Let's try writing an actual devlog post.
The graphics engine, a linear algebra refresher, and writing parsers instead of GUI editorsThe graphics are made out of tiny geometric shapes, each of which can be exactly one colour, much like pixels.
However, they come in various shapes -- currently square, triangle, and diamond -- and are positioned in a 4-dimensional space based on angles of 30 degrees, as opposed to pixels' 2d space based on angles of 90 degrees.
In the graphics engine, the tiny shapes are referred to as "prismels" (because they're like pixels, but can be arbitrary... prisms?.. no, polygons. Hmmmmm. It was many many years ago that I first started thinking about all this, so I guess I have no idea why I went with the term "prismels").
Anyway, here is a motivating example... you play as this spider-looking thing:

And here is a text representation of the "prismels" which make it up:
/ | | \
+- | | -+
| \ | | / |
/ -+---+- \
| | | |
+- / \ / \ -+---+-
| \ | | | / | | \
| -+---+---+- | | -+
| / | | | \ | | /
+- \ / \ / -+---+-
| | | |
\ -+---+- /
| / | | \ |
+- | | -+
\ | | /
-+ +-
/ | | \
+- | | -+
| \ | | / |
/ -+ +- \
| | | |
+- / \ -+
| \ | | / |
| -+ +- |
| / \ |
+- -+
They are all squares and triangles. There is a third type of prismel, the diamond, which gets used less frequently than the others. Here are all 3 shown together:
+---+ +
| | |
| | / \ -+---+
| | | | / /
+---+ +---+ +---+-
Earlier I said they are positioned in a "4 dimensional" space. What did that mean, though?
It means that the coordinates of these shapes can be expressed as 4-dimensional vectors (a, b, c, d).
Here are the 4 unit vectors I use:
+ +
| | B
|/ -+
| /
O---+ A
O = (0, 0, 0, 0) <- The origin
A = (1, 0, 0, 0)
B = (0, 1, 0, 0)
C = (0, 0, 1, 0)
D = (0, 0, 0, 1)
In case that's not too clear, here are some examples of other vectors:
2A = (2, 0, 0, 0):
-A = (-1, 0, 0, 0):
2B = (0, 2, 0, 0):
C - A = (-1, 0, 1, 0):
...you can see why that should be C - A, if you put C and -A end-to-end:
/ C
Why, you might ask, use these 4 dimensions instead of the usual X and Y?
The answer is that basic trigonometry will tell you that if the bottom-left point of the following triangle is the origin (0, 0), then the (x, y) coordinates for its topmost point are, if I recall correctly, (1/2, 1 + sqrt(3)):
/ \
| |
...and long story short, if you want to represent such coordinates as *integers* (which I do), you actually end up with 4 "dimensions" anyway! The general form just becomes, if I recall correctly, ((a + b * sqrt(3)) / 2, (c + d * sqrt(3)) / 2). You see? Four variables: a, b, c, d. But we've got gross sqrt(3) stuff everywhere, whereas the 4d space I prefer to use has some nice properties when it comes to rotation, as you will now see.
Now, one thing you might notice is that A, B, C, and D can be generated by rotating A by multiples of 30 degrees.
If it helps you visualize this, here they are shown one after the other:
A: 0 degrees:
B: 30 degrees:
C: 60 degrees:
D: 90 degrees:
Let's say the function R rotates its argument by 30 degrees.
And note that 30 * 12 = 360 (that is, applying R 12 times gets you back to where you started:
R(R(R(R(R(R(R(R(R(R(R(R(x)))))))))))) = x for any x).
Then we have:
R(A) = B
R(B) = C
R(C) = D
R(D) = C - A <- See the visualization of C - A earlier to see how it must be R(D)!
R(C - A) = D - B
R(D - B) = -A
R(-A) = -B
R(-B) = -C
R(-C) = -D
R(-D) = -C + A
R(-C + A) = -D + B
R(-D + B) = A <- 12 rotations got us back where we started
Also, we can do something cool from linear algebra: we can define vector multiplication, and say that R is a vector instead of a function.
So for any vector x,
R * x = R(x).
Now we need to pick a unit vector, let's say that's A.
So A represents the identity transformation:
A * x = xNow since B is A rotated by 30 degrees, we have
A * R = B, but since A is the identity, that means
R = B.
We can keep going with that:
R^0 = A
R^1 = B
R^2 = C
R^3 = D
R^12 = A <- 12 rotations of 60 degrees is a 360 degree rotation... i.e. no change
And by the way, 2A represents a "stretch" of size 2. That is,
2A * x stretches x to twice its size.
So I can use vectors to stretch and rotate the graphics.
The graphics engine can also define "mappers" which stretch & rotate all coordinates in an image, and replace each of its prismels with a shape composed of many prismels -- and this whole transformation can be applied repeatedly, basically generating fractals.
For instance, here is a transformation called "curvy" which... well, you'll see:
unit: 2 4 0 -2 <---- this is the vector it multiplies the coordinates by
: "vert" -> "vert"
: "edge" -> "edge"
: "sq" -> "curvy_sq" <---- this says it replaces prismel "sq" with shape "curvy_sq"
: "tri" -> "curvy_tri"
: "dia" -> "curvy_dia"
...this is what "curvy_sq", "curvy_tri", and "curvy_dia" look like:

...so what happens if we repeatedly apply the "curvy" transformation to some other shape?..

Transformed with "curvy" a couple of times:

Cool eh?!?!
Anyway, that's enough linear algebra and fractals for now. Apologies?.. or you're welcome?.. but let's get back to games...
So how is all this used by the game engine?
In fact, I "wrote" most of the graphics by hand using 4d coordinates.
Let's see how the spider image is defined. Here it is again for reference:

...and here is how it was defined using the game's graphics language. Note, lines beginning with '#' are comments. This is all taken more or less directly from the game's current code:
# _ +
# + \
# / \ _ +
# (+)- + _ |
# +
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 0 f eval: 1 + 8 + 1
: "tri" (1 0 0 0) 11 f eval: 1 + 8 + 2
: "sq" (1 0 0 0) 1 f eval: 1 + 8 + 1
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 0 f
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 2 f
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 4 f
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 6 f
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 8 f
: "_head_sixth" (0 0 0 0) 10 f
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 0 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 2 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 4 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 6 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 8 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "tri" (0 0 0 0) 10 f eval: 1 + 8 + 4
: "sq" (0 0 0 0) 0 f eval: 1 + 8 + 1
: "tri" (1 0 0 0) 1 f eval: 1 + 8 + 2
: "_head" (0 0 0 0) 0 f
: "eye" (0 0 0 0) 0 f
: "nose" (1 1 0 -1) 0 f
# Back leg
: "tri" ( 0 -1 0 0) 11 f eval: 1 + 8 + 5
: "sq" ( 0 -1 -1 0) 11 f eval: 1 + 8 + 3
: "tri" ( 0 -1 -1 -1) 1 f eval: 1 + 8 + 3
# Front leg
# For historical reasons, "bleg" and "fleg" look exactly the same,
# just "fleg" is usually rotated 180 degrees wherever its used...
# However, they're separate in case we ever want to tweak one.
: "bleg" (0 0 0 0) 0 f
: "head" ( 0 1 3 1) 0 f
: "bleg" ( 0 1 1 1) 0 f
: "fleg" ( 2 1 1 1) 6 t
...and just to be clear, that text is parsed by the game engine and used to generate the spider image.
You can maybe see the 4d coordinates in there, e.g.
"head" ( 0 1 3 1) 0 f is saying that the shape called "head" should be rendered at B + 3C + D, and rotated by R^0, and not flipped vertically ("f" is for "false"). The "eval" bits are specifying colours, e.g.
eval: 1 + 8 + 2 is light green. (It's a classic 4-bit palette, RGBI where the "I" is for "intensity", e.g. the "light" in "light green". See also:
Wikipedia article. And the
+ 1 is because 0 is reserved for the "transparent colour".)
In any case, somehow after typing up enough of that stuff, we end up with a game which looks like this:

You might argue this does not seem like a particularly efficient way to generate graphics.
And I would agree, which is why I (recently, after already typing up 90% of the graphics the other way) wrote a parser which can understand "text representations" of prismels, like this:
;; +
;; | |
;; |5|
;; +---+
;; | | |
;; |5|5|
;; +---+
;; | |
;; | |
;; |D |
;; +---+
;; | |
;; | |
;; |F |
;; +---*
...that shape is called "_coin_beast_bleg_step1", because it's the back leg of a "coin beast" during frame 1 of its "stepping" animation, which looks something like this:

Okay, but there are some pieces missing here. How do the animations work?.. also, as you may (or may not) be able to tell from the gameplay clip above, the map's tiles actually form a triangular grid -- the "prismels" and 4d coordinates and whatnot are only used for rendering the sprites, not for the "physics".
First of all, the animations are done by specifying how many frames of animation a "shape" (image) has, and then optionally specifying for which frames its prismels or sub-shapes are visible. For instance, here is the "crawl_step" shape, in which the spider takes a step while crouching:
animation: cycle 3
: "crawl_head" (-1 0 2 1) 1 f 0 (0 1)
: "crawl_head" ( 0 0 2 1) 1 f 0 (1 1)
: "crawl_head" ( 0 1 2 0) 1 f 0 (2 1)
: "bleg" (-1 1 1 1) 0 f
: "fleg" ( 2 1 1 2) 7 t 0 (0 1)
: "fleg" ( 3 1 1 2) 6 t 0 (1 1)
: "fleg" ( 3 1 1 1) 6 t 0 (2 1)
"crawl_head" (-1 0 2 1) 1 f 0 (0 1) says to render the "crawl_head" shape at some 4d coordinate, with a rotation of R^1, not flipped (the "f" is for "false", remember), and finally "0 (0 1)" means don't offset "crawl_head"'s animation by any frames (the "0"), and only make it visible for 1 frame, starting on frame 0 (the "(0 1)").
Look, I enjoy writing parsers more than I enjoy writing GUIs, okay? I'm not saying this was the best way to achieve all this.
Okay, now how is the map defined?
Well, the bottom-left part of the map in this screenshot:

...is defined like this:
+ - + - + + - +
/* * *\ \*/
+ - + - + - + + - +
/ /* * *\ \* * */
+ - + - + + - + - + + - + + - + +
/ / \ \* * * * */*
+ - + - + - + + + - + - + + + - + -
/ \ \ \*/ */*\*
+ + - + + +
/ / / \ \
+ + - + - + - + + +
\ / / /
+ - + . + - + + - + - + +
S / \ / \
. (+)- + - + - + + - + - + - +
/ / \ /*
+ - + + + - + - + - +
/ \ / * * *
+ + - + - + - +
...that file is called "start.fus", and another file, "worldmap.fus", glues together such maps like this:
file: "data/maps/demo/start.fus"
pos: (0 0)
camera: (6 4)
mapper: ("quadruple")
palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/start.fus"
file: "data/maps/demo/start2.fus"
pos: (7 11)
camera: (5 4)
mapper: ("quadruple")
palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/start.fus"
file: "data/maps/demo/start3.fus"
pos: (2 15)
camera: (5 -5)
mapper: ("triple")
tileset: "data/maps/demo/tilesets/shiny.fus"
And in fact, there is one last major type of file (and associated mini-language), which defines how a character moves and is controlled -- how its animations are glued together, how it responds to keypresses and collisions, and even the logic used by its AI.
Here is a snippet from the file describing the spider's movement:
collmsgs: "touch"
on "crush": goto: dead
collmap "stand":
;; . .
;; *\*/*
;; . - + - .
;; */*\*
;; (.) .
collmap "crawl":
;; .
;; *
;; (.) .
rgraph: "stand"
hitbox: collmap("stand")
# Can't stand on nothing
coll: any no
;; (+)- +
move: 1 0
goto immediate: start_jump
# Crawl
key: isdown d
goto delay: crawling
# Forced jump
key: isdown f
coll: all no
;; \*/*
;; + -
;; /*\*
;; ( )
move: 1 0
goto immediate: start_jump
...so we've got conditionals and "goto"s which send you to other animations, and side-effects like "move: 1 0" which moves you 1 space to the right.
On the one hand, it's a pretty gross example of "not invented here" syndrome (why not embed Lua or something?), but on the other hand, it lets us add syntax and features which might be difficult to express in another language.
For instance, I can express hitboxes as some kind of literal. Here is part of a conditional saying "if the following hitbox, at our sprite's location, would not collide with the map". (Note, the "( )" represents the sprite's location, which for the spider is its back foot):
coll: all no
;; \*/*
;; + -
;; /*\*
;; ( )
For reference, a single triangular map tile, including its 3 points, 3 edges, and 1 triangular face looks like this:
+ - +
...the same map tile, not including 2 of its points, 1 of its edges, or its face, looks like:
+ - .
(The "." indicate positions where you could put an "+", that is, a point. The "." are optional, they just make it easier to visualize the triangular grid.)
Hooray, an info dump! I'd say this has been a successful devlog entry. If we can cover enough nitty gritty, maybe I can start writing out my thoughts about how to bring this game project to a close, and actually tie together the features and map I have so far into something which people can play from start to finish, and enjoy.