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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsScoundrel - 2D stealth rogue-lite (New Gameplay Teaser)
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Author Topic: Scoundrel - 2D stealth rogue-lite (New Gameplay Teaser)  (Read 21077 times)
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« on: September 28, 2017, 03:40:27 PM »

What is Scoundrel?

A challenging 2D stealth platformer: Scoundrel borrows many rogue-lite elements while having hand-crafted levels. Scoundrel has you sneaking, hiding and misdirecting guards, all the while stealing the pompous Lords' loot! You get spotted, you run and hide! Or get caught and thrown into the dungeons forever!


  • Pure Stealth: Challenging stealth gameplay that relies only on planning and quick thinking with no combat whatsoever
  • Permadeath: Abandoning a level or getting caught means permanently losing your character
  • An Abundance of Thieves: Classes, Traits, Items and Abilities provide for different and unique characters
  • Master Thievery: Class-based abilities, usable items and interactable objects from the environment allow for many stealth opportunities
  • The Thieves Guild: Use your spoils to purchase Unlocks and Upgrades and pay off your Debt
  • The City Map: Progress through the districts and visit hand-crafted levels and explore the story of Scoundrel

We started work on Scoundrel with little to no experience in game development. These last 2 years have been a journey to say the least. We are just 3 university students who decided to drop everything and try and make something new and exciting. There is much, much more that we haven’t told you. But this will do for an announcement. We are a decent way into development, and if you find what you see interesting, feel free to ask us about the game! Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 09:34:44 AM by bullish » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 03:48:36 PM »

Hey guys.

Name's Jovu, and I am the game designer and level designer for Scoundrel.

We plan on doing updates at a weekly-ish rate, but in the meantime I will be here to answer any questions you might have. Wink

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« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2017, 06:42:08 AM »

Preview of the Level Objectives Screen

When entering a level in Scoundrel, your first guide will be the objectives screen which features a short summary and shows you the possible locations of objective targets or the region where you might find them. The Main Objective is the one that must be completed in order to leave the level, completing extra objective might result in some other reward. Wink Oh there are also secret objectives!


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« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 04:52:54 AM »

Physics 2D Ropes in Unity

Found a neat way to make physical ropes in Unity for our game. The method uses Physics2D components, Rigidbody2D with BoxCollider2D pieces connected by HingeJoint2D and anchored at the ends so they don't go all crazy and the visual is achieved with Line Renderers and a script which updates their points and a simple rope texture as its material. You can also notice that when the character grabs onto the rope, the rope pieces rigidbodies above the feet of the character get forced into a straight position to simulate the weight of the character.

The Results:

Fat Pug Studio
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« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2017, 04:59:10 AM »

Linerenderer is a great tool, i'm using it for lasers with tiled textures Smiley

The game looks fabulous btw, it kicks me with Amiga 500 vibe which doesn't happen too often.

Pixel Noise
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« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2017, 06:00:45 AM »

Wow this looks very cool! Love the concept, and the trailer was well done  Beer!

Pixel Noise - professional composition/sound design studio.

Recently completed the ReallyGoodBattle OST!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=vgf-4DjU5q
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« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2017, 07:06:18 AM »

Linerenderer is a great tool, i'm using it for lasers with tiled textures Smiley

The game looks fabulous btw, it kicks me with Amiga 500 vibe which doesn't happen too often.

Thank you.  Toast Left I think you are the first person to say it gives off Amiga vibes. I can see where you're coming from, although that wasn't our intent.   Smiley

Wow this looks very cool! Love the concept, and the trailer was well done  Beer!

Thanks! We were debating on doing a longer trailer. But settled on a very short announcement teaser because of time restraints. Beer!   

Level 7

Inspiring Greatness

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« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2017, 12:59:50 PM »

Wow, Jovu - your game is shaping up nicely. I was a big fan of the Thief series and this totally has that vibe, but from a classic style 2D platform perspective - how cool is that?! I particularly love the map/city rendering and the integration of stealth mechanics - watching the character climb around all those ropes to get around is pretty sweet. Keep up the great work and be sure to hit me up if you need any support down the road with a Thunderclap/Kickstarter.

Developing Summoners Fate, a top down turn based strategy adventure.
TIGForum DevLog
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« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 03:22:45 PM »

Wow, Jovu - your game is shaping up nicely. I was a big fan of the Thief series and this totally has that vibe, but from a classic style 2D platform perspective - how cool is that?! I particularly love the map/city rendering and the integration of stealth mechanics - watching the character climb around all those ropes to get around is pretty sweet.

Thank you my dude. Our artist will be happy to hear that for sure. :D Also there are mechanics in other mechanics that are nestled in other mechanics. We have so much to show still Smiley

Keep up the great work and be sure to hit me up if you need any support down the road with a Thunderclap/Kickstarter.
I might just hold you to that. Toast Right

Level 1

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« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2017, 10:39:13 PM »

This looks like a really fun game! When your character dies and you start with a new one, do you you gain permanent perks from your past runs like in Rogue Legacy? The rope system looks great, I think there could be a more wiggling on the rope pieces below the character when they grab on. It could quickly dissipate after the jump but it looks oddly held in place the way it moves right now.

Twitter: @PsycheMac
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« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2017, 01:43:25 AM »

This looks like a really fun game! When your character dies and you start with a new one, do you you gain permanent perks from your past runs like in Rogue Legacy?

Thank you. And yes you do!

The rope system looks great, I think there could be a more wiggling on the rope pieces below the character when they grab on. It could quickly dissipate after the jump but it looks oddly held in place the way it moves right now.

Yeah, thanks for the feedback. We've actually gotten this exact feedback several times over the past couple of days. We will for sure take a look at improving it. Smiley


Level 2

Indie game developer from Stockholm Sweden

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« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2017, 02:03:21 AM »

This game looks really sweet! I don't often play stealth games, but the trailer got me going. It sets the mood very nicely with the sound design. I want to see more Smiley

The only thing that scares me a little bit is the permadeath. I am kind of wondering the same thing as PsycheMac regarding this, do you get to keep any progress?


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« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2017, 07:43:03 AM »

Here's a gif showing some Gameplay and the Fog effect in Scoundrel

This game looks really sweet! I don't often play stealth games, but the trailer got me going. It sets the mood very nicely with the sound design. I want to see more Smiley

The only thing that scares me a little bit is the permadeath. I am kind of wondering the same thing as PsycheMac regarding this, do you get to keep any progress?
Thanks for the kind words! Coffee

Yeah, you get to keep all the progress after you loose a character, this includes upgrades, unlocks, levels completed, remaining gold etc. What we mean is more like permadeath of the characters. Once you loose a character you get to pick a new one from a few procedurally generated characters with different items, classes, traits and abilities, and they will have the upgrades you bought allready, the way Rogue Legacy did it.

We'll be revealing more about the entire system soon, and more!


Level 2

Indie game developer from Stockholm Sweden

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« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2017, 12:08:44 AM »

This game looks really sweet! I don't often play stealth games, but the trailer got me going. It sets the mood very nicely with the sound design. I want to see more Smiley

The only thing that scares me a little bit is the permadeath. I am kind of wondering the same thing as PsycheMac regarding this, do you get to keep any progress?
Thanks for the kind words! Coffee

Yeah, you get to keep all the progress after you loose a character, this includes upgrades, unlocks, levels completed, remaining gold etc. What we mean is more like permadeath of the characters. Once you loose a character you get to pick a new one from a few procedurally generated characters with different items, classes, traits and abilities, and they will have the upgrades you bought allready, the way Rogue Legacy did it.

We'll be revealing more about the entire system soon, and more!

Alright, that sounds neat Smiley Another question: Is there one, or do you plan on releasing a playable demo?

Level 0

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« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2017, 01:05:18 AM »

Here's a gif showing some Gameplay and the Fog effect in Scoundrel

That is awesome! And by the way, are circles showing at the top floor because you are running there making noise, but at the bottom floor you are walking slower so you make no noise?

Keep up the good work!

Working on Loony Run 2<br />Twitter @LoonyRunGame
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« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2017, 01:13:25 AM »

This looks so cool ! Following.

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« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2017, 01:57:10 AM »

Alright, that sounds neat Smiley Another question: Is there one, or do you plan on releasing a playable demo?

There isn't a playable demo at the moment. We are however currently working on one, can't confirm the exact release date of it  though., still figuring it out. Hand Pencil Hand Any Key

That is awesome! And by the way, are circles showing at the top floor because you are running there making noise, but at the bottom floor you are walking slower so you make no noise?

Keep up the good work!

Thank you kind sir. Gentleman And yes -  the top floor has the character moving normally producing noise that alerts guards. Going down the ladder the player notices the guard's own red bubbles (sound waves), signaling that the guard is approaching. So he goes into sneak mode: walking slower but producing no noise, before hiding in a hiding spot. Smiley

This looks so cool ! Following.


Level 6

Pixellin' and Gamedev'n

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« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2017, 02:11:41 PM »

This looks pretty neat! Nice pixels, I particularly love the map. I'm quite interested in following development of this project. Looking forward to seeing further updates.

Hearthstead: Hand Point Right Website - Twitter Hand Point Left

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« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2017, 11:23:57 AM »

Preview of the FOV, Lighting and Shadows

Preview of some of the Traps

We have many different traps in scoundrel, and here's just a taste. Most traps can either be activated when the player steps on them, or they can work on a sensor, or activate periodically as shown with our spike trap, flame trap and arrow traps in the gif. The broken glass slows you down and you'll make more noise when steeping in it. The bear trap stuns you and applies a negative movement modifier, which can be removed by other means.

This looks pretty neat! Nice pixels, I particularly love the map. I'm quite interested in following development of this project. Looking forward to seeing further updates.
Thanks man! Cheers Coffee

nathy after dark
Level 8

Open Sourceress

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« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2017, 12:44:00 PM »

I'm hoping this game/following the log can satiate my recent nostalgia for Thief without actually needing to replay the first 2 games completely. No pressure though, I'm sure I would enjoy myself anyway!  Tongue

I like that you have 2 team members posting in the log (although I haven't caught up on reading everything). I've tried a few times to get my team members posting in dev logs with me, but I guess it's a lot of work and not everyone enjoys sharing as much as I do.

Keep it up!

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