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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperBusinessIt's been a while, since 2011 or so
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Author Topic: It's been a while, since 2011 or so  (Read 4667 times)
Level 3

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« on: October 28, 2022, 01:45:29 AM »

Hello all,

my nickname is Petertos, I have been out of the videogames scene for a while, but now I'm coming back. If anyone wants to check out my previous works, you can search for "Smileys Invasion" on a web search engine, it's a game I released in 2008. I'm currently making more games related to some of my feature films; next game will be "How to get to Triskipolis", it will be an interactive-fiction game, it will be ready in about a couple weeks... I'll be around here and will show you the game (wich will be released for free very soon). Anything you need, if there is anything I can do to help, you can ask.

Greetings!! Tiger

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