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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsDepths of Ascension - a traditional roguelike with modern UI and UX
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Author Topic: Depths of Ascension - a traditional roguelike with modern UI and UX  (Read 853 times)
Nomad Hermit
Level 0

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« on: August 30, 2021, 06:06:12 AM »

"When you light a candle you also cast a shadow"
- Ursula Le Guin

Dive into de depths of an ever-changing dungeon, where the force of magic is so strong that reality itself is distorted, and find the legendary Mechanism of Ascension, that lets mortals become deities.

  • A Traditional Roguelike with modern UI and UX
  • Grid-based, turn-based tactical combat.
  • Lighting levels, noise, and smell create a perception system that allows for intricate stealth gameplay, for the players that want to explore it.
  • A varied and engaging combat system that allows for varied playstyles.

The Mazes of Madness are a set of natural caves and artificial dungeons inhabited by monstrous creatures and even whole societies that thrive in the magical environment, where not everything that moves is an enemy.

  • A language system that allows communication with any sentient specimen – as long as your player character masters his tongue.
  • Factions and Lairs – interact with the underworld denizens and get involved in ther inner conflicts… or not. Just remember that having allies makes your journey easier.

Magic is real, the Powers That Be are active and zealous (and sometimes jealous). You can be an arcane trickster, a fireball-spitting sorcerer, or an ardent cleric.

  • An arcane magic system that lets you use the magical language to create your own spells in a programming-like manner.
  • Basic magic spells can be found in the dungeon, for the player that wants to feel the power of magic without the hurdle of “coding” their own spells.
  • Divine magic relies on piety and following the Patron Deity’s mandates to the letter and thus being rewarded with spell-like powers.

To know more about the game you can follow us:
On Twitter https://twitter.com/depthsascension
On our Newsletter https://depthsofascension.prometheaninteractive.com/newsletter/
On our Discord server https://discord.gg/qEhT3hfw54

Check out my Unity Roguelike Tutorial at http://nomadhermitsgrove.prometheaninteractive.com/
Level 10

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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2021, 11:08:10 AM »


Is there perhaps some inspiration from Ultima Underworld, and/or Underworld Ascendant? I feel like I'm seeing lots of echoes of those games... (Which, to be clear, is not criticism--it's indeed one of the things that intrigues me here!)

Now, you say that this is a traditional roguelike--how traditional, if I may ask? In particular, I'm wondering about two things:

First, how heavily-randomised is combat?

(In traditional roguelikes, combat is often very much a roll of the dice, with little player-skill involved.)

And second, how likely is it (or do you intend or expect it to be) that the random generation will produce a dungeon that is unwinnable?

(In traditional roguelikes, it seems to be expected that not all dungeons can actually be completed, and that by far and wide most runs will fail--regardless of player-skill.)

Nomad Hermit
Level 0

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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2021, 11:35:40 AM »

Is there perhaps some inspiration from Ultima Underworld, and/or Underworld Ascendant? I feel like I'm seeing lots of echoes of those games... (Which, to be clear, is not criticism--it's indeed one of the things that intrigues me here!)

Oh, I don't know those games you mentioned. I'll take a look. But the games this one drives more inspiration from are NetHack, Dwarf Fortress, and Caves of Qud.

First, how heavily-randomised is combat?

(In traditional roguelikes, combat is often very much a roll of the dice, with little player-skill involved.)

Well, there are rolls of dice involved, as in any game that derives from tabletop RPGs. But I would disagree with your saying that in traditional roguelikes combat is merely a roll of the dice. In most good traditional roguelikes combat is more about resource management and strategy than simply rolling a dice.

But anyway, DoA is to be a traditional roguelike in the Berlin Interpretation sense. For us, that means a couple of things:

– Exploration and discovery – every gameplay is unique, because every time the placement and even availability of stuff in the game is randomized. A roguelike game requires careful exploration of the dungeon levels and the usage of unidentified items.

– Permadeath – yes, this means that when you die you lose everything. And no, this is not a bad thing. Permadeath is a conscious design choice to make player’s choices really matter. Everything you do has consequences, and when those consequences backfire, well, “the player will remember that”.

– Turn-Based and Grid-Based – when any action you choose will have consequences, it’s better to take time to make that choice. A turn-based game means that you have all the time that you want to ponder, access your situation, look through your belongings, and weigh your options before doing anything. The world is represented by a uniform grid of tiles. That means that the position of things is readable and predictable, so the decision-making is less burdened.

– Emergent Gameplay and Narrative – Every playthrough is a new story, with a new character, a new dungeon to explore, new friends and enemies to make. The roguelike is a sandbox, a “system soup with nuggets of meaning” (to take the expression of Henrik Fåhraeus, Game Director of Crusader Kings 2), an intricate interaction of complex systems designed to let players live their own stories.

– Resource Management – there are limited resources, and you have to manage what you get in order to survive. This is crucial to creating the overarching feeling that every simple choice that you make impacts the whole game. The spending of resources shouldn’t be trivial, but something to consider with care.

Anyway, I'll post a devlog that unveils a little bit of the combat system in the next post.

And second, how likely is it (or do you intend or expect it to be) that the random generation will produce a dungeon that is unwinnable?

(In traditional roguelikes, it seems to be expected that not all dungeons can actually be completed, and that by far and wide most runs will fail--regardless of player-skill.)

The game will be heavily procedurally generated, but never purely randomly generated. The idea is that the algorithms for the generation of the dungeons and caves always provide the means to reaching the end, with sufficient skill of the player. On the other hand, we also aim to provide several different ways of approaching any challenge, so victory is never dependent on luck on the generation of items.

Check out my Unity Roguelike Tutorial at http://nomadhermitsgrove.prometheaninteractive.com/
Nomad Hermit
Level 0

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2021, 11:37:18 AM »

Stab it in the face – Devlog 02

(yeah, I didn't post the devlog 01, but it was a discussion about roguelikes in general, that you may find here: https://depthsofascension.prometheaninteractive.com/2021/08/24/a-step-into-the-darkness/)

Welcome to our second devlog, the first one in which we talk about game mechanics. More specifically, combat mechanics.

As a traditional roguelike, DoA is grid-based and turn-based. But here come twists to that old formula:

It would be actually more accurate to say that Doa is tick-based rather than turn-based, but that would make everyone wonder just what the heck tick-based actually means.

Well, in normal turn-based games there are several “players” (human players or AI players) that alternate in a certain given order, having each own their turn.

In DoA we don’t have actual turns. We have ticks, which are an internal unit of time. Every “player” (we call them actors, actually, so one doesn’t confuse them with human players) has a speed and an action bar. When the actor decides what to do (say, move one tile, or cut the goblin’s head off) that action has a cost. The cost of the action is put in the action bar and with every tick the action bar decreases by the speed of the actor.

The player character Alice has a speed of 25.
Moving to the tile to the left is an action with the cost of 400.
The player decides to move to that tile to the left and performs the command. The action bar of the player character becomes 400, and then every tick the action bar is reduced by 25;
16 ticks later (400/25) the action bar becomes 0, and the player character does the movement.

But don’t worry. All those calculations are performed in the background, you don’t need to take it all into consideration when moving around. But it adds a layer of strategy to combat: when you are in front of a goblin and try to move to the left if the goblin is quicker than you he can cut your guts before you finish the movement.

Different combat stances (see below) affect your speed. Also, items, potions, and other effects can have some impact – on general speed and also on the speed of specific actions.

The player can have all the information on it through the UI. But the exact amount of information displayed about non-player characters depends on the player character’s perception, intelligence, wisdom, and specific skills.

All characters will always be facing a direction. This way it is possible to approach an enemy from behind and get him by surprise. It is also possible to flank an enemy – or to be flanked by several enemies. How would you manage a situation in which you are surrounded by goblins?

For players, the facing does not affect Field of View and doesn’t have application outside of combat. But the game will still track the facing of the player character in the background for calculations of sneaking enemies (yes, you may end up being the one to receive a backstab). This way the player won’t need to spend time doing tedious turning around when exploring the dungeon, at the same time that the system still provides nuanced stealth and combat gameplay.

Though one can attack or defend without using a combat stance, it normally isn’t advisable to do so. Just think on the fighting movies: before combat the enemies change posture in order to adopt something that allows to better attack and defend.

As in those movies, there are different combat stances (as those postures are often called). There may be a lot of those down the line, but for now there are only three:

Defensive – you sacrifice movement and damage output to fortify your defense.
Agile – you sacrifice damage output and armor in order to have better mobility and dodging.
Strong – you sacrifice movement and defense to increase your damage output.

There are some concepts on the paragraphs above that need clarifying. Let’s go to them:

Movement – every stat that affects speed (the one that decreases the action bar) and moving-related skills (like acrobacy and dodging).

Damage Output – the actual damage that the attack generates, generally in form of a dice roll. That output can be partially or even totally reduced by armor.

Defense – a numeric value against which the attack roll is compared to, to see if the attack hits. Putting more armor doesn’t increase your defense (it increases damage reduction, see “Armor” below). What increases defense is adopting the right stance, being proficient on the stance and the weapons you’re using, using some shield, or increasing combat reflexes.

Armor – is the damage reduction against physical damage. Heavier armor grants better damage reduction, at the cost of penalties to movement.

Dodging – an active movement to get out of the harm’s way, when you manage to notice the attack before it hits you, using your combat reflexes.

Combat Reflexes – a passive perception check during combat to see if your character manages to read the opponent’s movement so you can anticipate them. Very useful not only for dodging, but also for parrying and counter-attacking.

Counter-Attack – an active movement to try to use the attack of the enemy against them, finding vulnerability on their attack movement. The game runs some checks in the background to see if you manage to spot an opportunity for counter-attack, then present it to you. It’s a great way to temporarily lower an enemy’s defenses, so your attack roll have more chances to hit.

These are some still high-level concepts around which the combat system is designed. We’ll be diving more into them in future devlogs. Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on our social media!

Check out my Unity Roguelike Tutorial at http://nomadhermitsgrove.prometheaninteractive.com/
Level 10

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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 11:08:07 AM »

That's an interesting combat system that you have in mind, I do think! ^_^

Oh, I don't know those games you mentioned. I'll take a look. But the games this one drives more inspiration from are NetHack, Dwarf Fortress, and Caves of Qud.

Interesting! Especially given the similarity in title to that of Underworld Ascendant, and the similarities in setting and suchlike!

But fair enough! ^_^

Well, there are rolls of dice involved, as in any game that derives from tabletop RPGs.

Ah, fair enough. This is likely enough not for me, then! (Which is okay.)

I may still keep an eye on the project, however, as it does seem interesting!

But I would disagree with your saying that in traditional roguelikes combat is merely a roll of the dice.

And yet, the outcome of any combat action is decided entirely by die-roll. Oh, stats and equipment affect the outcome, but in the end, (and beyond a certain threshold) if the dice say that you lose, you lose.

Don't mistake me: I very much recognise the resource management element of such games--that just wasn't what I was asking after. It's more a question of whether (or to what degree) the outcome of a given player-action is determined randomly.

But anyway, DoA is to be a traditional roguelike in the Berlin Interpretation sense.

Oof, very much not for me, then, I fear! ^^;

But again, that's fair!

(There's so much that I like about roguelikes, but that traditional form is one that really doesn't work for me, I find.)

The game will be heavily procedurally generated, but never purely randomly generated. The idea is that the algorithms for the generation of the dungeons and caves always provide the means to reaching the end, with sufficient skill of the player. On the other hand, we also aim to provide several different ways of approaching any challenge, so victory is never dependent on luck on the generation of items.

This, at least, is good to read! ^_^

(And very much redolent of the immersive sim!)

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