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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperArt (Moderator: JWK5)All Art is Religion?!
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Author Topic: All Art is Religion?!  (Read 4088 times)
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« on: July 20, 2024, 01:20:17 AM »

I was reading an article about power rock like "I was made for loving you"

and how it all disappeared when "Grunge" and Nirvana came to dominate the scene.

And how the Grunge kids could, according to a legend of the old rock scene, not even play guitars very well.

So, I've started to change my mind on the "all politics" issue, as I often do. There are some political statements that are small, like atoms, concerned with minutia, clinical, scientific, so obsessed with being fundamental to the world that they go off into some abstract land that not many appreciate or even understand.

And then there are bigger political statements that are more meaningful. But what does that mean?


99 Luft Balloons was, on "30 Rock," called "Nena's famous anti balloon protest song" I find it hard to think of her lyrics as being a protest song, or even political. The best art isn't political, it is more important than politics.

Art is a vibe, a mood. Art is a style, a way of being. Art is business, and money. Art is what we wear, what we eat. More than just cool, it tells what kind of behavior wins and losses.

People don't look to Art to tell them what to vote for, like some political dictator. People want Art to tell them what is cool, to tell them if their hair looks good, to tell them which feelings are beautiful, angry, sad, happy, and so on. What is good, what is bad? Right and Wrong? Art answers this.

If you are saying that a concept, politics, art, gender, fashion, sex, drugs, rock and roll is truly in everything, you are talking about one thing, a religion.

At the risk of getting preachy, art is closer to religion than politics. And the two things have some overlaps, as with every religion there are political fights about who is the current god'du'jour (some superstar) and who is their agent here on planet earth, how to pray, how to be a member of the tribe in good standing, etc.

And with that understanding, clarity. Why do, the tip of the indie illuminati resist change and new voices? It's more than their desire to make money, or be cool, or even be politically powerful. They want to be the spiritual guides to a generation. And if you have someone who doesn't conform to the church's rules, such a person is a heretic.

Why do people try to burn Harry Potter books? You could read it as some kind of political stink about trans rights. But really this is nature's way of taking power from the disciples of JK Rowling. She authored some books under different names. She tried to replicate Potter's success. But then she slipped into this so-called "political" fight... why?

It's not a political fight, as many would have you believe, but rather the "Church of Potter" is being challenged for relevancy and its importance in the cultural world.


Why do I spit in the face of the powerful developers who think they are god, then? As a well-known hotdog, I answer to a higher authority. I'm not interested in creating a new religion: I already have one, and in my religion, thinking you are G-d is the number one no-no. Thus, with me, it will always be awkward. I don't want to make a church, nor was that why I wanted to get into the entertainment business.

My opening statement about making games that change the industry and games for the whole world wasn't about starting a religion, though I now understand why people with more experience with Art would see it that way. And why the documents that define what a piece of art is are called bibles.


Norman Greenbaum claimed to not know "Spirit in the Sky" was about Jesus or Christianity, he said it was about "Dying with your boots on."

I guess before I die with my boots on, which is part of the plan, of course, I would like to "Give a kiss to the world." even though I'm not the first person to do so.



Level 10

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« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2024, 06:45:25 PM »

Good argument in this one about religion and a comparison between the concept and the game of monopoly and musical motif that have been reused and reused.

It goes off the rails after the first third of the movie.

But it defines what a religion is, and how they are propagated, and how most people don't really understand how norms are redefined by this kind of control scheme. Interesting stuff.

Loves Juno
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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2024, 07:11:29 PM »

Religion is Art's Art.

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