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TIGSource ForumsCommunityJams & EventsCompetitionsIdea pool for new TIGS competitions
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Author Topic: Idea pool for new TIGS competitions  (Read 320152 times)
Level 10

a module, repeatable in any direction and rotation

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« Reply #1260 on: October 12, 2008, 01:08:14 PM »

In terms of the new ideas, I really like this one.  It would make for a very interesting compo, and I'll bet there would be a lot of awkward silence between us all after the compo ended.

This thread is way too big.  We shouldn't delete this one, but I'm not sure starting over really solves the problem.  I think we need to first take a catalog of what ideas have been suggested (85 is too much for one person, but we could each be assigned 5-10 pages) and create some polls based on them.  Really, we have the ideas, it's just separating the really good ones from the OK ones.
Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #1261 on: October 12, 2008, 01:16:16 PM »

I like the idea of dividing the work load between several people, though with how huge this is we'd need at least 7 extra people besides myself.

The first post has a lot of the suggested ideas, but I'm not sure in which page they stop anymore. If somebody can help me figure out in which page exactly that list ends things would be easier.

I'll try looking for it myself if nobody manages/tries, but I'm scarce for time right now.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Level 7

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« Reply #1262 on: October 12, 2008, 01:53:26 PM »

The first post has a lot of the suggested ideas, but I'm not sure in which page they stop anymore. If somebody can help me figure out in which page exactly that list ends things would be easier.

Last edit to first post was August 3rd.. which lines up with page 54 of this thread.
So only 31 more pages of doom.  Not so bad really.  I'll volunteer for one of the divisions of work load.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 04:15:27 PM by brog » Logged
TIGSource Editor
Level 10

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« Reply #1263 on: October 12, 2008, 02:15:09 PM »

Practically all the contest threads have the associated favicons (, and what not) -  I expect that should make it quite easy to automate Smiley Just go into the SQL tables and do a search replace or something; however it works.

Level 10

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« Reply #1264 on: October 12, 2008, 04:11:05 PM »

Terry, I don't think you meant to post that in this thread.

I'll volunteer for a piece of that work, too.

TIGSource Editor
Level 10

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« Reply #1265 on: October 12, 2008, 04:12:53 PM »

Ah bugger, no I didn't Sad

I only saw from Melly's post at the top of this page and thought that this was the discussion about dividing the forum into subforums for each contest...

Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10

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« Reply #1266 on: October 12, 2008, 04:20:04 PM »


Pirates, Ninjas, Barbarians was a suggestion for a TIGS competition, in case that wasn't clear - i.e., on topic.
Level 1

summer rain (soon)

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« Reply #1267 on: October 12, 2008, 08:05:40 PM »

I was thinking of maybe starting this thread over. Ideas?

Ideally, I think a stripped down bug tracking system would be a better way to handle the ideas than a forum thread.  You can call up a massive list of available (open) ideas by title, you can mark ideas as duplicates of other ideas (and close them), you can have idea discussions, and you can vote for ideas you'd like to see implemented.

DEMAKE compo entry: Road Trip: Southwest USA
Level 4

off on an adventure

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« Reply #1268 on: October 12, 2008, 08:21:20 PM »

I had a few ideas, we could do a TIGSource Christmas Special in December or so. It wouldn't have to be just Christmas games, it could be all holidays, its just that 'Christmas Special' implies that all entries must be super corny, eg saturday morning cartoons.

Also, Educational games, they don't have to teach anything useful at all, but upon completion the player must have learned something.
William Broom
Level 10

formerly chutup

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« Reply #1269 on: October 13, 2008, 03:57:31 AM »

I think we put too much focus and effort into recording all these ideas. If an idea isn't good enough to be remembered, then it's probably not good enough to do a compo on it. The best ideas will rise naturally to the top, like pond scum. Just remember that if you have a classic that you still want to do, don't keep it to yourself, shout it out every so often. Like this:

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #1270 on: October 13, 2008, 06:32:44 AM »

Ah, good to hear it's not too many pages. I think that with brog and agj alone it's already doable, if they don't mind listing the suggestions on 10 pages each (I can get the last 12 pages or so).

So, would you two like to get started? I so, I'm thinking agj could get pages 55 to 64 and brog gets pages 65 to 74 and I get the rest starting from page 75. Just post yours lists here when you're done, and we can reassign pages if anyone else wants to help. Try to get a small description of ideas that aren't self-explanatory also.

Then I'll start a new thread with the first few posts being the updated list of past suggestions (with some clean-up for duplicates or only slightly different suggestions), after which people are encouraged to repost the title of their favorites.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Level 7

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« Reply #1271 on: October 13, 2008, 07:31:42 AM »

page 65 to 74 done:

- Gross-Out Game Compo
Games involving things like poo, vomit, naked octogenarians.

- Steampunk

- Point and Klick - Adventure Compo

- Point and Kick
Games that only involve kicking.

- Based on a Book / Myth
Possibly restricted to a certain list of books, like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Books.

- Science/Educational
After playing them you should have learned something, or been inspired to learn something, about some piece of serious science.

- (Potentially) Zero player
Games you could just sit back and watch, or run in the background, maybe joining in occasionally and noodle around.  I say Potentially Zero player because the game can be scalable. A requirement could be that it needs to be able to manage itself (and do interesting stuff) if the player doesn't want to play.

- Excessive/Overboard
The game has to be excessive somehow. Lots of sprites, huge game world, lots of destruction, whatever.

- Early 80's arcade

- No goal

- Hybrids
Pick 10-15 really popular video game classics (like Metroid, Zelda, Sonic) and define each game with 2 terms.
e.g. Metroid: Exploration - ActionPlatformer, Zelda: FantasyWorld - TopDownAction.
Choose two terms and make a game out of that.

- Playful God Compo
Games where the player can create and/or modify a world that can "play" itself.

- Art Games
There's been a lot of "this kind of thing might let people make innovative/experimental/arty things" in this thread.  Why not just have an art-game competition?

- Paradigm Shift
Make a game that rethinks that which is taken for granted in videogames today.

- Very Short Games
Lots of support for this, and much discussion regarding what the time limit should be.
I'd go for "1 Minute Games", but there was also support for 2 or 3 minutes, or even as long as 10 minutes (or as short as 20 seconds).

- Monty Python Themed
Make games out of any of the skits or movies, or use the art-style of Terry Gilliam's animations.
Level 10


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« Reply #1272 on: October 13, 2008, 07:33:43 AM »

Maybe someone should put all the ideas on a website?

subsystems   subsystems   subsystems
Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #1273 on: October 13, 2008, 08:29:18 AM »

Thanks a ton brog.

And I'm not sure that's necessary moi.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Level 1

where am I?

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« Reply #1274 on: October 13, 2008, 09:55:08 AM »

I'd like to see either Zero Player or Very Short Games for the next compo!

Level 3

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« Reply #1275 on: October 13, 2008, 11:54:59 AM »

Short games just brought me to a cool idea.

 Cave Story Cave Story Cave Story TIGS COMPO COLLAB  Cave Story Cave Story Cave Story

So basically we all work on an Indie Wario Ware Ripoff.

But each tiny portion of gameplay is the compo-entry of a certain
participant (or team).

So we all create those little portions and in the end someone takes em and MASHES THEM ALL UP to a large ball of sex.

How'd you like that?

I make (60s/70s) rock music. Listen to my band's new album here: www.speicher.bandcamp.com
Level 1

summer rain (soon)

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« Reply #1276 on: October 13, 2008, 12:07:33 PM »

So we all create those little portions and in the end someone takes em and MASHES THEM ALL UP to a large ball of sex.

How'd you like that?

Not everyone's programming in the same language, or even on the same platform.  I suppose you could pick one platform (like Windows) and have some manager app starting up each of the submitted minigame apps.  WTF


DEMAKE compo entry: Road Trip: Southwest USA
Level 10

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« Reply #1277 on: October 13, 2008, 02:44:05 PM »

Nah, you just end up with several different games (levels?) for each of the anticipated programming languages/programs/whatever.  Each person could make a few games apiece to fill 'em out a bit, if necessary...
Level 10

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« Reply #1278 on: October 13, 2008, 04:08:02 PM »

agj could get pages 55 to 64


Quote from: this thread, pages 55 to 64
- Audio-only games

- Airship 2600 compo

- Anagram compo
You are given a series of letters/anagrams, and must use them as your games title and components.  Say like, IGBN = Infinitely Growing Banana Nife (reference) ;P, with a little bit of cheating.

- Colour swatch games
Base idea is make a game using all and only the colours in a colour swatch from a site like http://kuler.adobe.com/ or something AND have the game relate to the name of the swatch.

- Combination of two previous compos

- Iron-chef style compo
Everyone starts with the same ingredients: some backdrops, a font, a sprite sheet and a few sound-effects, and the prize goes to the game that most brilliantly expresses the ingredients. I.e. you won't win if you make a whole lot of new assets. It might work best if there was an initial phase where everyone had a chance to contribute a single asset of their own choice - a piece of art, music, sound, code, text, or whatever else.

- Controversy compo (Nintendo censorship guidelines-breaking)

- Realism vs. surrealism
The aim would be to bring realism to genres which usually don't have it (e.g. puzzle games), and non-realism to genres which do (e.g. simulators).

- Fake work
Games that to the casual oberver would look like the player is actually working.  A simple idea might be a text based adventure that looks like a word-processor or a resource management game that looks like microsoft project.

- Postcard game competition
Entrants must go on a vacation somewhere and, while they're there, instead of sending back a postcard, write a game influenced by the events that have occured on the holiday.

- Political games
Not necessarily current world politics or non-fictional politics either.

- AI-focused compo

- Uber-awesome theme
You know, ninjas, pirates, Megaman, bagpipes.  Something so obviously uber-awesome that it's indisputable.

- NES games based on movies
But actually completely unrelated to the source material.

- Adult gaming XXX

- Remake Super Mario level 1-1

- Bunch o' games compo
Basically make a game that is made up a bunch a little ones. It could be a mini game collection, or one with different modes.

- Sequels to games that never were

- Dual fusion games
Where you take two game mechanisms or themes and create a new never before seen combo.

- lotsacolorcompo

- Compo where the games get a score based on how many compos from the list it would be able to enter.

- Vanity project games
Games that involve their creator(s) as central characters/themes. Can be autobiographical or just plain fantasy (or both).

- Holy text games
Games based on passages from the Bible, the Qur'an, the Necronomicon...

- Game based in Stratford City, London, the site of the upcoming Olympic Games.

- Goalless games competition

- WWII Game Compo
Take the most overdone, beaten-to-death formula, and give the prize to the person who successfully reinvents or reinvigorates the concept.

- Practising a profession
The gameplay should revolve around performing this job, not around dealing with alien invasions.

- Everyone is given a number of music files, and they have to use them in the game. The winner's are the people who make the best game that uses the music in the more interesting way.

- Anti-games
E.g.: Tetris, but where the object is to see how high you can stack the pieces

- Sandbox game competition

- Mouse-only games

- Games that use only a specific set of buttons

- Realistic games
Platformers where everything is very horizontal, fighting games where its over within a couple of blows, etc.

- Games that involve drawing stuff
Like Crayon Physics or Line Rider.

- Super gore compo

- Exploration game compo
Absolutely no combat allowed.

- Movie/book inspired games

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #1279 on: October 13, 2008, 04:49:37 PM »

Awesome agj.

I'll get my pages done tonight still. thanks for the help guys. Beer!

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
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