I wish Sokpop would write devlogs as thorough as yours. Blattix's diary and Gravitas' devlog were a good read
Thanks for the feedback @Guntha... I'm Kranzky and I wrote those things
The thing is, writing something like
BLaTTiX: Diary of a Game was really difficult and time consuming, and I just can't force myself to write something like that on a regular schedule. Besides, that article received only a handful of claps and zero comments, which means that I now really keep to just writing things that I tend to be personally interested in myself, instead of writing to a (non-existent) audience.
Which kinda goes back to the point @chr15m was making in his original post. Marketing (aka building an audience) is hard, and nobody wants to do it. So my strategy has just been to be myself, doing what I find interesting in public, and hope that it strikes a chord with someone (and I'm very glad that it did for you).
To prove that point, I began the
Gravitas Diary with the intent of writing something on a daily basis, but I really only managed to keep it up for the first two weeks of development, after which I lost interest (because writing is hard, I wasn't writing it for myself and I was receiving little feedback). Which is a great pity, because it would have been fantastic to finish the project with a complete daily diary as a by-product, but
cest a la vie.
That's the whole Punk Collective philosophy, in fact. We're just doing our own thing because we find it interesting and fun, but we're doing it in the open in the hope that we'll accumulate an audience organically over time.
How is the business going so far?
Well, it's been great to finish so many projects this year, given my track record in previous years! And it's been a fantastic learning experience. In terms of a business, however, it is not self-sustaining. We're making precious few sales (although this makes sense when one realises that around 1% of views convert to a sale, which is par for the course), and going through the pains of giving birth to a new creation only to be met with the chirruping of crickets can damage one's ego.
Having said that, it's a fun experiment, and I look forward to continuing it in 2022. Let's see where it goes!