Hey guys

My name's Chris, I'm a publisher on the Unity Asset Store; Astrofish Games
[hoping to turn it into a *we're* at some point!]
I make Modular 3D Environments. I wanted to let you know about the free resources I've been putting together on our Youtube channel; live streams and videos going over the production processes involved in building kits like this.
If you end up enjoying the content or find it useful, please consider subscribing! We're trying to hit that magic 1000 sub mark. I've got over 10 years in the games industry across AAA mobile and console with experience on games from Batman - Arkham Knight to the Hungry Shark/Dragon series.
Most recently I built the:
DETAILED - Medieval Village:
http://u3d.as/1EnHand POLY STYLE - Medieval Village:
http://u3d.as/1GVDand I'm part way through the Medieval Castle!
Please consider picking these up if you want to use them in your game or just want to have a look and use it for education/study! I think as a lot of the modules in these are watertight, you should be able to do some kick ass 3D Printing with them too.
I'd like to take the Zbrush kit and dynamesh some buildings together for print too at some point, so I'll document that as well.

Right now the castle is in BLOCKOUT form but when this is complete I'll be sculpting it up and releasing the detailed and poly style versions too.

The BLOCKOUT kit will be added to the DETAILED - Medieval Village for free in an update.
If you ever want to chat about world building/environment art then you can grab me on the Astrofish Games Discord where I'm about for a chat as well as our community
Chris Bolton @ Astrofish Games