these tropes to their head and this world is filled with discarded androids that live in slums, drug addicted and oppressed by multi billion neofeudal corporations? Neofeud, a cyberpunk point and click adventure created by Christian Miller offers an answer to this question. [...]
An adventure that will offer you many hours of play and it will make you think about our world and where it is heading. Not many indie games do that, and it is really important. Hyper Light Up
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2017, 01:48:46 PM » |
Hey guys! So I have recently had the pleasure of talking to Mark Yohalem, writer of the Wadjet Eye point-and-click adventure game Primordia for my podcast, which does involve talking about Neofeud and the state adventure games generally speaking. "In this episode, Silver Spook speaks with Mark Yohalem, writer of Primordia, a legendary sci-fi point-and-click adventure game and a big inspiration behind Neofeud. Mark and yours truly discuss the State of Adventure Games which somewhat resembles that of Schrodinger's Cat (never quite alive or dead!), Primordia and the making thereof, Mark's exciting new 'mythological, mid-apocalypse RPG' in development with Wormwood Studios, some insider game-dev shop-talk, Unity vs Adventure Game Studio pros and cons, Mark's and my favorite cyberpunk, the difference between depressing and melancholy, the psychological selling-points of post-apocalypses, why appellate lawyers may be cannibal shishkebabs in said apocalypse, and much more!"
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2017, 06:03:17 PM » |
So first off, Neofeud is 33% off this week on Steam!And the big news is I will be streaming live on my Youtube channel on Thanksgiving at 11 AM Pacific Time! Youtube link: hang out! :D In addition to the above mentioned hijinx, I will also likely be doing a bit of gamedev and making some announcements on the upcoming Silver Spook Games projects. No turkeys were harmed in the making of this poster! Next up, I am happy to announce that I am currently in the process of porting Neofeud to Mac, and have a potential solution in the works! I can't give any specific dates on a release, but it is definitely in the pipeline. In addition, here is the most recent Silver Spook Podcast where I talk to the creator of cyberpunk strategy game Spinnortality: In this episode, Silver Spook speaks with Jamie Patton, creator of Spinnortality, a groundbreaking cyberpunk game in mid-Kickstarter. Cyberpunk strategy/management game. In Spinnortality, you, "Run a global megacorporation. Manipulate culture, destroy governments and become immortal." Spinnortality website: kickstarter: Jamie:
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2017, 12:41:00 AM » |
Wow, pretty cool to see Neofeud right behind VA-11 HALL-A and Local Host on cyberpunk games!
Here's another review of Neofeud by Save Or Quit!This game really surprised me in a positive way. All the small puns here and there contributed a lot to my overall enjoyment. I never tired of all the little fun things that popped up every once in a while. Even though the puzzles are mostly really simple and small, the atmosphere and easter eggs make up for them. This isn’t a game for hardcore point ‘n’ click puzzle fanatics, but this is a game for players who like to enjoy a good science fiction story set in a world that feels familiar and possible in the near future... It is a worthy addition to your steam account if you want a quality, fun story to play through.
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2017, 01:54:06 PM » |
NEOFEUD MADE IT TO THE TOP 100 INDIES OF THE YEAR! Thanks everyone for your votes and support! Neofeud can now use your vote again in the final round for ultimate indie of the year on IndieDB! In addition, I just had a great talk with @PeaHeadGames creator of Neon Sword, cyberpunk RPG where you can use commerce or violence as your weapon of choice! Some of Neon Sword's Game features: -Explore the neon bathed Quaid City. -A living breathing city with a diverse population. -Buy real estate and influence the city around you. -Collect different and unique clothing items. -Kit yourself out with entire arsenal of hardcore weaponry. -A deep branching storyline. -Save the city or run it into the ground it's your choice next Silver Spook Podcast will be coming soon here: can support future SIlver Spook Games and Silver Spook Podcasts, where I help great indie game makers and other creators get the word out about their games, over here:, here are a couple more reviews recently published on Neofeud: This first one is in Spanish (sorry) and I wish I was fluent so I could read this great Neofeud review in its native language, but thankfully there is Google translate! "A much more complex world than what is shown in Blade Runner, which inspired it, and this game also poses itself as a more in-depth and realistic reflection of the dilemma insinuated by the replicants."
"From the point of view of music and dubbing Neofeud has nothing to envy of major titles." The reviewer also compared Neofeud with Neil Blomkamp and District 9, which is a high complement for me, since I consider D-9 as one of if not the greatest sci-fi film of the past few decades. one more review from Save Or Quit: "Neofeud is a carefully crafted story that plays out like an interactive detective/mystery movie from the 80’s... This is a game for players who like to enjoy a good science fiction story set in a world that feels familiar and possible in the near future." finally, my Deus Ex 1 total conversion Terminus Machina has been featured on IndieDB's sister site, ModDB! Thanks for the highlight, guys! You can also see a video of me replaying this mod that I made about 7 years ago with developer commentary.
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2017, 07:38:07 PM » |
I'm honored to have The Space Quest Historian, a prominent and very entertaining personality in the adventure game world, doing a let's play series of Neofeud! In addition, Neofeud has made it to the top 100 Indie Game of the Year list! Neofeud can use your vote, and it only takes a moment! (No registration necessary!)
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2017, 11:30:02 AM » |
Happy Cyberpunk Holidays! May your dystopian reality be slightly less grim for the next few weeks. Thanks everybody who voted for Neofeud in IndieDB! Neofeud made it to the Top 100 Indie Games Of 2017 (Apparently out of over 10,000). We'll see if we beat Cuphead! (Not likely but one can hope!
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2017, 02:04:24 PM » |
Also, Neofeud is 40% off on Steam if you're looking for a Christmas present for that special misanthropic cyberspace cowboy/girl
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2017, 02:36:03 PM » |
Funhaus, a Youtube comedy channel with over *1.3 million subscribers* just did a short play / comedy video with Neofeud! The video has only been out for a few days and it's already got over 200,000 views! It's mostly sillyness, but as a one-guy team with zero budget this is a huge Christmas present, especially considering a bunch of those 200,000 viewers commented "This looks awesome!", "I just bought Neofeud" or "Why haven't I heard of this before!?" so thanks for that, Sir Lawrence! I also spoke to Lawrence Sonntag (the guy playing the game) briefly on Twitter and he gave it a thumbs up. A very cool guy that you might consider following to spot indie gems. Here's another review by Steam User Luigi From Fiji: "Neofeud is on par with Technobabylon and Primordia," I doubt it, but it is neutron star-dense with technobabble and primordial Kabbalah mysticism! I will be doing some livestreaming gamedev and hanging out Friday 12/29 at 2 PM EDT on my Youtube channel. (I usually stream on Saturday but I'm having a belated holiday family-invasion at our place this weekend!) Here's the latest stream, where I play a bit of Neofeud and do some developer commentary. While Neofeud didn't quite beat Cuphead in the Indie Game of the Year competition, Neofeud did make it to the Top 100 Indie Games of 2017! And in the top 3 point-and-click games! Finally, check out Steam Shovellers a great game journalism site that does an excellent job spotting the hidden gems in the massive steaming piles of Steam... releases. Steam Shovellers will be playing Neofeud on Twitch on New Years Eve afternoon, Eastern Time. Here's their comment on the game: "We’ll also be doing a special block of time for Neofeud in the late afternoon/early evening Eastern US time. Given 2017’s political climate, it’s a game everyone should experience."