So lets talk level design for a bit.
The intro level for Bones of Clay is a self contained space with few gimmicks, it's designed to act both as a gateway into game and a little tutorial level to get players acquainted with basic movement, jumping and interaction. Those of you who played the first game may be familiar with this.

After the intro you'll find yourself in the main overworld, which will be a more open explorable space. However, since the intro is very self contained it seemed like a good place to start. We can use it to work out our rules and general asset pipeline for building levels.
So, our early prototype testing allowed us to gauge the scale of the intro. From there we started to sketch out the level in unity using our whitebox pieces, this allows for speedy play testing and iteration.
Once we're happy with the general flow it's just a case of taking screenshots and sketching detail on top.
Once the sketch-over is looking ok we can start sectioning off parts into modular blocks and get to work on modelling.
The full sketch over allows us to gauge which bits to go fully modular on and which bits need to be one-off assets.
Then we just slowly replace the whitebox parts with the final assets.
And that's where we're at right now - the majority of functional platforms and parts are in. Next up is building the walls and interior.
Here's a little look at how we're breaking things down into modular chunks for the backdrop of this tower/temple
Once the majority is in place then it's time to move onto texturing and maybe a little polish!
Let's finish up this post with a little run around the level as it is now.