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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsHobby dev looking for artist partner. Let's make your game !
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Author Topic: Hobby dev looking for artist partner. Let's make your game !  (Read 1794 times)

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« on: December 04, 2021, 01:36:54 AM »

Hey there !

I've been a hobbyist game dev for a few years now, all this time I've been making gameplay proof of concept to give myself a project to work on. The thing is : I hate drawing, making music and my level design creativity has it's limits.

Looking for artists online has been a struggle to say the least. So I'm gonna try and mix things up and say we're gonna talk about and make your game idea. As long as you're motivated and won't abandon the project after a week.

I don't care about skill level or experience, as long as you're a chill, passionate person that wants to make art and games !

Regarding technical details :
 I have experience with Unity but mainly use godot as my game engine.
 You would be the one making all the visual art for the game. I don't want to draw and trust me you don't want that either Tongue I can however make some music.

Alright, cya !

Feel free to reply here or add me on discord : Mysgym#7344

Chase Easy

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« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2022, 07:44:55 PM »

Hi there, I see your post is over a year old.. lol, last year, just curious if you found a project.  I'm an artist looking to collab with a developer or 2 to build a play 2 earn game.  If it tweaks your interest, add me up to discord.  I sent a friend request.  Cheers, Chase
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