Hi all,
I'm an indie dev working on
Total Zugzwang, a chess roguelike.
If you are a musician able to compose and record some short pieces for either the djembe or the trumpet (both would be incredible) please apply for paid work!
I would like to commission 8 unique 2-bar drum-loops with the djembe, each made into 4 versions at different intensity levels, for a grand total of 32 loops.
On top of this I would like 2 full length (1-2 minute) loopable tracks with the djembe and trumpet. In a contemporary classical style, see
this as reference.
Lastly I need a short selection of simple trumpet sound effects.
Flexible completion date, ideally in the next 6 months.
Please send portfolio and rates either to
[email protected], reply to this thread, or by PM.
Looking forward to hearing from all you talented people.
Kind Regards,
John Rajczyba
The opportunity is now closed.
Thank you all for your interest!
Kind Regards,
John Rajczyba