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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsMusic Composer for any indie game / Katanazaki / looking for a working group
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Author Topic: Music Composer for any indie game / Katanazaki / looking for a working group  (Read 1164 times)
Level 0

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« on: January 10, 2022, 10:45:58 AM »

Hi there!

I’m Julien, a french composer based in Toulouse, France. I spent the last 10 years playing music on various projects, and this is just the beginning!

I have plenty of experience in computer music production as well as audio arrangements. I play guitar, synthesizers and geek out on any virtual instruments I can possibly find.

My inspiration comes from many sources, video games, books, movies, going on a hike in the middle of nowhere.. I can find a melody to fit with any context or mood.

I’m always hungry for news projects so whatever your needs, your industry, your location, feel free to reach out and let’s work together!



contact : @katanazaki (instagram) or web site
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