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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperArt (Moderator: JWK5)why aren't there more printed magazines in this space?
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Author Topic: why aren't there more printed magazines in this space?  (Read 4488 times)
Level 0

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« on: September 10, 2023, 07:23:29 AM »

Hey all, the question speaks for itself, but I'll expand on my curiosity here.

I run a small print magazine, and up until now we've mostly been covering underground electronic music, but have more recently been exploring art, artists, and sci-fi film topics.

We’re super proud so far to have worked with some pretty inspiring figures; notably Billain, Thys from Noisia, Hazem The Architect, some people who have worked on Blade Runner, Halo, Destiny, The Expanse, and various music makers & artists between.

We have a super-small team, mostly communicating online, and from our original blog—running music premieres, doing interviews, chatting with artists—we’ve slowly been building out a bigger platform. Between our small team, we're mostly covering the topics that we enjoy at a personal level, and so far that's been fun to do.

I’m posting here to ask what kinds of things you’d like to see from a very niche underground art & music magazine in 2023?

I’d love to get some feelers, and if you’re curious what we’ve built so far, the website is https://rendahmag.com/

Have a wicked day!

Loves Juno
Level 10

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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2023, 02:15:19 PM »

Interviews with people making weird / cool / niche indie games. There used to be more of these back 10-15 years ago on the web, but not enough these days

@doomlaser, mark johns
Level 0

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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2024, 04:28:33 PM »

I'd love to be able to find more music combining 8-bit and other video game sounds with modern styles. I melt when they use a pikachu voice line in a track.

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