Vainamoinen is the legendary seer-sorcerer from Finnish mythology, the central figure in the Finnish national epic Kalevala, and one of the game's main protagonists. More than a thousand years ago, as Christianity began to set foot in Finland, Vainamoinen left the land - promising to return one day.
Now that day has come, as Vainamoinen senses the return of his former nemesis named...
Louhi is a powerful sorcerer from the Pohjolan tribe, a Finnish tribe opposed to the Kalevalans, of whom Vainamoinen originates. Vainamoinen defeated Louhi long ago by imprisoning him in ice.
Now Louhi is returning and he will be the game's main antagonist.
Louhi is sort of a tragic villain here; obviously being frozen for a thousand years means he has lost everything he once knew.
Sotidrokhima is the main protagonist of his eponymous game (2022) and now returns for Finlandsaga. Soti is a Finnish warrior from the Karelians tribe, and a Son of Kaleva - descendant of the war god Kaleva - himself ignorant of the fact. He will be the other playable character in the game, alongside...
Sandels, or general Johan August Sandels, was a major character in The Finnish War (2022). He will be the second playable character in the game. Sandels will lead platoons of troops into battle gloriously as he did in the 1800s.
All characters will have familiar voice actors to those who have played The Finnish War and/or Sotidrokhima:
- Vainamoinen will be played by Markus Nybom, who voiced Istervo in Sotidrokhima and Tuchkov in The Finnish War
- Louhi will be played by Goatson, who voiced Kaleva in Sotidrokhima and Buxhoeveden in The Finnish War
- Sotidrokhima will once again be voiced by Jarkko Bjorklund
- Sandels will once again be voiced by Olavi Helenius