I've been down in the mines for what feels like forever finishing up a full first draft of the different menus in the game (this includes main menu, pause menu, game over, and settings) and other important things like settings, control bindings, and save system.
These things are quite strange as they feel completely unsexy and separate from the actual "game", but once they're in the whole game feels much more real and tangible. Even though most games have it, I'm very proud of the control re-binding I've implemented, but I am starting to wonder just how much an actual engine would have done for me. Still, I think I'm more comfortable with the control that rolling my own implementations gives me.
All settings can be changed either from the mining job state or the terminal state, which feels really nice and accommodating.
I also fully implemented the save/load system, which feels like such a huge step. I'd planned to make life easier for myself by having all progress data in an easily serializable format, which did actually pay off. I've also found there's a surprising amount of game design involved in when and how saving happens!
So here are some screenshots of what I've been up to!