I'm working on a Roguelite Platformer with Online and Local Coop Multiplayer!Initially i thought that it's going to be a quick and simple project, that i can finish in a few months.
Oh my... How wrong i've been

Even though the graphics are very simple and relatively easy to make, the Online Coop stuff makes it quite a challenging project.
All the core functionalities are already in place and working.
I had to redo a lot of stuff sometimes, you think a feature works fine but then you add the "Online Coop" stuff and you realize that it's not going to work out with multiple players...
Now i have to add content, like items, enemies, levels, traps, special rooms, bosses, and a lot more things. I have a huge list of ideas that i want to implement!
If you have any cool ideas for enemies items etc., please shoot them at me! I'm not the most creative person, so any help is nice! :DSo...
About the game:The game controls a bit like "Meatboy", the player is quite floaty and you can do wall jumps.
There is NO shoot button, all you have to do is getting close enough to enemies and shooting will be done automatically.
This makes it easier for players not used the genre, they can solely focus on dodging and evading enemies and obstacles.
Simple controls make the game very playable on Mobile too!
The current world is split into multiple random rooms/levels with different paths, similar to TBOI.
A level is usually quite small, filled with random enemies and sometimes multiple waves of them.
There are many things to discover. Basic things like a shop, the boss room or npcs with a quest, but also more secret stuff is hidden (Special Bosses, Challenge rooms etc.).
And, of course many items will be unveiled while you traverse the world.
Like you would probably expect them in a Roguelite, Items provide the player with simple stat boosts and more interesting stuff like homing Rockets, Drones, Splitshots, Tripleshots etc.
Now some Gifs!Compilation of some enemies and the first boss:
And some random recent gifs of new enemies:

I also made a Level Editor:
Lots more gifs and things coming soon!