Some advice;
1. Introduce yourself! That way we can get to know you better
2. Experiment a bit yourself; there are a lot of people with good ideas out there - however, there are not as many people who can pull off those ideas. There are several helpful tutorials on the Internet; we even have our own
subforum for those.
3. Be prepared to put a lot of effort into the project yourself; people will be much more likely to help you if you have a significant portion of gameplay/art done already.
I apologize if this seems harsh, but anyway:Some stuff that concerns me about this project:- At the moment, this seems like more of a "wouldn't it be cool" project - like I mentioned, people will come to your project once you have a significant portion of it is done.
- Getting an entire dev team might be a bit too ambitious - I've seen people who struggle with just finding one artist or a programmer.
- A game like this depends on social skills and manipulation - both very hard to add into an AI.
- We already have this game going on the forums

I do wish you good luck in making this, though.