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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborations[Unpaid][Profit Share] Looking to form a team for a small VR game.
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Author Topic: [Unpaid][Profit Share] Looking to form a team for a small VR game.  (Read 1023 times)
Ready Penguin Go!
Level 0

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« on: January 02, 2022, 12:50:52 AM »

My name is Daniel and I am the Director at Ready Penguin Go! (I'll refer to it as RPG from here on)

RPG was originally working on a 3D Action RPG called "An Orcward Adventure", due to unforeseen circumstances (namely covid) I had to dissolve my team. Unfortunately, this also meant I had to put the game on hold as I cannot make a game of that scale alone.

I have decided to make another game that will serve as an introduction to the game above. That said I am in need of a team once again. I must stress though that the work will not be paid unless we can get funding from a publisher or other source. I know that this is a big ask and it is also the reason I'm not expecting ex-AAA developers.

I myself am a games designer and graduated from a University in the UK renowned for games-related courses. That means that I can do mechanics and level design and a little bit of UI/UX as well.

At this time I am looking for anyone who is willing to help.

I'm hoping the project won't take more than 3 months as it is pretty small in scale. Limited to just the village in "An Orcward Adventure". I intend to make a farming simulator in VR, the reason for this is; the protagonist of the main game is brought up as a hunter/gatherer/farmer. However, he gives up these duties when his village is destroyed.

So in effect "An Orcward Reality" (working title for this game) will serve as both an introduction and a prologue to "An Orcward Adventure"

 I have a community discord if you want to see the kind of game  "An Orcward Adventure" is.


TLDR: I'm looking for talented individuals to help make a small VR game.
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