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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsExperienced Unity dev looking for 3D artist (maybe sound designer) for SHOOTER
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Author Topic: Experienced Unity dev looking for 3D artist (maybe sound designer) for SHOOTER  (Read 2035 times)
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« on: March 09, 2022, 12:02:09 PM »

So I had this dream about a fps (or third person maybe) Kirby like game and now I am cursed and have to do it or lose my soul.

I am male 38 form Spain and have been using unity for like 10 years, some of my personal projects:

Want to learn stuff about unity? I teach you stuff about unity.

The game:
It's a shooter where you can absorb your enemies and gain their weapons and other characteristics.
Progress is similar to metroidvanias, with small enviroments like "rooms", and secrets/progress locked behind obstacles that require powers. But the player does not unlock powers forever, it needs to carry the power he/she needs to where it is needed.
Lots of PEWPEW, and I MEAN LOTS  Well, hello there!

Prototype of the basic mechanic:

Room system and gameplay similar to this:

The project
Quick (two month or so) project, a thing with a few hours of intense gameplay and backtracking and exploration. We make this thing and BANG we unleash it to the world. NO SECOND THOUGHTS. It's the world's fault for making us like this.
Revenue sharing? Sure why not, there is going to be no revenue unless you have 100k€ to invest in ads or are a microcelebrity. But if there is a miracle and hordes of fans demand that we take their money I will share with anyone involved according to their involvement.

Your role
You decide how the game looks, you make 3D and image assets. This includes UI (RELAX its very easy, look at SlimeRancher, go to google and search for "slime rancher UI", tell me we cant do better, you cant because we can) I can make VFX.
Important stuff is the "weapon" animation, and also enemy animations. We can go minimalistic, we can make robots with boxes, if you thats the style you want to go with.

Show me what you got, low poly models with simple textures and clickity-like or boing-like animations will be looked upon with approval.

Thanks for reading.
Level 0

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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 12:19:39 AM »


I like your attitude and your commitment to making a game! I'm available for some sound designing if you need one. I don't know unity unfortunately and I don't code but I'm pretty decent with sounds/audio. I don't have to be paid either as long as I can get credit for the work that I do.

Anyways get back to me if you think I can help.

Level 0

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« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 10:13:25 AM »

Hi Jason thanks for answering, its important that guns make nice strong pewpew sound but its going to depend on the setting and that is undecided yet. I will keep your contact and check if you are available when that is decided  Gentleman
Level 0

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« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2022, 12:19:16 AM »

Ok no worries. Talk then.
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