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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborations[RevShare] Looking for level designer for a fun physics game
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Author Topic: [RevShare] Looking for level designer for a fun physics game  (Read 1155 times)
Level 0

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« on: November 09, 2021, 06:16:42 AM »

Hey guys! I am looking for level designer for this game  Blink  Who, Me?




Revenue share from 10% and can be more, depends on amount of work. For the 100 created levels, and approved into the game, it will be 10%. Creating levels ain't easy. From my own experience (I am pretty good level designer myself) in a day I can make 2-4 really good levels. And above that it starts going not so good. So to create a 100 levels would require around 30 days.

I need someone creative. Who can create a lot of levels and so they are interesting and have all kind of different situations. If you will want come up with a new mechanics idea, we can program that and implement to the game as well.

Send me message here or on Discord: Arseniy(Bixenter)#1271

You can join Progamix.com server to catch me directly without friend request:

My game Orbox B: Rebirth. Puzzle-logic with sci-fi story
Lot of mechanics and levels. Google play, iOS, PC, Mac, find links in press kit here:
Level 0

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« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2021, 08:47:00 AM »

Check this out. Level with new mechanics!
I am still looking for level designer.



My game Orbox B: Rebirth. Puzzle-logic with sci-fi story
Lot of mechanics and levels. Google play, iOS, PC, Mac, find links in press kit here:
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