I'm Suat Can,
a multi-genre music composer and producer who aims to find the best auditory equivalent of visual elements. The ability to combine various genres allows for an optimal interweaving of modern and traditional music without sticking to a single genre. This diversity removes all restrictions and brings with it the most appropriate sound for the moment.
My last album
RPG Music Pack: Space Mission was released a short time ago. I've made the songs in these albums available for licensing for use in your own projects. This video game music package contains 12 loopable tracks which composed with orchestral and electronic instruments. That themes are usable for main screen, cutscenes, exploration, space ambience, action, sci-fi, combat, epic boss fight and more. Also suitable for strategy, fps or similar game types and anything set in space era.
You can listen to the album from the links below:
Spotify: can license this pack from this game music stores:
• Unity:
• Unreal Engine:
• GameDev Market: you have any questions or would like to have custom music for your project, you can reach me from here:
✉ [email protected]Twitter / Instagram / SoundcloudThank you for your attention. I hope you enjoy.