L basic movement
L energy bar + buffs / debuffs / damage
L basic combat
L basic farming
L pet system
L potions
L dialogue system
L emote system during dialogue
L world factions
L world conflict
L faction leaders
L companions
L mini bosses
L side quest characters
Added this handy list to the main post and will update it there as I move forward with all this stuff!
If you are seeing this in the future, hello in the future! This stuff has been updated on the main post and this information is old!
Also fun fact. I'll be using the branching story narrative / companion system from a magnum opus space opera I wrote years and years and years ago called Pirates and Privateers that still has an embarrassing (awesome?) teaser trailer online here :
(omg TIG finally has embedded youtube videos! D:)
My first big plans was to raise $100k with my pedal biz and do a Mass Effect style demo with full 3D and all kinds of amaze-balls stuff... but that was when I was a bit too manic for my own good and there was no way I could raise that money reasonably at the time (nor now for that matter, so please don't think that I am loaded!)
Then I realized maybe I'll just do a point and click adventure or some such, thus the first simple pixel art designs above from a few years ago when I first seriously got into pixel art.

I never had the discipline to really move forward with the game in any form and in its final incarnation I was going to do it as a classic NES Final Fantasy style game using RPG Maker, but I'm keen to adapt the story for this witchy game instead!