« Reply #3060 on: January 02, 2023, 05:34:53 AM » |
Think this is a good contender for best  But not sure it beats no no. Nice philosophy/disclaimer. I still advise that heavy-ish consideration is taken when one gets feedback on their game name. I have a name I'm considering. A roguelike RPG (not traditional though, imagine Darkest Dungeon mixed with final fantasy 1  ) with a similar art direction to REM Pyscho (haven't started working on it at all) called Madrun. These are other names I got (suggestions open) I just mixed and matched names from a name gen... - Dungeon Hotpot - Occasional Quest (too long I think) - Dead vitality (too actiony) - Madcrawl - Vitality RPG Words I thought to use: omen, run, assault, tale
« Reply #3062 on: February 26, 2023, 05:45:01 AM » |
Dungeon Hotpot or Hotpot Dungeon? 
[email protected]
« Reply #3063 on: February 26, 2023, 04:59:26 PM » |
Hotpot Dungeon for sure. Or Hopscotch Dungeon if you're making Crypt of the Necrodancer.
I might have an idea for a ninja game where you play as a ninja gal shooting lightning balls out of her sword (at zombies). Names I'm considering:
* Electric Ninja * Ninja Asset * Zombies Gone
« Reply #3064 on: February 27, 2023, 01:36:10 AM » |
Okay  .Electric Ninja is too generic, no? Zombies gone sounds too cool, like a hardcore shooter, but it makes the most sense. I like Ninja Asset but it doesn't really make that much sense. Though it's unique... and I like it. Maybe you could also try a "Purple cow" name (e.g. Little Big Planet, 1000 dumb ways to die, etc) like ....uhmm..."Zombie shocked Ninja Party", or "A ninja shocks zombies to death" Just as ideas. Heheh. Those I gave were pretty cheese. Maybe also hmmm... "Zombie shock" 
[email protected]
« Reply #3065 on: February 27, 2023, 01:43:25 PM » |
I like all the titles. Something that evokes a sexy ninja killing the undead in as few words as possible would be ideal. Maybe "Tits-Up" would be too on-the-nose. I would avoid anything that sounds family-friendly.
« Reply #3066 on: February 28, 2023, 06:50:22 AM » |
Zombie XXX? Xombie XXX. Strip Slash Stain? Zombie Balls? Non shocks?. Katana Zero... oh...wait.
[email protected]
« Reply #3067 on: February 28, 2023, 08:37:14 AM » |
Thanks! I think I'll go with Xombie ShoX!
« Reply #3068 on: February 28, 2023, 03:13:55 PM » |
All in a day's work Thanks! I think I'll go with Xombie ShoX!
« Reply #3069 on: March 20, 2023, 08:25:19 AM » |
Despite being nearly in beta-testing I'm not satisfied with my game's name. It's a Victorian era murder mystery where the ghost of the deceased is the main (non-playable) character.
Possible titles I've considered:
- Remembering My Murder - The Girl Who Couldn't Remember How She Died - My Murdered Girlfriend
« Reply #3070 on: March 20, 2023, 08:53:54 AM » |
Despite being nearly in beta-testing I'm not satisfied with my game's name. It's a Victorian era murder mystery where the ghost of the deceased is the main (non-playable) character.
Possible titles I've considered:
- Remembering My Murder - The Girl Who Couldn't Remember How She Died - My Murdered Girlfriend
The name I like best there is "Remembering My Murder" though not by much.  How about without much context ... *breathes in* - Girl girl dead - Murder girl - Corpse walk - Blood Mansion -- (depends on setting)up - Blood red murder - Blood red ghost - Past girl - Girl blood - The girl who died - The girl on death - Death meaning - Girl X Death  - Girl dead redemption - Girl of war - Girl corpse - Corpse Mansion - Corpse road - Ghost corpse - Murder ghost - Dead end murder - Killed she - Spy X Girl  - Hunter x Girl - Girl Dash: The adventures of girl power and murder  - Attack on Titan Girl - Girl die world - Dead girl world - flowerthief girl power  - Blood red road - Murder mystery - Ghost Blood - Ghost Blood storiesstories ... *breathes out* Those aren't much better but they might spark ... errr...something.
« Reply #3071 on: March 20, 2023, 09:45:07 AM » |
Thanks for trying, and I don't mean that sarcastically! One of those might have potentially sparked something.... Absent a better name, I guess "Remembering My Murder" is still the best of the lot, even though it isn't all that great. I like the title encapsulating the idea that the victim is still actively involved in the mystery of her own death, otherwise it's like any generic murder mystery. Other context that might help maybe?? Major spoilers here but it can't be helped. . . . The victim was a spirit medium in life and also sort of in death; this is the reason she can communicate with the player who is living. As a spirit herself she is able to travel to locations around the world instantaneously and show the player what she sees. There is a reason she cannot remember the details of her death that is revealed late in the story. (she was not "conscious" for all of it) The game system is built around communicating with the AI via parser in natural English. Actually, this is the most unique thing about it. (very few story-driven games have AI you can chat with) There are elements of romance in the story. (it's sort of possible to romance her) There are elements of horror in the story. (specifically, demonic possession) The Jack the Ripper/Whitechapel murders plays a role in the story. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (wrote Sherlock Holmes) plays a role in the story. She looks like this: 
« Reply #3072 on: March 22, 2023, 09:15:42 AM » |
Thanks for trying, and I don't mean that sarcastically! One of those might have potentially sparked something.... Absent a better name, I guess "Remembering My Murder" is still the best of the lot, even though it isn't all that great. I like the title encapsulating the idea that the victim is still actively involved in the mystery of her own death, otherwise it's like any generic murder mystery.
Yes, I was hoping to speak some ideas.  Remembering My Murder is still good though, sounds like an interesting game. You really have that text parser done?  Some more names...hmmm: > White Girl Death (no XD) > Murdered Ghost > Actually remembering my murder does sound pretty good > That wasn't a name, just had that thought as I wrote this > Dead revenge > That time I got Murdered > Ghost Murder... ... err...that's what I got for now 
« Reply #3073 on: March 23, 2023, 07:39:21 AM » |
"That Time I Got Murdered" isn't bad at all! I'm tempted to use it. If the game fell only slightly more on the comedic side....
The text parser will never truly be done; the range of inputs a player could possibly type is infinite and I can't anticipate them all. But by continuing improvements I hope to make it the strongest parser you can find in any game with set narrative. I think it might already be.
« Reply #3074 on: April 19, 2023, 09:59:23 AM » |
So my game's name is Into Samomor. Can you guys rate that for me? It has a very depressing hidden message.
« Reply #3075 on: April 25, 2023, 10:19:17 PM » |
The name doesn't tell me a lot about the game though it's not outright bad. Like Into Samomor ... is Samomor the name of a place? I guess it's fine , though it doesn't really convey horror to well and better could be done. Also, is it this game  If not then you probably need to change the name, if so then, cool looking game, though it's kind of too late to change the name, no? 
« Reply #3076 on: June 29, 2023, 11:37:14 PM » |
I'm on the fence for a name about a dungeon crawler/traditional roguelike game.
I have: Madcrawl Boneyard Crusade AntiCrawl Dunghack Dungcrawl Combustion Dungeon Doomrooms
Which one do you think is the best/do you have any ideas do a better name?
« Reply #3077 on: August 02, 2023, 06:04:46 AM » |
Game name = Space Battle Royale
« Reply #3078 on: October 11, 2023, 04:49:40 AM » |
I'm on the fence for a name about a dungeon crawler/traditional roguelike game.
I have: Madcrawl Boneyard Crusade AntiCrawl Dunghack Dungcrawl Combustion Dungeon Doomrooms
Which one do you think is the best/do you have any ideas do a better name?
I think Dungcrawl sounds the best
« Reply #3079 on: October 11, 2023, 01:04:39 PM » |
What, @Montsnoo , for real?