New Game MechanicsI've been taking a lot of time to develop game mechanics so I haven't had a lot of pretty art to post here. Some of the things I've been working on are proper lose conditions, the ability for government organizations to have connections between each other(like requiring approval for policy decisions), and creating bureaucracies. I've also reworked a lot the government powers(like judicial, legislative, etc) to be more distinct and interesting. The game is becoming much more well rounded as far as how it is designed.
Regional BoundariesI've also worked on creating 3 different flags which separate the 3 possible regions that can compose the player's country. Once there are political party symbols, those will be placed on the flags based on what party a region prescribes to. The color of the flag will change based on the color of that particular political party which is customizable by the player.
Updated Government BuildingsHere are updated versions of the government buildings and all their possible combinations based on the choosable government powers. Each power category has a look associated with it and adding more powers to a building will add more features to the building. The bottom right building is the corporate building which represents the private sector. This image shows the buildings watching the player's mouse as it moves across the screen.

Here is a bonus image of one of the updated government buildings and its arm which grabs policy issues.