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Author Topic: AstroMiner  (Read 7063 times)
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« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2023, 03:29:02 PM »

Working on some end-game mechanics.  Since the game has changed so much over the last few weeks, I ended up trashing my old saves and starting fresh.  This is my creative-mode save.

I'm so close to demo release.  I'm just stuck on what I want the end-game to be for the rocket launch.  My thoughts are that you need to align with Earth, but how can I convey that in a fun way?  I also might have it so the player has to adjust the rocket itself.  Fuel ratios?  I don't know.. but it's the last piece before I can release a demo.

Also.... check out the rocket and launch complex!

Level 0


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« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2023, 06:55:02 PM »

Got Steam integration working!

Final game animation is done (ish).  I'm at the point where I'm ready to release a demo, so I've been reading all about releasing games onto steam using Steampipe.  Doesn't seem too bad.

I'm probably going to add another enemy or 2 before the demo ends.. they're easy to add.  I also think the demo will be just the first stage, so players can get a feel for the game without getting too far into it.  It'll be a good chance to get people testing the game too.

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« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2023, 06:17:50 AM »

Playtesting on steam is going really well.  I've kept it to people I know well and I've gotten some solid feedback and bug fixes.  I've pushed 2 updates out to Steam so far.

Version rc0.3 (released to Steam 8/5/2023)
Exiting a game back to main menu, and going back to a game, is keeping static variables set to the last game
Update tutorial, highlight upper select boxes, more interactivity
Fixed bug where full screen is enabled/disabled when entering player name, full screen toggle moved to pause menu
Added ability to press enter on callsign entry

Version rc0.2 (released to Steam 8/4/2023)
Update help image (done)
light up inventory help arrows so they look different (done)
created inventory items label showing what it is (done)
bug where michael's develop mode minibulb took the object without being able to place it (done, items now drop if they can't be built)
email when you die (done)
bug where you can put fuel block down and constantly get fuel (done, added Spent Fuel)
better new email alert (done)
Remove R-01 entrance computer (done)
AIR/HEAT is less pronounced (done)

I've been constantly refining the start tutorial.  I need to think of a better way to guide the players through the game.. it's open ended, but it'd be good to give some kind of guidance.

Level 0


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« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2023, 07:28:52 PM »

Game has been in playtest for a month or so now.  Lots of good feedback from players that have resulted in some great updates.  I think I'm ready for Next Fest now, but I still have a month!  I was going to hold off on adding more content but since things seem to be going smoothly, I don't want to wait.

I still have around 8 keys total that I had allocated to play testing.  If anyone wants to try it out and provide me some feedback, let me know and I'll send you a key.

Level 0


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« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2023, 07:39:28 PM »

Excited to announce that my demo is officially out.  I'm probably going to consider this thread closed at 100%.  Appreciate those that reached out!

If you want to try the game, it's at https://store.steampowered.com/app/2437660/Astrominer/.

Level 1

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« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2023, 08:00:12 PM »

Hey! I just wanted to say I really like the look of this.
The tiles are unapologetically blocky, but I like that style, where a game's graphics don't hide its physics, you know? Like, the game takes place on a grid of tiles, and the graphics make that clear. It's made for exploring and bumping up against, not just looking at.
Yet the music, lighting, and different shades of tiles are used to build a place which has great atmosphere.
Reminds me somewhat of space station 13 in that respect.

Also, the look & feel of buildings reminds me a bit of Exile from the BBC Micro. Wink

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