Hi everyone, I'm working on a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer with a dynamic camera (think Klonoa or Kirby 64) in Unreal 4.24.1 and I ran into an issue with splines breaking collision. I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone can offer help or suggestions.
The way it works is I am using the third person UE4 project template, modified the ThirdPersonCharacter (TPC) blueprint to restrict the player to a 2D plane of movement, removed the TPC camera and placed a new camera in the level, added a function in the TPC blueprint that tells the player and the camera to follow a spline path, and placed two spline actors in the level (one for the player's path of movement, and one for the camera path). This is working nicely! But somehow it broke collision, so my player moves right through any objects placed in its path. It can climb inclines or jump on top of objects just fine. If there's a platform at the middle of the player's height and it walks through it, it gets permanently stuck in it (and print function calls show it just stops detecting collision after a few seconds).
Pics are big so I used imgur links, I'm not sure how to get bbcode spoiler tags working...
Here is a test run gif showing the camera working during play:
https://imgur.com/XuvKw7tHere's my ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint:
https://i.imgur.com/M6iGHWR.jpgPics of the collision issues:
https://i.imgur.com/ZDVIlhi.jpgLastly here's a few more screenshots from the editor:
1 2 3This is the video tutorial series I followed to set this up. There's a similar setup thread
here where people also complain about a collision issue and say it has something to do with the sweep hit result no longer checking for collision. I have very little understanding of what the sweep hit result is or how collision checks work from SetWorldLocation, also I'm fairly new to working with splines, so if anyone could help explain these to me that would really help me out, too. The goal of this project is to build a prototype game level for a class, so I'm doing some early troubleshooting to get my camera and controls working properly in a rough test map.