Hey everybody I thought we could all have a friendly competition in a High Score Derby,
The game:
IVAN - Iter Vehemens ad Necem or a Violent Road to Death.
http://ivan.sourceforge.net/index.htmlThis game is a very well done graphical roguelike. Except unlike others there's no special races or classes, or even skills. You start off as a human banana farmer sent on a quest to take a letter to the High Priest. That's where the trouble starts, from this point on you will find nothing but bloody, terrifying, hard, suicidal, unforgiving roads of pain, hunger, and possible limb loss... Humor then ensues.
Thread Rules:
I figure to help keep the thread somewhat tidy and easy to see how good everybody is doing make one post and use it as your Head Quarters. By that I mean keep all your notes, comments, and screen shots of your score board on it; modifying your original post every time you wish to update.
Feel free to post or comment, but keep all updates on 1 post.
An account to post with
A webspace to upload screen shots with
A PC (sorry macs)
The game
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ivan/IvanWin050.zipnew rule Please install a fresh(or another) copy of the game, old high scores don't count.
I think that's it...
Rules for the competition:
This starts NOW but ends on the 28th, Wednesday.
NO SAVE SCUMMING - Save scumming is backing up your current game and then reloading it when you die. (when you die your character and saves are erased. So be careful

Each time you start a new hero change his name (done so in the configuration menu) Duplicate hero names will not count as they could possibly be "scummed" games.
Please don't hack saved games, I want this to be fun and fair.
Your latest edit is your latest entry (easy way to see how people are progressing) .
If I can get a decent amount of people playing I'll buy the winner a copy of an indie game they want. EG:more than 10 people.
If you haven't played the game before I'll give you a few hints to help out, anybody else may feel free to post hints but just remember your strategy is now fair game.
Hint 1 - Put potions in cans to stop them from breaking!
Hint 2 - Playing while burdened wears you out quickly but it builds stats faster as well(depending what your doing).
Hint 3 - Be kind to your gods!!!! I had both my arms cut off in battle and was near death. I prayed and my god gave me new arms made out of adamant and I was about 5x as strong as I was originally.
Have fun and send me any questions or comments!
The area below this is an example of a way to update your post. Feel free to include more screen shots or funny happenings. Just make sure to have your updated scoreboard posted at all times. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No ultra high score this time. My game at work got up to about 30k

I can read this fine, if you can't- or if I can't read yours please adjust it.