Unique RPG with semi turned-based combat built using Unreal Engine. Me as the Project lead, Programmer and Game designer.
DescriptionThe game is viewed in First person perspective when traveling and 3rd person when fighting enemies. Thematically, the setting is wasteland sci fi future largely without high tech. Think Mad max,
Mutant, Water world etc. The combat is turn based, although time is limited making slow reactions result in enemies taking their turn ahead of the player similar to that of Chrono trigger. In-between Combat there is travel between different locations using techniques commonly used in retro racing games. Although the feel is very much retro,
this is not a retro game.
OpeningsArtistThis role is vital to reach success. A talented artist capable of drawing comic-style characters inspired by comic books such as Tarzan, Conan the barbarian, the Phantom and others from the era for reference. I and the team will set the tone for the art but you will have free hand to develop the characters any way you like and imagine them to be portrayed.
Temporary assets used today and for the artist to replace
MusicianMusic fitting to the theme. Electronic music in the style of composers such as Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu for example. Although, it must be emphasized - although the it may very well be inspired by older game music I am not looking for retro music.
ProgrammerProgrammer with some knowledge in C++ and possibly UE.
Think you can contribute in some other way, don't hesitate to contact me. A short summary can be seen
here including a
very early video clip of the game.