Email Marketing
What did I do last week while my partner was fixing the last few bugs left? I did a bit of email marketing.
And this is how I split & organized my email marketing priorities until 24 March:
List 1 (past) - for Exclusive Beta footage (I think I posted about these results in the past, I only sent the press kit to 5 YouTubers that I have been following and genuinely engaging in their communities for some time such as Nook, Frazz, Splattercat, and so on) aim here was to create quality branding, not quantity. This list got converted 5/5
List 2 (present) - here I aimed for YouTubers that do upcoming indie games announcements, my list was custom made, again with engagement in time but unfortunately from the 5 YouTubers I aimed, only 2 responded but still, I consider this a success. Please note that for this category I haven`t sent the game only the trailer, release date, and a gameplay video from one of the YouTubers that did one during Beta.
Because indie games fans:
Because strategy game fans: 3 (Next) - Here I will target game Journalists, again my list will be small(5-6 Journalists) but I will do solid research first and active engagement. I will also include here a game version with locked content(I don't want too many spoilers out there + I am still doing the exclusive approach not just because I want better chances at bigger people but because I aim for quality in branding)
List 4 (after) - Here I will target very big Youtubers, it will be a 50-50 shoot in the dark because I did not have time to research and engage in all their communities, this list will probably have 10-15 people and if even 1 of them will make a video the goal will be reached.
List 5(after) - here I will target medium size YouTubers, this list will probably consist of around 30 YouTubers, I will also not have time to do many engagements but if branding from List 1 and 2 worked then this should not be a problem and should increase the exposure more as we are getting closer to the release date
List 6(same time with the release) - here I will target the people who subscribed to my site with their emails, ofc here will be just an announcement so there will be no actual game press kit attached. I aim for a big boom so I will try to synchronize this with the Gamejolt & free vertical slice release and probably I will also give some keys on Keymailer and Indieboost although tbh in the future I plan to stop using those sites entirely, exclusivity works so much better than paying YouTubers and risking your keys to end up on third party sites on sale.
List 7 (removed) - here the aim was people who do Streams, unfortunately, I will skip this one because I am lacking time & I am exhausted, I hope it won't bite me in the ass at the end but I do hope some streamers will pick it up organically
As an extra note:I will be using Gmail when sending out the pres kit because it is most likely not to get into the spam folder.
If you have anything else do check your email chances of reaching into the spam folder here: or just google for any mail testers.
After you send your email I also recommend dropping a message or a tweet politely asking if the email reached in good condition and if they need additional info, mostly this works best if you already established engagement in their community or a Twitter account. On my list 1, I had this luxury but for future lists, I did not have time to establish a basic engagement with everyone.
What do I scan when creating my email lists for YouTubers:- the number of subscribers
- the amount of engagement per video(likes and comments) in the report to the subs
- the flow on which videos are released
- the type of content must include my target audience
- the quality of his videos
- last time he was active
This being said, I had a long chat with my partner Sergey who does the programming and brings my design to life(I have huge respect for this man, in 4 years he ALWAYS provided 2 updates per week, no breaks no computer broken no shit excuses) the chat was in regards to the future after release. For me, it is too much to do both
A. art, design, testing, story and
B. PR, marketing, community management, so after this project I want to choose just one of them, either A or B, I personally incline more for Marketing and PR but we shall see, the decision is not final yet.
I hope you Gentlemen found some useful information through my post.
I salute you!