Hey Guys!
We are here to present you our newschool Beat 'Em Up "LUCIDO Cancels Everything".

We just released our Demo to Steam and feedback was really positive so far, but the game is still pretty unknown. Here's a little introduction as to what the game is about as well as some promotional material. A lot of effort went into the creation of this prototype demo and we appreciate any feedback and look forward to hearing what you guys think of it.
Many winters have come and gone since Cyberphonk City has fallen into the claws of the evil cultists. The ominous Cult rules over the terrified citizens with their witchcraft and an iron fist.
Meanwhile, far, but not too far above the dystopian metropolis, two young divine messengers just got kicked out of Vaporheaven. They are now not only homeless, but also all out of Bhutanese Shadow Kush, wanted for heresy, and overall just slightly annoyed.
And as if all that wasn't enough, they are now forced to take down the whole damn cult all by themselves in order to redeem their sins (and there was quite a lot of them) and return to their home.You don't send a saint to catch a sinner, right?
You guys can check out the Trailer here on YT:
Get the demo here:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2898730/LUCIDO_Cancels_Everything/Or here:
https://lucidocancelseverything.itch.io/lucido-cancels-everything-demoSupport the project on kickstarter here:

Hope you guys will have some fun with it!Looking forward to your feedback!