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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallPlisitol Jam Collection, our compilation of jam games improved over the years!
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Author Topic: Plisitol Jam Collection, our compilation of jam games improved over the years!  (Read 2938 times)
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« on: December 02, 2023, 04:39:16 AM »

Introducing Plisitol Jam Collection, our compilation of jam games improved over the years, that will keep growing, soon to be released on itch.io (https://plisitol.itch.io/), hopefully in a few days:

With Biiscuit, we've been taking part in jam games for years, and after some point I realized we were having a nice little catalogue of games, which we deemed worthy of being released!
In part because they're not just games as they were released during the jam, but also because we couldn't help but keep iterating of them, and bringing them to a nice level of polish!

It features some games I've talked about in this forum previously, including Fire Exit, our end-of-the-world crisis management game, Cara Cara, our Kuru Kuru Kururin-like with cars, Surveillance Sphere, our weird dystopian city surveillance game, First Plague, our endless runner set on the Nile, and more!
All bundled in a nice little launcher, made with the same engine as the games themselves!

We'll still be participating in game jams in the future, and we'll probably won't be able to stop at the jams and keep improving them also, so expect more games in this collection in the future!

See you again on the release day!

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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2023, 02:27:53 AM »


I want to go more in depth regarding the games included in that Collection.

Today I want to talk about Cara Cara, the first jam game I was proud of enough that I believed it could be expanded into a commercial game, given enough content!


As the name implies, it is heavily inspired by Kuru Kuru Kururin, but it relies more on learning and anticipating the dangers ahead by retrying over and over.

Unfortunately, commercialization hasn't happened ^^' And in some way I'm glad it didn't, because I learned so much about game development until now that the game I would have released back then would have been very sloppy compared to the version included in this compilation.

Framerate got smoother, curved roads have been added, as well as sound and music, the menu is slightly less amateurish, and I rewrote my text system before coming back to it.

It also now benefits from some facilities added to my engine, like localization.

See you later for presenting another game!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 02:41:57 AM by Guntha » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2023, 03:05:37 AM »

Plisitol Jam COllection is now available on itch.io  Crazy


10 games, originally made for game jams and improved over the years! (8 in a custom engine, the 2 oldest in Java).

Updates are already planned, for adding new games and keep improving the ones already there!

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« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2023, 05:36:54 AM »

Also, this is our first commercial release, so if you have any comment on the itch page, the phrasing, the games, it would be a huge help! Gentleman

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« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2023, 03:29:12 AM »


Today, I want to talk a bit about Fire Exit!

Picture par Biiscuit!

It was first made during a single week-end for a game jam hosted by the French website developpez.com, for which the theme was "It's the end of the world!". Earth has become so hot it's burning constantly and there's no hope to completely put out the fire, all the humands are running to rockets that were not made for this - an Ariane 5 and a space shuttle in the current version - , but you gotta do with what you have. Your goal is to allow as many people as possible to reach the rockets, by slowing the fire progression with fire planes or cutting shorter ways.

Back in the day we were not as desperate, so the concept seemed funny rather than premonitory :p

I wrote quite a bit about its development here, during a time I was almost full time on it, unfortunately I left the thread away, even though there have been a few improvements since then:
Most changes are related to the engine itself, and prettifying the menus.

The goal at first was to make many levels based on real and recognizable cities, but that would require a lot of unique assets (and also improve and stabilize the level editor I started back then :p ), but I haven't completely given up the idea of adding a lot of content, and maybe release it independently from the Collection!  Who, Me?

Winter sales have started on itch.io, the Collection with all the games became even cheaper! Shocked

And a new update is coming, with a new jam game we made in 2022, for which the theme was "Play with cameras"...
See you soon!

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« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2024, 07:39:42 AM »

Hi, and happy new year!

I wrote extensively about the history behind the games in the Collection (also featuring the games I didn't talk about in this forum!)

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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2024, 12:16:52 AM »

Hi, and happy new year!

I wrote extensively about the history behind the games in the Collection (also featuring the games I didn't talk about in this forum!)

Good job, good story!  Gentleman
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« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2024, 08:31:11 AM »

Hi, we released our first update to Plisitol Jam Collection!

This one features a whole new game: PsyCam!

The authorities are afraid of your mysterious powers, and have decided to lock you up until they figure out what to do. You could use your powers on those CCTV monitors across the room to escape, but first you need to somehow get out of this cage. Maybe you're not the only one who wants to get you outside...

PsyCam is a short point'n'click game whose gameplay glimpses on supernatural territory: you can interact with the world as you see it through a CCTV monitor! Find objects, open doors, all while staying comfortably behind this desk!

We released this Collection with the promise that we would add every future jam game we make to it. After five months of work, we are finally doing it for the first time!

We chose to add this game, which started life as a jam game in 2022, but we took the time to make it more pleasant.

Here I talk in more detail of how we developed the game during this game jam.

We hoped it would take roughly a month after the original release, but we wanted to improve it significantly compared to the Jam game it originated from:

* It was a very short game. It's still on the short side, but we added some interactions and puzzles that will hopefully make you scratch your head!

* We were unsatisfied with the control scheme and the tutorial that teaches it, improving this was our main priority, and we ended up writing a small story to make it more immersive ^^'

* The lighting was originally very rough, and I've been dabbling with lightmapping in my engine, so I applied this to this project, making it much prettier than before.

All in all, this version of the game is much better than what we were planning! And once the new systems are in place and easy to use, it's hard to resist the temptation to add even more interactions, making you wait for yet more weeks.

We learned quite some stuff with this project, we hope we'll be able to apply these in the next one!

Take a look at the game (and the other ones :p ) and have fun!

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