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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperBusinessPitching a Unity asset to a Publisher/Distributor
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Author Topic: Pitching a Unity asset to a Publisher/Distributor  (Read 5558 times)
Level 0

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« on: April 11, 2023, 11:13:09 AM »

I've been developing a script asset for Unity.  I'm hoping that I can sell it to a Publisher/Distributor.  The only problem is that I do not have any (well almost any) contacts for any publishers/distributors of unity assets.  Of course, I could set up my own account on the unity asset store, but I think this asset would do better if it was sold by a publisher with a larger following.

So I am in the position where I will be making cold calls / emails to any publisher that may be interested.  

Does anyone have any tips for what to include in these emails?  
Any tips regarding how to target Asset publisher/distributors?  Do those even exist?

Level 0

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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2023, 10:39:10 AM »

Some of the larger publishers do publish other people's assets. When you find a publisher that you think would be a good fit, buy a license for one of their better-known assets. Get a feel for how it's built, how they do support, and what their community is like.

When you contact them, you'll eventually need to discuss what the publisher's cut will be and -- critically -- who will provide support, training (e.g., video tutorials), and updates/bugfixes. Once an asset is published and becomes relatively mature, the vast majority of work hours will be devoted to support.
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