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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsTeam up for new project Souls like
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Author Topic: Team up for new project Souls like  (Read 1714 times)
Level 0

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« on: March 23, 2022, 09:48:57 AM »

Hi everyone,
I have this game (you can test it): https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=73187.0

General Information about me: Im Mahdi Sarhan, from Kingdom of Bahrain (Arabian) I have 29. and high experince with unity
Im Software Engineering proffisional and working at Esri GIS distributor.

About the game: Souls like action game, the main gameplay focuse on Fight as core, puzzle and platforming, checkout the like before and test it by yourself.
    Genr: 3D Action Souls Like
    Topic: Dungeon
    Theme: Middle Age
    Graphic: Low Poly URP
    Inspiration: Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, God of war.
    Dev.Stage: Prototyping

Team Role required: no need any programmer, audio designer, vfx designer, or even model designer, or animator. but we need game design/ ui design. because all elements even UI is ready and existed! so we need game design to implement them to make a good game. or need to designer to create a UI design.

Exp required: it should be have at least the basic of unity knowledge. even if this project is first your time you should have at least spend time to play around the Unity itself.

Those also can help us:
- Marketing: anyone can help us in this point, it will be very good.
- web design: i have no time for web design for our project. so also this will help
- Investor: An investor or someone who has access to investors or financial support, This will help to provide all the assets we need faster and larger, because obtaining all the assets to produce the game costs at least $1,000, which at the present time is difficult for me to provide.

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