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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsSeek 3D modelers and Unity devs to join our team (volunteers)
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Author Topic: Seek 3D modelers and Unity devs to join our team (volunteers)  (Read 1028 times)
Level 0

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« on: November 11, 2021, 04:01:54 AM »


We are looking for motivated people to create a tower defense based game. Actually its a warcraft 3 mods that is already played on battlenet and other platforms by thousands of players. The creator of the mod want to make a stand alone and he gather a team to remake it and improve it on unity. We already did some work so far, but now we want to go to the next step and speed up the process. We are looking for modelers to make epic fantastic creatures and beautiful buildings mainly. We need experienced unity devs too. We are passionate people and I hope some of you will join us in this beautiful project. Send me a message on discord Ymave#3149 if you happen to be interested!


The game looks like that in warcraft 3:

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