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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperArt (Moderator: JWK5)Find your opinions, and tell them to me. (3D stylized game)
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Author Topic: Find your opinions, and tell them to me. (3D stylized game)  (Read 5558 times)
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« on: November 11, 2020, 07:33:53 AM »

This is a short adventure / story / collectathon / walksim game I've been working on for devtober, I'm now pushing it a bit further more.

Find your opinions and tell them to me.  Coffee

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 08:24:34 AM »

That looks super adorable, and I am actually a fan of the walking animation haha. Only thing is that weird caterpillar thing at the end looks so similar to the ground I almost didn't see it. Looks nice so far though! Any specific inspirations?
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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2020, 08:46:23 AM »

Good point I'm gonna change its color and maybe rework this character, something is wrong with it. It is actually a walrus lool. Thanks for the feedback! For inspirations: I'd say for the kind of clay / shiny look, it comes from Link's awakening (on switch). And in general for characters and feel: The retro Rareware (BK BKT, DKC1 DKC2), the Zelda's from a link to the past to majora's mask. The feet clearly reminds of Rayman, tho the main reason why they are seperate from the body was to make the feet animation in code instead of animating them manually, so it was easier to just make them as a seperate object.


jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
@j3d.art instagram
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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2020, 03:49:19 PM »

As far as the art goes its perfectly acceptable, if all you get in the game is looking at this you would need a lot of changes in style and art assets to keep me interested.

What's the heart of why I'm interested?

When I go for a walk, there is a lot of interactivity, conversation, different people, different cars, last time I found some change on the sidewalk. I know walking sim is sort of laughed at, but if you could make something with as much depth as an actual walk in the IRL world that would be quite a big thing.

So the art is fine, the question is what's the hook?

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2020, 09:17:15 AM »

Interesting, I guess these screenshots don't show the hook of the game enough which would be more story/character oriented, I'll be working on adding more compelling characters and more events through the forest to spice the rhythm of it, and I'll try to eventually make a trailer that shows that better.

Thanks for the thoughts  Hand Metal Right

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2020, 02:39:48 PM »

I saw your dev log after posting this and it does seem like an interesting take on little red riding hood with some interesting ideas. But the screens here don't sell that. They look fine though.

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2020, 07:33:07 PM »

Indeed it did make me realize that it would be important for the screenshots and futur trailer to reflect more the story/interactivity aspect of the game and not just the aesthetic of it.

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2020, 08:01:33 PM »

I have trouble with that too, I spent months getting some really fancy path finding in a demo I did and each character was literally a sphere with a pointer on it. I could have spent a day and made some kind of graphic for them but alas.

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« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2020, 11:57:31 AM »

I love the look of this, it's very charming and I really dig the colour palette you're using. Also the character is cute and I love their animation. If I were to suggest anything I'd probably give the rocks/bricks of the house a slightly more blue-ish tint, I just think that might work a little better with the palette you've got going. Regardless, it looks splendid!
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« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2020, 05:12:24 PM »

@michaelplzno When wearing many hats, sometimes it just takes too much effort to switch from one job to another hehe Gentleman

@Bagworm Thanks for the feedback and the good words. I will probably put this house down and construct a new one tho, I don't really like it. It looks too much gray, yea. Cheesy

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
@j3d.art instagram
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« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2020, 02:16:12 AM »

Hello, I wanted to take a crack at it on how I could push the lighting and colors more. While it looks warm and comforting that would be perfect for a walksim, it looks fairly monochromatic. So thats where other colors come in, I made it so that the shadows is soft-lit by a cooler magenta or blue light while making the sun a really warm yellow. Added some variation with the dropped leaves too, added some greens instead of all of them a single color.

Made the wood darker also to break away from the middle ground tonal range of everything else. I made the sweater a cooler shade of green to make the character stand out more, but maybe a different color altogether might work better.

IMHO I didn't like the plastic look, it bothered me a lot lol, but maybe thats just personal preference. I only realized it was intentional when I was 90% finished with the paint over. But maybe make it a bit more subtle? Or focus on making the diffuse colors work first and then worry about the plastic finish later.

Here they are side by side

Excited what you'll come up with Smiley

Rexel Bartolome
Freelance Artist

IG & Twitter: @rexelbartolome
Portfolio: https://rexelbartolome.artstation.com/
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« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2020, 09:17:02 PM »

Hey Rexel,

Just saw your comment on twitter, I was submerged by freelance work so wasn't coming here these days (gotta earn a living while gamedev doesn't Sad )

wow that's very cool to see my game with a remixed color scheme. I indeed went for a monochrome palette for the environment, until now at least. I guess I wanted to play safe Cheesy . I like the green variation on the ground on your version, it helps contrast the path more and it match the shirt... will have to think about that, a little color variation might help spice up things indeed! the yellow leaves seems to add something too. That's funny, my fog use to have this blue - ish color at the beginning and I changed it for orange. Something about the mixing of the orange and blue makes it feel very... digital / game engine-ish. Not sure how to say it. I find the wood to be too dark on your side, I like things washed out a bit these days, just like if there was an instagram filter over everything Cheesy. The plastic! It's all about nostalgia, it reminds me of my action figure toys, or I like shiny things? I really liked how it looked in Link's awakening, maybe it's not on point on my side.

Thanks a lot for the paintover, that's a clever way to experiment, I should take time to do that as well.  Coffee

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2020, 12:24:59 PM »

rexel325's paintover is a big upgrade imo in terms of color composition.

Just fyi, the magic width=700 inside the img tag will format your images correctly. Hope to see you post more stuff!

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« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2020, 02:30:48 PM »

After playing this game I had a really strong dislike for it. It just seems so pessimistic and dower. I made a video of my play-through and I don't think I'll post it because its just such a downer. I already have enough downbeat stuff in reality, I don't need it in my games too. I can see why you are sparse on the details, if you were transparent about what the experience was I don't think many people would sign up for it.

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« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2020, 07:04:58 PM »

I understand, we all have our life's problems and sometimes in harder times, we just want to escape that reality with a certain type of games, books, series, whatever we personally like. It happens to me too, I wouldn't watch a Lars Von Trier movie every day. But sometimes, when not going through too harsh times, I think it's good to also see entertainments that try to see reality as it is. At the opposite, I get annoyed when games or movies try to be too optimistic or generic, I feel they are empty and fake. I prefer arts that face reality and try to give a sense to it. I find this kind of art to be more meaningful and honest.

That said, I'm surprised my game had this effect on you. I think it's far from being that depressing. It is mostly dark humor, sometimes it might be harsh but I also try to add some hope and nice things without necessarily going for a conventional happy ending. I'd be curious to know which moments you found downing (or if something was insulting/felt wrong, that would be important for me to know) Sometimes, a world just doesn't connect with one person and that's fine! Concerning the transparency, I didn't mean to hide anything, I'm just not ready to put the world into words as I'm still writing it and adding characters and reworking the whole game, I'm planning on making a way clearer trailer that will show the dark side of the game as well. I didn't put the itch link on this forum yet because I don't think the current version is worth it, my intention was just to slowly show pictures and eventually show future updates.

Anyway, good luck to you!

jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2020, 04:14:56 AM »

Just to be clear: I'm not saying its necessarily a bad game, particularly in any objective sense. I'm saying that I really dislike it. I know people will watch tearjerkers and listen to sad music and a lot of other stuff so I get that there is room for this kind of thing.

I made a video and when the walrus tricked me (trick is a strong word, I sort of could tell that I wasn't supposed to take any deals but I wanted to see what would happen.) and the rope he set up just trapped me it was just too "in your face." I mean you could have made it so that he just didn't set up the rope, or that the rope doesn't work or something but he took the payment and used it to set up a game ending trap?

I'm a big fan of humor, and I know everyone differs on that front too, but I don't get the joke here. The characters are just being flatly mean to the player, and not even in a playful or fun way, just a psychopathic and sadistic "oh I took your stuff, that's life" which isn't something I find too amusing or humorous or even particularly realistic. You are in the Forrest of Pain and Misery where nothing goes right and you cannot win, a very real take on the world? I mean, when someone trips and falls on the street, which is part of life, I don't laugh. Its just an ugly part of reality.

But ask yourself this: once a player knows the trick, would they do the game over again? As in, all the characters are out to get the player, there is no way to have a happy ending, and the walking bits are long and tedious, but "thank you sir may I have another?"

So on your art style question: perhaps you should make the visuals black and white and get some sad violin music playing in the bg?

And the music I chose almost is humorous to me in how hammy it is in its sadness. The character who gets this song when he's bummed out is a damn superhero who can literally walk on water and no one likes him. Its total cheese. That's the kind of stuff that actually has an irony to it.

In Shakespeare, when Nick Bottom dies in the play within a play in Midsummer Night's Dream there actually is a joke to it: his death is a play on how absurd tearjerker dramatic moments are. He goes on and on about how he is going to die and what a horrible thing that is, and he almost dies and comes back to life and then dies again and so on. That's a joke.

Here we have a game that is tedious to play, somewhat monochrome and repetitive. The walking isn't fun or interesting. If I made a video of the game I would have to cut those parts out. Then we have these little interactions that are just "unpleasant" to phrase it as politely as I can. If you told me the game part was really entertaining then maybe you could layer on an ironically sad narrative as a joke but in its current state the game is just a major bummer.

I understand, we all have our life's problems and sometimes in harder times, we just want to escape that reality with a certain type of games, books, series, whatever we personally like. It happens to me too, I wouldn't watch a Lars Von Trier movie every day. But sometimes, when not going through too harsh times, I think it's good to also see entertainments that try to see reality as it is. At the opposite, I get annoyed when games or movies try to be too optimistic or generic, I feel they are empty and fake. I prefer arts that face reality and try to give a sense to it. I find this kind of art to be more meaningful and honest.

This is not reality, it is a very particular view that you happen to have. Its easy to say anything happy is escapism, and that its more real to focus on the sad bits because that's just the way it really is. And I feel bad that to you that is what reality is. But just to use the oldest adage in the world, some people see the glass as half empty and some see the glass as half full. You cannot claim that "the reality is that the glass is half empty and to view the glass optimistically is just a fantasy" when in essence your art is trying to convince people that pessimism is the correct and real point of view.

You are going to tell me that in Melancholia, where a literal planet of sadness comes in and eclipses the sun, and then crashes into earth killing everyone, that is realistic? "It happens man, happened 3 times last week."

You may not realize it, and a lot of artists have pushed for the idea that sad stuff is reality and meaningful and important and award worthy and so on, but the art we consume affects the flavor of the reality we experience. You could go through life saying that you aren't going to add any sauce to the food you consume b/c it is a fantastical lie we are just telling ourselves that the food tastes better. But the food does literally taste better with the proper seasoning. And when you pour a heap of sadness on food and season it wrong it tastes bad. That's life: you can push it in the direction you want.

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« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2020, 10:38:17 AM »

...but he took the payment and used it to set up a game ending trap?

Did you talk to the tree? he gives a hint on how to get past the slope. There is actually an ending. Many have found it. That would indeed be disappointing for the game to end with the rope trap.  Cheesy

Here we have a game that is tedious to play, somewhat monochrome and repetitive.
Agree on the repetitive aspect, working on that, and making the world less empty.

Its easy to say anything happy is escapism
Never said that and disagree with that statement.

You may not realize it, and a lot of artists have pushed for the idea that sad stuff is reality and meaningful and important and award worthy and so on, but the art we consume affects the flavor of the reality we experience.

It has nothing to do with "sadness.” The palette of emotions is way broader than just sadness or happiness, some feelings or experiences don't have a word for them, so art can help with that in someway. When someone can bring that layer of complexity in his work, I like it and I find it more memorable.

 Hand Metal Left


jay G.B.

@grosbulldog Twitter
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