You have really nailed the style you are going for! I would love to see what it would look like if you pushed the parallax even further. Like getting some movement into the foremost layer and add/or breaking down that further. I quite like the speed of things - I can see how it could be suggested to make him faster but my reference to games like this would be Contra, Sunset Riders etc and the movement is a lot quicker (and more fluid) than those. It would be fun having some bullet hell type bosses cause all the fancy flips and animations would make a fight like that quite the spectacle!
Thanks for the kind words! We have a foreground parallax layer. There will be a healthy amount of parallax in the final game
And yes, our references for Bushiden are 16-bit era games, so I think the movement speed is spot-on as well. The bullet-hell type bosses is a good suggestion! We will keep that in mind