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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsChromosome Evil - RTS & Horror
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Author Topic: Chromosome Evil - RTS & Horror  (Read 124196 times)
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« on: January 27, 2018, 08:48:08 AM »

Story plot

It was a beautiful spring day, nobody knows the exact order of events during that day but what they do remember is that all of a sudden the sky turned red, all radios and televisions were somehow hijacked by a superior force and were sending only one message: “the ancient one is coming…”.

Then there was a great moment of silence and soon after, they came.

They came from below the earth digging their way out, creatures of nightmare, abominations of unspeakable terror, the army didn’t stand a chance, human civilization fell in a dark age.

You are part of what remains of army forces, your brother, the one who took care of you when your parents died was also part of the army and went missing during a mission a few miles from where you are stationed with the objective to gather information about this underground hole from were these creatures are coming from. You decide that if world is going to end at least to do one last journey of redemption to see your brother one more time.


During this journey you choose what team you want to assemble, you choose the evolution of each squad member, you choose which location you want to look for supplies and where you want to establish a defense perimeter, you choose your route and you decide the best course of action for the events that will present before you.

Aditional information

- Real-time strategy game mixed with RPG elements.
- Code in C++ artwork in Windows Paint
- Top-down
- TBS gameplay during travel map
- survival elements
- skills, level up system, inventory, resources
- multiple choices and outcomes
- main inspirations: C&C, Dungeons & Dragons, Heroes 3, Red Alert, Xcom
- Game development started in mid-2016 (artwise, design, prototyping/ part-time) and heavy development started in half of 2017, currently we got a map editor working and some of the basic features done + 50% from art/animations done
- release date: we hope somewhere in 2018 2022

General Classes
Each character in the game is going to be unique but there are some class boundaries. The maximum squad member is 6.

The Medic
Can heal others, interact with medical documents to find cure, buffs

The Engineer
Can build barricades, turrets and set traps

Can use heavy weapons and manual shooting weapons, huge armor but slow

Can use mid-range weapons such as shotguns and close range weapons such as melee weapons

Can use rifle, bow, pistols, also he provides bonuses on travel map


Popa Cristian Manuel - artwork, animation, game design, marketing, balance, team management, testing, level design
Sergey Dovganovsky - programming, animation, testing, balance
Alin D. - sounds & music
Developed under 16 BIT NIGHTS studio

Discord chat group - https://discord.gg/J2E2YWK
Site - http://16bitnights.com/chromosome_evil/

If you have additional question & suggestions about the project feel free to ask us here or on our discord groups, interacting with the community is what helps our motivation the most.

Thank you
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:39:48 AM by Ramos » Logged

Level 0

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« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2018, 09:34:15 AM »

Sounds promising, go ahead Wink


Dr.Hogan-Lead Developer at H&R Games
Empires in ruins
Alexandru Nechita
Level 0

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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2018, 02:55:25 PM »

I love the Soldier/Tactical unit the most, would love to see some gameplay vids or gifs Noir

Level 10

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« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2018, 08:22:25 PM »

Progress Log:
* partial animation
* some environments
* some interfaces
* Partial AI
* pathfinding
* map editor
* weapon mechanics
* basic stats

"- They are all over the place
- I cannot see jack s**t
 - Just go trigger happy no point in holding back
- At least barricade that window to buy some time to loot some resources and make our escape"

“The ancient one is coming…”

Level 0

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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2018, 12:33:14 AM »

This reminds me of "X COM Apocalypse"  Smiley
Are you going to release a free demo?

Level 0

Software and Game Developer

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« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2018, 12:50:22 AM »

I like the pixel art.
I think overall if you nail the scene illumination and characters to be visible on screen then it's a buy.

Level 10

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« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2018, 11:08:53 AM »

Yes I am a big XCOM fan

We will think of something

And now ...
Let us see who the enemy is ...

Flesh Eaters,
 this are people who had their brain devoured and replaced by demonic worms activating the evil Chromosome in them, fancy description for something that behaves like a zombie

Special Flesh Eaters,
Similar to above but these ones got special traits, my fav one is The Butcher

Game Over Flesh,
These are squad members which got their brains devoured by the worms, poor souls

And now some with a high inspiration from one of my favorites: LOVE CRAFT

The Brute
In short its a flesh tank

The Lich
This creature gives a powerful boost to demons around it and weakens survivors

The Incubator
This creature got eggs growing on his back wich spam demonic worms ... brrrrr...

The Impaler
Best to keep a safe distance from this one

And more but I want to keep some surprises, also if you have any suggestions for enemies please do share with me and maybe I will bring your suggestions to life


Alexandru Nechita
Level 0

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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2018, 11:33:59 AM »

Progress Log:
* partial animation
* some environments
* some interfaces
* Partial AI
* pathfinding
* map editor
* weapon mechanics
* basic stats

"- They are all over the place
- I cannot see jack s**t
 - Just go trigger happy no point in holding back
- At least barricade that window to buy some time to loot some resources and make our escape"

“The ancient one is coming…”

Awww, hell yeah! Take care with the red cross, the assholes from Red Cross will actually sue you for "using their symbol"

Level 2

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« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2018, 03:55:24 AM »

Following !

Level 10

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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2018, 11:11:06 AM »

Thank you!

@Alexandru Nechita
Thank you, we just changed the Croce to green

Now ... like in all RTS/Survival games there will be resources and this post is dedicated to them.
Each resource type can be looted from specific objects.

9 mm
It is ammunition used by soldiers with rifles, pistols and engineer turrets. Mostly ammunitions can be found in abandoned police stations or military outposts

12 GA
Ammunition used by soldiers with shotguns

Ammunition used by soldiers with RPG's and grenade launchers

Usually found in abandoned hospitals and clinics, antibiotics are used by medics to heal, cure and buff.

Found mostly in industrial zones, tools are used to upgrade engineer items, build traps and repair and upgrade the car

Fuel is one of the most important resources from the game if you remain out of fuel its basically game over. Fuel is used to travel from one location to another

Food is used to negotiate in some random encounters, used also to save game, yes saving game costs, and in camp options

Is used to upgrade soldiers protective gear

Weapon components
Is used to upgrade weapons

Wood & Nails
Used to build baricades

Some other stuff we added:

Destroyable enviroment

Some parts of the environment can be destroyed and some have different damage, for example, fire damage and poison damage in the gif under

And traps combinations, for example, if you barricade windows with wood barricades and then use old tv electronics you get an electric upgrade to the barricades which not only keeps monsters out but also does damage to them


Level 0

Gentle Coder

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« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2018, 12:45:28 PM »

I like the insects around the lamp, softness of lights from the windows, adds to realism. Will you add more of these things?

I would like to see the selection halo in a different style, it gets in the way a little bit by lowering the contrast between the character's features/hands and the environment.

Good job with the details, and good luck with the game!

I'm having a quarantine party this weekend and none of you are invited.

Level 10

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« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2018, 06:19:19 AM »

Thank you!

We made some animations for the Lovecraft inspired creatures, incubators lay eggs, from eggs come worms if not killed fast they evolve into bigger worms leaving also acid trails... inspired also from the thing movie, hope you guys enjoy, we now work to bring to life all our nightmare creatures


Level 2

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« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2018, 12:12:36 PM »

I can see you're clicking each character with the mouse to select them, and then moving around. Can you select the characters via keyboard 1-10 , or F1-F10 and do the same thing ?

Level 0

Titty Oddity

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« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2018, 01:29:14 PM »

Actually this sounds and looks quite awesome. How big is the dev team? need testers? where can I subscribe/follow? and gratz in general :D

Level 1

Wew lad

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« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2018, 12:16:01 AM »

This is looking very cool. I thought it was a co-op shooter at first (that'll teach me to not read the title), and am really happy to see it's like a mini-RTS.

Level 10

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« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2018, 09:23:10 PM »

Yes, the selection is also possible from 1-6 keys

Thank you!
We are currently 2 people working and 1 musician pending. As for testing sure, we will open Beta in a couple of weeks, all information regarding team and links are in the original post but long story short you can join our discord room if you wish https://discord.gg/J2E2YWK

Thank you!
Yes, RTS mixed with RPG

Thank you so much guys for the kind words!

Meantime here is the first look at the main travel map, here the gameplay is turn-based.

If you guys have any suggestions please let us know

Alexandru Nechita
Level 0

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« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2018, 05:01:09 AM »

Me gusta the cleanliness of the map. Perhaps not having faded out text so it is more visible?  Blink

Level 10

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« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2018, 06:39:39 AM »

@Alexandru Nechita
Thank you!
The faded text (dead end) is just for artistic effect

We now have a nice engineer class combo mechanics done.
- he can now build traps from the environment ( in the current example he use electricity cable combine with water pipes to create a small dmg + slow down trap)
- he can build barricades from the environment (for the cost of wood resource)
- he can build turrets from special crates

Some other progress we made:
*different death effects(if a zombie is killed by shotgun or RPG he explodes into parts if he is killed by mele, rifle or pistol his dead body appears on the floor)
*basic random encounter menu
*basic travel map(TBS part of the game)
*most of the enemies
*working map editor
*skills and upgrades basic mechanics
and more

We wish you a happy holiday!

Level 2

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« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2018, 08:03:35 AM »

That's nice, great progress !
Will you have a local map ? ( for the current place ) how about a constant minimap ?

Level 1

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« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2018, 09:01:53 AM »

Looks like an interesting concept! Will you require any music for this?

Sbeast - Composer / Cover Artist / Guitarist
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