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Author Topic: Ealhhard  (Read 2661 times)
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« on: July 14, 2024, 05:43:34 AM »

welcome, to my first devlog that I actually going to try follow through, thanks for your time, so far not much. but devlog is importent they say,so here my attempt.

i got the;

move left and right,

stand on slope,

roll on press down on slope,


and art

here the player character

made it myself.

the game is a grap enemy and throw, 2d platformer.

 So far i figure out 3 way to grap and throw;

1. Erase enemy, appeared in player hand as child, erase again, then throw as original state

2. Somehow make the enemy became child without erase it, then throw.

3. Simply put enemy position at player's hand position.

I end up doing the number 3, not the best one, and probably there much better idea out there...

now I just have to figure out how to throw it.

btw, i dont have much time for my game so sorry in advance.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 07:19:15 AM by ariz_evitca » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2024, 03:18:51 AM »

I don't have much to add, save to say that your main character is pretty cool-looking. ^_^

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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2024, 06:22:16 AM »

Good concept, and satisfying gameplay.

Without the pants, it reminded me of The Tick, this is not a bad thing but with the pants, it looks more within the theme of the gameplay aka funky, so yea I vote for the pants.


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« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2024, 07:34:32 AM »

Alright this is the 3rd one,

here a video of what basically the mechanics is, obviously still need polishing

things to do;

- find out how to make it bounce on impact (most important at the moment)
- make hurtbox for enemy
- maybe finish the sprite sheet? Maybe later
- make enemy can be damaged by enemy impact

And other stuff that I will think later.

Also, made this by accident, add a little fix

Now look like got hit sprite.
Level 10

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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2024, 07:38:42 AM »

Did you start 3 dev blogs for the same game?  WTF

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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2024, 08:13:41 AM »

I don't really understand how i supposed to post the devlog and what the proper way
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« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2024, 08:19:34 AM »

Can someone explain to me the proper way to post devlog?

Ahhh, damn it's mess up
Level 10

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« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2024, 08:33:44 AM »

No worries, I've merged them into a single thread. You can use the Reply button at the bottom of the page to post a followup without making a new thread.

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« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2024, 08:22:13 AM »

alright another week, this is... 4th.. it.. slow.. too slow...


Here a video;

next problem;
- Animation need more

- if possible impact frame

- particles

- enemies

Not much to write. Sad

Oh yeah... background and tileset Facepalm

And ... music...

So... much... stuff... Screamy

Is this normal?

My mind currently blank not know what next...

Well, that all? I think? Is this really a way to do a devlog? Don't know?  Corny Laugh
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« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2024, 06:55:27 AM »

Devlog 5: Fine-Tuning the Core Mechanics

August 12, 2024

Hey everyone,

Another week has flown by, and I did a quick research on a proper devlog, I  mean i could go on with usual, but I have a dream project for the future so I need to set myself a good habit. Here’s the breakdown for the week:

1. Gameplay

One of the thing of this week is slowingdown the player speed:

Reason 1: I want to focus on puzzles and complex level design, and to do that player movement have to be slow or it will simply cause frustration if player have to slow down to solve puzzles just to go back to max speed. It's the main reason why I want throw mechanics.

Reason 2: I noticed that player character seem light, and I want the character feel heavy, strong and rigid. Or in simply term player character hold dominant over everything.

2. Some Fixes

And fixes are common thing and apparently I have to share everything even if it's an embarrassing error:

Animation: at the last video it fail to show 'suplex', 'piledriver' and 'slam', an it turn out because using wrong naming.

Glitches: player still in state of holding when there nothing to hold after releasing enemy during sliding, got it fixed by not allowing it to be released during sliding, and it's turn out that if go 'piledriver' or ' suplex' during sliding is way more fun that whatever I was trying before.

Enemy: Corrected some area  of enemy sight to shoot 'object' at player.

3. Art

Apparently trying to make game using block with colour is extremely not motivating, so here some enemy:

4. Planning for Next Week

I will be watching as many tutorials as possible to give myself the ability to recall what video I need to check for a specific things.

I will also make the actual puzzles part as well, and find how to do that, and puzzles design.

That’s it for this week! Progress is steady, and I’m excited about the direction as I continue to build this game on my own.

Thanks for checking out, and may I be alive for the next devlog!
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« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2024, 07:17:41 AM »

Devlog 6: Puzzles elements

August 19, 2024

Sup y'all,  Wink

Other wek passy ey,  Cheesy, gotta keep up the prop devlog,  also now has title 'Ealhhard'. Here’s the breakdown for the week:

1. Gameplay

Im added move moveset:

- R + foward : charge foward with small hop and grap anything in path, if not hold = land normal, if is hold = increase small lift and crash to floor

- R + backward : charge backward with small hop and grap anything in path, if not hold = land normal, if is hold = decrease small lift and crash to floor

- R + up : jump and grap anything in path, if not hold = jump normal, if is hold = continue jump + increase small lift and crash to floor

- R + down  : not sure Undecided, maybe stun ground enemy for moment? And maybe quick stomp to avoid needing to jump to crash breakable box below player

And also making grap to grap all 8 direction instead of just front since the player movement is slow. Grin

2. Some Fixes

Another embarrassing error: Droop

Breakable things: I try to make the breakable thing detect player instead of player detect breakable things, so now player hand detect if it's grapable, breakable,  or other.

Glitches: lack of jumping at slope, got it fixed by changing/rearrange the condition to jump on slope

Enemy: shooter enemy manage to slip of grap and causing player to be in state holding while not holding anything, no solution yet, rarely happens. Big Laff

3. Art

Currently I'm using this;


4. Planning for Next Week

Level design

Puzzles design.

Enemy sprite sheet.

If possible my own art for background and tileset.

That’s it for this week! Progress...

Thanks for checkinkg and may I be well for the next devlog!  Gentleman
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« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2024, 06:33:08 AM »

Devlog 7: Score point

September 2, 2024 Smiley

Okay, im back, Grin

2 week pass this time, i been thinking just update every 2 week would be better for me since I'm doing solo and all.  Cool

1. Gameplay

- enemy received knockback and dmg upon hit by a throw

- score given depends on not sure what yet

- enemy received dmg by environment

2. Some Fixes

Another error:

Glitches: enemy clip through wall when throw to hard, still happen with other moveset, making wall thicker and readjusting player's hand position during impact. Blink

Glitches: enemy received dmg during player running while holding it, i know why, just not sure how to fix or should it even be fix

Glitches:  Mock Anger

Enemy: shooter enemy manage to slip of grap and causing player to be in state holding while not holding anything, no solution yet, rarely happens, still didn't know why.

3. Art

More monster variation:

4. Planning for Next Week Epileptic

Fix enemy

Fix score system

Environment dmg

Burning enemy

Maybe redo everything  Big Laff

That’s it for this 2 week!

I don't really have this much attention span for a single game,

Thanks for checkinkg and may this has some sort of progress! Shrug
Level 0

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« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2024, 07:11:16 AM »

Devlog 8: a semblance of appearance

December 30,2024


Let's just get this over with,

1. Gameplay

- slowing down player speed has been a good decision, but i have to give enemies higher speed so players can avoid playing "tags", player stand still and enemies will came to player.
- more move set has been proven unnecessary, but it remains nonetheless, i can see some use, but the stage can be beaten without them anyway, which is good, it can provide options while not being forced to player to use it.
- i stiil adding puzzles, but the kind that solved using brute force, "oh on, a gate blocking your path" grab it and throw it aside. "oh no, another gate but this time has spike" garb it, bare the pain and throw it aside or just throw things at the gate. "oh no, another gate that seem to thick to grab it" throw things at it harder.
- button will use the same principle as the gate.
- i decided to not put knock back at player, 1- to show he to durable for the minor damage, 2- to avoid problem as accidentally falling of the edge and player movement are to slow to climb back up(it just not fun), 3- i just like number 3 and doesn't feel right to leave it at 2.
- i also add 1 extra moveset, a taunt, useful for player to force enemies to towards player and if using taunt while holding something, instant death to the thing.
- camera will follow the thrown objects but will follow player back if there's input

2. Some fixes
- player not holding enemy but in holding state = fixed but making player checks if player in state of holding but no enemy, is_hold = false.
- enemy didn't go into a wall after redo collision shape, but will stuck in thigh space

3. Art
- well, just need to redo animation as i changed my animation from singular sprite sheet to multiple sprite sheet for each limps, there some gap between pixel need to be filled.
- enemy sprite are changed as well to make it look to the side instead of the odd forward sideways things.
- i did consider impact frame, give up after trying to mix it with freeze frame.
- i did consider blood, but nah, too edgy, not my taste. So we have enemy disappear from existence instead.

4. Future plans.
- fixing animation(the gap)
- point adjustment so it be more balanced (i want player to be more considered on every action and compare each value, "does it worth it to take a damage from a spike to land a blow with possible combo" and so on)
- continue button (i want a mini game, win can continue, lose exit to title screen, or just don't play to go to title screen) the mini game just player doing combo to a ball with counter to determine how much point are given to player at the start of continue.
- sound(i just listen back the music i make, damn, it suck, and didn't even match the game)
- level design (stage1a part 1 and 2 to be more specific)
- the level design will have boss room at the ead of each part, part 1 end wil room full of common enemy and need to be exterminate, while part 2 will have a single boss to be teach a lesson.
- the boss are to be considered as high speed with low durability, opposite of player.

Here a video;

Thanks for checking in.
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