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TIGSource ForumsJobsCollaborations[MAP DESIGNER] [PIXEL ARTIST]Looking to work on OUR MIND, a psychological horror
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Author Topic: [MAP DESIGNER] [PIXEL ARTIST]Looking to work on OUR MIND, a psychological horror  (Read 3906 times)
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« on: September 27, 2023, 05:13:24 PM »


OUR MIND is a psychological horror RPG, following the stories of four young teenagers, discover your way through unforeseen lands and venture to places no person has dared to explore. Uncover the horrors surrounding your late friend's death and reach the truth about what really occurred that day. Your choices have always mattered so don't be afraid to unchain your mind and determine the fate of those around you. OUR MIND features a wide range of areas to explore, spanning multiple realities, locations and memories. You'll venture through untouched lands as you fight your way past spirits, demons and other people. Using the intuitive turn based mechanics you'll be able to experiment with your party's builds and adjust them to fit your own unique playstyle. Uncover the hidden secrets of the story and make the right choices to make sure you receive the best outcome.


STATUS: 15K+ Downloads on First Demo

TEAM: 4 Artists, 1 Pixel Artist,  2 Musician, 3 Game Testers + Designers, 3 voice actors (several roles assigned to same people, 8 people in total)

You can read up on the game before deciding if you're interested with these links:

TikTok (SUGGESTED TO CHECK OUT BEFORE JOINING): https://www.tiktok.com/@ourmindgame

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/ourmindgame

Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2302230/OUR_MIND/




- Able to sketch out legible maps that are clear, concise and lively.

- Experience with the RPGMaker tiling system.

- Knowledge of RPGMakers parallax mapping/parallax mapping in general.

- Consistency in the style of the maps you or others create.


- Atleast one year of experience  OR above average talent in their line of work.

- Ability to imitate or come close to a specific style.

- Understanding of RPGMakers required canvas size.

Overall, we are looking for someone who can get work done but also is able to be friendly, casual yet remain professional when the time comes.


If you are interested, please join our discord, ping Oxiqa, Kina OR another team member and they will get to you quickly! You may leave afterwards if your role is not given. COME PREPARED WITH YOUR WORK TO SHOW.


Thank you!

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