Losing At Chess
Hey! I've been working on this game for a couple of months now, after a number of previous false starts. In some ways its a continuation of my last game,
FREEDOM: Diegesis (which I also plan to re-release, for better compatibility with newer computers). Not a direct sequel, but it will share some of the same concepts and settings.
Most of the graphics in the game are being made with
Studio, a virtual Lego editor. There will also be some claymation effects involved.
Christmas props:
More brick tests.You play as one of a series of Chess-piece shaped robots, who wakes up in the lab where you were created. You're meant to receive instructions from your creators at activation, but the lab was apparently abandoned hastily on the night of Christmas eve, months earlier. So you venture out looking for answers.
Here is a preview of one of the early areas, so far, called Nancy Lane:

Finally, a couple of demo tracks from that area, and the title screen theme:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lzjaSM74NPUbnswXk_oYWOhMEL-xPphahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AwyrFttAhzC_zwKPnT3p7V9qE4zskmK-Thanks for looking/reading so far. I hope to keep progress on this going at a steady pace