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Author Topic: Game Name Clinic - I will rate your game's name  (Read 697770 times)
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« Reply #3040 on: June 27, 2022, 05:54:10 PM »

"Passing Into Fantasy" - A quasi - Touhou spinoff that takes place in America with different characters. It's a shmup with top-down shooter controls.

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« Reply #3041 on: June 28, 2022, 11:36:31 AM »

My games name is Soul Runner it is a horror maze runner where the walls change as you play and you must collect soul fragments to fulfill a deal you made with a devil it is available at https://danielgamestudios.itch.io/soul-runner if you are interested
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« Reply #3042 on: June 29, 2022, 03:46:04 AM »

@DarkGran - Save Me Circles: At first I read the name as "Save the Circles" which was really generic, but then I checked again and that name's more unique though it's still weird because why is what being saved...? Though it could still work maybe a name that includes the goal of the game in some way like "One Circle At A Time" or "Color Me Circle"? Tongue (Honestly I don't know about those cheesy names XD but you get the idea). Like the unique puzzle idea.

@DanielGames - Soul Runner: Seems to fit, though kind of reminds me of an FPS or some action game.

@HeffMoney - Passing into Fantasy: To me the name seems cool, though a game with this name could be about anything My Word! I guess the name matches that wild screenshot.

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« Reply #3043 on: July 10, 2022, 01:42:08 PM »

Now I have another one that's still in early stages.

Soul Prison
A bullet hell (coughroguelikecough) game that looks something like this


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« Reply #3044 on: July 17, 2022, 12:21:16 AM »

I'm working on "The Ouroboros King", a chess roguelike. Ouroboros is both a mythological animal representing the eternal return (very roguelike!) and the dynasty name of the main character.
What do you think about the name?

Demo -> https://oriolcosp.itch.io/the-ouroboros-king
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« Reply #3045 on: July 18, 2022, 05:27:00 AM »

@OriolCosp I don't know...I don't really think of chess or roguelike when I see that name plus it's kind of hard to remember. I like the whole concept though. Maybe ....err...maybe it's fine but I just think there might be a better option.

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« Reply #3046 on: July 20, 2022, 08:39:27 AM »

"Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions" Fantasy survival game with many RPG aspect , kind of skyrim , d2 style! Any opinions?

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« Reply #3047 on: July 26, 2022, 12:49:17 PM »

"Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions" Fantasy survival game with many RPG aspect , kind of skyrim , d2 style! Any opinions?

Woah there. That's quite the title. Maybe a little to long. Though it could work for ...novelty's sake? Why not errrm...
-Crown of Atham
-Kingdom of Atham
-To Atham, or not to Atham Tongue
-Atham Crowns
-Atham Champions

...or something like those.  Wizard

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« Reply #3048 on: October 18, 2022, 01:45:33 AM »

I'm making an making a story-driven incremental game, mixed with a lot of other genres (kind of like Frog fractions), named "idle Party Leader".

I'm working on "The Ouroboros King", a chess roguelike. Ouroboros is both a mythological animal representing the eternal return (very roguelike!) and the dynasty name of the main character.
What do you think about the name?

Demo -> https://oriolcosp.itch.io/the-ouroboros-king
Love the name and it's also fitting for a roguelike.

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« Reply #3049 on: October 19, 2022, 12:47:23 PM »

I'm making an making a story-driven incremental game, mixed with a lot of other genres (kind of like Frog fractions), named "idle Party Leader".

Why not just " Idle Party"? Hmmm. Idle party leader seems kind of cheesy, and not really in a good way like "Cookie Clicker" (that one also has alliteration as a bonus).
Idle Party
Clicker story
Idle Leader
Idle idealists

Those were just some ideas I had now. You can still use Idle Party Leader if you want. Wizard Smiley
Also nice progress on your game since last time I saw. Beer!

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« Reply #3050 on: November 05, 2022, 11:25:09 AM »

Thanks for the reply.

Idle Party doesn't really work because the word "Party" is too broad, and it may not make people think of political party; instead it sounds as if it's a game about party/festivity.

Idle Leader is a lot better though and a good suggestion. Idle idealists is also interesting, though I think Idle Leader is more to the point.

Also nice progress on your game since last time I saw. Beer!
Thanks. It's almost ready. I'll post a gameplay video soon.

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« Reply #3051 on: November 28, 2022, 08:36:16 AM »

I have released a game called Unfair Dash. Unfair Dash is a game about fighting from the MONSTERS who have trapped you in a prison. Can you escape? You are the only SAVIOR chosen by the universe. End monsters' ruthless, unjust rule! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RishitCompany.CustomizableGame
How is the name?
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« Reply #3052 on: December 09, 2022, 09:01:38 AM »

I have released a game called Unfair Dash. Unfair Dash is a game about fighting from the MONSTERS who have trapped you in a prison. Can you escape? You are the only SAVIOR chosen by the universe. End monsters' ruthless, unjust rule!

How is the name?
(never opened the play page cause I'm typing this on android and don't want to be redirected to play store so...)

Hmmm, to vague to really say much. Unfair Dash...Hmmm.. what does dash have to do with it. Makes it sound like a hyper casual mobile game, which is fine if it is, but Hmmm...

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« Reply #3053 on: December 18, 2022, 09:35:24 PM »

I'm currently working on a 2d action platformer game called "Shadow of the Orient"...what do you think of the name?


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« Reply #3054 on: December 19, 2022, 02:26:39 PM »

Actually that sounds pretty good (both the game and the name Smiley ,though you already have a website named that so ...  Wizard)

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« Reply #3055 on: December 29, 2022, 03:49:26 AM »

Passing Into Fantasy - I like the "Fantasy" part, it goes well with how the game looks like. However "Passing Into" isn't very snappy... I would choose just one extra word to make it sound more catchy... like "Terminal Fantasy" Noir Tongue

Soul Runner - I don't know, to me the "runner" thing doesn't have much of a sound and it's been used up. Same kinda goes for the "Soul", but that's kind of a "special word with a deep meaning", so it's still useful to create "instant atmosphere" (just add hot water). I'd mix it up a bit. Maybe cut the "ner" and just make it a Soul Run (and add hot water). Still, not sure if it's powerful enough to create an impression.
Also some more creative stuff comes to mind, like "Soul for a horse" (would be cool if the game involved an actual horse at some point) or "Devil's appetite". Evil Tongue

Soul Prison - Another "Soul" one, heh...  Tired Tongue "Prison" to me sounds more interesting than "Runner". But looking at the screenshot, I'm not sure if there is a soul involved . Nor a prison for that matter. Tongue I guess it goes with the narrative of the game, which is ok I guess, but it could be better to work in the actual gameplay into the name. Something like "Clash of Souls" (that's cheesy though) or "Pressed Escape on Myself" (thats too... meta Cool xD).

The Ouroboros King - I know it's a word from the actual real-world mythology, but it just sounds... terrifying. Shocked By which I mean that noone will ever want to say the word "Ouroboros". Tongue Something simpler might be better (eg. "Mythos Kings" / "Eternal Kings"... bit uninspired but you get the idea).

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions - To me, "Crown of the Champions" sounds like a sub-title of a B quality 90s fantasy movie. Tongue (although it would probably be without "the", ie. "Crown of Champions")
(Honestly I wouldn't recommend sub-titles for game names in general unless you have a reeeal good reason to have one.)
I don't mind the Kingdom of Atham though. I get that without the sub-title it kinda lacks a twist though. Maybe just squash the whole name into a smaller one - like a little cheesy "Kingdom's Champions" (variants: King's Chosen, King's Best etc), or more epic "Crown of Atham"...
EDIT: haha now I read Gunroar:Cannon() made the same suggestion before me, oops. My Word! Tongue I do like that name tho, and I think it would look cool in that font of yours as well.

Idle Party Leader - Sorry but this just evokes "party (cheer)leader". Especially in the logo that I saw where the "idle" is a little sideways and much smaller, while "Party Leader" is written in a uniform font.
I would have never guess that it's about politics and not some "paaartyy".  Toast Left Grin Tongue
I do like the "Idle Leader" thing tho. Maybe just leave it as that? You don't have to use a political word for people to understand. Especially with a modern word in the title ("IDLE"), the "leader"should be enough (after all, politics are by definition about how the people govern themselves, or how are they "led" - the whole thing kinda requires some kind of leaders, xcept for some specific movements where everyone is a leader).
Some different approaches come to mind too. "Political Animal", "Candidate", "Senate Road", "History by Victor", "I wish I was a president", "State of my state", "Shepherd's tie"... done for now. Tongue

Unfair Dash - First of all, I don't think it's wise to call game "unfair". It's ok to make a difficult game, but the player must never feel that it is unfair (and this is actually only partially connected to difficulty, it's more about how the game presents the difficulty).
I do understand though that you want to tell people that the game is difficult. I think you should not. There's a million of ridiculously difficult games which are difficult because they are too hardcore, too raw. This kind of difficulty is actually nothing to advertise. And nobody actually cares about it either. You're just telling players that your game is going to frustrate them, and more importantly, that you have nothing else that is interesting/original enough that you could tell them about it.
If it is truly hardcore (and from the looks of it, it is not hardcore enough to be called that, at least in my opinion), or even when the difficulty lies in something else (logic, for example), you still don't want to use the word "unfair". In the end it's best to be creative anyway - one of the more visible hardcore games of the last years, an actual satire about hardcoreness in games, wasn't called "Unfair Mountain", it was called "Get Over It." Wink
Maybe focus on unique aspects rather than the fact that the game is difficult to jump through (everybody understands that already anyway when you call game a "Dash" - which might be generic word, but I actually think it fits).
How about naming it so it's clear what is actually special about this dash? (There are lots of dash games out there) I can't say much from the screenshots you provide on your site, but to give you at least some idea of what I mean: Cube Dash, Dash & Smash, Rope Dash... considering your narrative, maybe Prison Dash, Hell Dash, Monster Dash, Dash of Freedom (not very original examples but you get the idea)... or you may go more creative with it and come up with something like "Dash of Mischief" Wink
The goal is to have name that is special because it says why your game is special.  Smiley Wink
(Obviously you also want the name to be easy to remember. "Dash" as a short generic word should be good for that, but the other word should be less generic, otherwise your game will get lost in the sea of similar dash games.)

Shadow of the Orient - Ok I'm going to have a little issue with that... xD
One note would be that "Shadow of/over something" is a little used up and lazy form (btw "over" sounds better than "of"). But thats fine, "shadow is a cool word" and all that. Wink
But "the Orient" part... first of all, I'm not a native-speaker, but with that "the", to me it sounds like "Shadow of the Europe" instead of "Shadow of Europe", just... wrong, I don't know.
Grammar aside, the only thing the name really says is where it is set - in Orient. Which is, originally, a name for Middle-East and Middle-East only. Looking at your game though, that is not Orient. (This is Orient [indie game]) Backgrounds fit a little, sure, but man, in the very first gifs you have a Buddha statue there... that's a very wide understanding of the Orient.
You can say "well I take the most recent most wide definition of the word", but then you are defeating the purpose of the whole word: to tell players where it actually is set. Right now it basically looks that it's set "anywhere", making the "Orient" in name pointless, making the whole name say... nothing about the actual game.
Most people will feel this when reading the name and it will make them forget the game.

It's ok to use "Shadow" because it sets the mood. But don't name your game based on it's location (especially when the location actually isn't precisely correct), that makes sense only when you're recreating some real and actual places (like Damascus, or Babylon) or when you are referencing a well-established world (like Tolkien's Middle-Earth).
Instead, focus on what the player actually does in the game.
Are we fighting the shadow? Are we running from the shadow? Are we becoming a shadow? I'd be much more interested in the game if it was called "Shadowraid". Or Shadow and sand / Sand and shadow, or Eastern Knights (Eastern Nights?) or Bamboo warrior, if you really need to reference Asia. Ninja Tongue
(If you really need the keyword, you can put "orient"/"oriental" in the game's description.)

(Note: I am only discussing the name and how it fits the game world - the game itself looks well-made and very polished, and so does the website, nice job. Gentleman)

@DarkGran - Save Me Circles: At first I read the name as "Save the Circles" which was really generic, but then I checked again and that name's more unique though it's still weird because why is what being saved...? Though it could still work maybe a name that includes the goal of the game in some way like "One Circle At A Time" or "Color Me Circle"? Tongue (Honestly I don't know about those cheesy names XD but you get the idea). Like the unique puzzle idea.

Haha I actually find those names real fun and not cheesy at all! Might actually use something along the lines. Grin

Also thanks for pointing out that at first you've read the name differently. This is something that happens to people a lot and it is something we should watch out for when naming games, because often people won't read the name again (unless what they actually read sounds really strange, then they will "make sure"), and even if they do, the power of name is somehow diminished, which always hurts the game... I will call it "clarity of the name". Hand Knife RightWizardHand Fork Left
Funniest example of mine is probably my "serious sci-fi" game's name Farstar read as Fart-star... Facepalm Grin

Cheers!  Coffee
« Last Edit: December 29, 2022, 07:08:57 AM by DarkGran » Logged
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« Reply #3056 on: December 29, 2022, 07:43:20 AM »

DarkGran sama has graced *plus with their presence.
Heheh. You give the best feedback.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 01:21:01 AM by Gunroar:Cannon() » Logged

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« Reply #3057 on: December 31, 2022, 11:07:50 AM »

DarkGran sama has graced plus with their presence.
Heheh. You give the best feedback.

Thanks mate. Embarrassed Beer!

Don't worry I have REM on my list too... or should I rather start with the name? Cool Tongue
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« Reply #3058 on: January 01, 2023, 01:20:22 AM »

Heheh...maybe. Though no matter what I ain't changing the name No No NO

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« Reply #3059 on: January 01, 2023, 05:01:28 AM »

No No NO <- best emoji xD

Tongue Anyway, I wouldn't dream of anyone renaming their game because of me! I claim flaws on many names here on my quest for fun, but these are, in most cases, subjective flaws. (Also I did post earlier in this thread that I am no expert on naming Tongue And all games of my own do have pretty bad names (generic, unclear, and either non-memorable or non-sensical).)

For example, I often attack the precision of semantics, but the truth is that the name actually might be, in its imperfection, better to grab attention and more memorable. Any possible confusions (that I claim to be) created by the name disappear into the wind the very moment the player starts the game.
The player might think later "mhm the name is actually a bit weird", but that's it, it probably won't change how he feels about the game itself. (and again, might even make it more memorable than a name that fits so perfectly you don't even think about it)

It's up to the dev to decide whether these are actual flaws. And even if they are in some way, you can still doubledown and capitalize on them instead of removing them.

Do I claim that the word in your name is so wrong it shouldn't be used by anyone?
Well, you can listen to me and get rid of it, hoping it will help attract more players (which is usually my standpoint).
But if you think about it, changing it is effectively making your game name less unique, as you are listening to marketing lessons, and becoming a mainstream marketer yourself.

For this whole reason, it's actually not a bad idea to do the opposite of everything that I say in this thread.
Did I hate a word in your game's name?
It's how you make people read the rest.

Cheers! Coffee
« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 05:29:12 AM by DarkGran » Logged
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