« on: December 15, 2022, 02:14:20 PM » |
Ban lists... they started with GamerGate. Zoe Quinn slept with Polygon employees to get good reviews, some gamers/game developers were rightfully upset and now they are all blocked on Twitter through ban lists.
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2022, 04:11:48 PM » |
As crazy as this is, the FBI might not even be aware of the true story, so I submitted a tip on their website.
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2022, 09:22:04 PM » |
Game sites just want money, by getting clicks or by getting paid by developers. If you pay IGN $25,000 they will talk about your game, for example. Pretty much all of the industry's behavior can be explained by trying to make money, perhaps sometimes unethically or by creating controversy.
Sometimes people create cliques where they discuss gosip/echo chamber stuff, and its easy to get pissy at them for being closed off and elitist, but gamergate was just a puffed up load of bullshit that got a lot of tweet activity and allowed people to feel important discussing some baby culture war stuff.
Edit: also if the GG narrative were true the outrage should be that kotaku coerced sex out of a woman for the relatively useless kotaku article coverage rather than that she is some harlot who tricked the pure innocent game press because as someone who has been covered by kotaku it is not worth getting dressed up for let alone having sex.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 09:42:58 PM by michaelplzno »
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2022, 09:36:53 PM » |
If you feel anything other than sorrow for a person who would debase themself and have sex with a game journo to get one measly article writeup idk what to say. You should see Quinn as a victim in all versions of this narrative. That kotaku article isn't going to make your game a hit if it stinks. Probably won't do anything if your game is good too.
At this point, even if your game is trending on twitter I wonder if you get anything for that. Really you have to be a "favored nation" by platform holders. Of course, no one is talking about the litigation with steam over how it prefers some developers over others.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2022, 09:40:38 PM » |
Just looking back on it, its bonkers, have you seen Quinn talk? She's the mastermind? Puhleeeeeeease. I'd be surprised if she could mastermind her own belt buckle.
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2022, 08:13:06 AM » |
Edit: also if the GG narrative were true the outrage should be that kotaku coerced sex out of a woman for the relatively useless kotaku article coverage rather than that she is some harlot who tricked the pure innocent game press because as someone who has been covered by kotaku it is not worth getting dressed up for let alone having sex.
How do you figure they aren't both responsible? And fuck I remembered incorrectly, I thought it was Polygon.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2022, 08:14:17 AM » |
If you feel anything other than sorrow for a person who would debase themself and have sex with a game journo to get one measly article writeup idk what to say. You should see Quinn as a victim in all versions of this narrative. That kotaku article isn't going to make your game a hit if it stinks. Probably won't do anything if your game is good too. LOL... you seem like a sexist because women make their own choices and can do good/bad just like men.
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2022, 08:25:38 AM » |
From personal experience, Kotaku wrote about me without giving them one red cent or any sexual favors, I really doubt the narrative that she traded sex for coverage. The only thing Quinn is guilty of is being a somewhat irritating person who deliberately tweets "controversy bait" that gets puffed up. Her game was different enough to get an article out of Kotaku on its merit as an artsy weird game that they sometimes cover. We should be happy that a big outlet covered a weirdo game even if you don't like that game. I think its too depressing to play, but I'm glad I know it exists rather than just more Fortnight news 24/7. Also a Kotaku article is really no major prize, as I've said.
Now, the industry is (or at least was) full of "in crowds" of people who are more metaphorically in bed with each other who help each other out just because they hang out in the same social circles, which I do get upset at. 'Oh you are "one of us" I'll open up my connections to you because you're in the club,' but other people don't get a lick of help. That kind of attitude grinds my gears, the gated communities that some developers create.
Also, to restate, much bigger than the issue of Depression Quest getting an audience is the question of how small budget games break through in an industry that favors bigger games from established people. "Favored Nations"
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2022, 08:26:19 AM » |
When did I disagree with the idea that women make their own choices and can do good/bad just like men.? LOL... you seem like a sexist because women make their own choices and can do good/bad just like men.
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2022, 09:42:49 AM » |
When did I disagree with the idea that women make their own choices and can do good/bad just like men.?
You were saying how Kotaku coerced her probably but anyhow, I personally do believe that there were favours involved as there are today, so I believe those gamers were rightfully upset. And the block lists are real. If you don't remember, Twitter introduced block lists as a response to gamer gate.
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2022, 10:11:23 AM » |
Twitter definitely props up a "certain crowd" and suppresses others. And a number of gamedevs created blocklists and circled the wagons to support a somewhat inbred world of elitism and favoritism. But also a big percentage of the GG people were acting horribly in many obvious ways too. Not that a blocklist will solve the issue. Actually if it were my choice, I'd suppress both the GG people as well as the extreme SJW people because they are both super irritating and they are fighting over issues that matter to no one other than twitter users who are basically playing a little game: play fighting over the precious purity of the gamer blogs? Give me a break, who TF cares about what kotaku covers and gets a few thousand internet clicks from?
In terms of coercion, I'm not sure how some gamedev (man or woman) would be in the advantageous position because they had to offer sexual favors to get covered: it almost by definition must be a desperate act, not a power move. Are we saying the incident went along the lines of "Oh I'm such a powerful game developer, I'll seduce you and you'll be so overtaken with joy for having sex that you'll cover my game!" cuz that narrative is batshit. On the one hand kotaku is just SO important and powerful, this one article decides the career of a budding young game developer... but also Quinn is the master manipulator who took this powerful organization down by seducing and coercing these poor innocent journalists? I'm pretty crazy but that's out on a way far out limb for even me.
If she did have to do a sexual favor, it was likely more along the lines of "you wanna be a star don't ya?" At which point Quinn was coerced.
But if you are telling me she didn't coerce them and they didn't coerce her and that it was just two adults having a fun consentual time without coercion, then why do we care?
But in the real human world of actual reality, I cannot repeat this enough: A kotaku article just isn't that hard to get or worth doing favors for.
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2022, 10:51:12 AM » |
But in the real human world of actual reality, I cannot repeat this enough: A kotaku article just isn't that hard to get or worth doing favors for.
OK, I'm glad I heard your opinion, but I disagree.
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2022, 09:46:10 AM » |
LOL this thread could just as easily be titled This is why your games ARE succeeding for certain people...