Hey everyone! Welcome to my thread!
Ok, so what's this all about?
Well, this will be my first C++ game, programmed from the ground up. It will also be my first roguelike game too.
It uses the excellent libtcod roguelike engine from the Chronicles of Doryen. That engine boasts True Colour, Alpha Channels, PNG Support, everything. Well worth the getting.
Essentially, you are a green square. You must get to the exit in a maze. However, you leave behind you a smoke trail, which will kill you. Also, there will be enemies, lava, electrical fields, boxes that contain random events, ninjas, squashy things, ufo's and water, all of which have the potential to kill you.
The game is only about 12% complete at this point, but I have a stable and working engine, and a way to store maps. Hooray!
This game is nothing very special at the moment, but if you'd like to try it out, grab the latest build (0.006) from here:
http://squareassault.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/SquareAssaultDoryen/Alpha%20Build%200.009.zipReadme explains how to play. Also, take note that you can't finish the sample level either.
Build 0.009 is up now. I'll post a changelog in this thread.
Obligatory Pix4Clix:

Added a fully functioning level editor! Wooo hooo!
Added Explosion effect! Just die to watch it happen!
Did more code cleaning and re-organising.
Moved debugging into the Debug Log... where it should be.
Added handling for missing maps (also this will be useful when sequenced maps are here.)
Numerous little tweaks to make it run a bit faster.
Added Start tile. The player spawns on the first start tile the program encounters.
Eventually I'll have multiple tilespawns for multiple player objects.
Added player class and plugged it in. This should make the code far more manageble.
Added a little hidden thing. :)
Changed controls to Enter (for switches) and Backspace (for resets)
Changed debugging - now outputs a heap of stuff into the console.
Changed map size - now 80x30.
Added Map Name support.
Added Lava Switches and Dark Lava
Changed Controls to Arrow Keys
Added Working Switches
Added Map Loading from File (map.txt)
Added Proper Smoke Reset
Changed and Re-Added Reset
Added More Awesome
Numerous Fixes + Tweaks
Changed to Doryen Library
Added Full-Colour Colour Choice (HOORAY FREEDOM)
Removed Reset (it was crap)
Numerous Fixes + Tweaks
First Version.
It was crap.
Take note, you can edit the map file as it stands, the readme tells how.