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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborationsI am looking for a 2D artist/animator to team up with
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Author Topic: I am looking for a 2D artist/animator to team up with  (Read 2567 times)
Forrest Rishardson
Level 0

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« on: February 28, 2023, 09:05:00 AM »


I am a beginer python programmer and 2D illustrator and i want to make a surrealistic game.
I am a dreamer mostly and i can't say that a can do lots of tasks right now.

I'm just very passionate about small surrealistic game-project (from the scratch or with Unity) with someone who can make a visual part like animations and assets.

I like horror and surrealistic concepts mostly, but my circe of interests real wide, so if you have ideas we could discuss them.

About the project.
I haven't any concepts right now, only feeling of it. So i think that we could discuss details to make it more clear.

I would love to learn more about programming, animation, marketing and sound design with you.

So if you've interesed then contact me:
DISCORD: Foxwill#6459
Mail: [email protected]
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