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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsI have the project to make a little game and I am searching someone to make it w
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Author Topic: I have the project to make a little game and I am searching someone to make it w  (Read 1729 times)

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« on: February 25, 2022, 06:44:41 AM »

Hello everyone , I need a game maker for my project !!! I need someone who is able do to 2D game in pixel art, most of the design are already made , that would be a 1vs1 online game with a leaderboard . can be remunerate !!!

We are looking for someone passionate but who also have enough serious to make the project !!!

For more information you can contact me through discord .

If you think that you have the skill to make it then thank you to contact me directly on discord , you will be bring in a server but I am ExNihiloooo , the dude a the top of the server !!! I hope to see you soon

the discord to contact me : https://discord.gg/UmmYESD9
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